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Base population percentages autism mode

Base population percentages autism mode
Posted 2024-04-22 15:23:04 (edited)
I couldnt find any up to date records of the current base population percentages so Im doing it myself!!!
I'll probably only update it monthly ish or whenever someone brings up a change!! also im doing it in alphabetical order...
enjoy or whatevs :3

LAST UPDATED: 4/22/2024

Most common base currently: Black 6.07%
Rarest base currently: Beast 0.01% tied with Crystal 0.01%

Abomination 0.03%
Acanthite 0.36%
Achilles 0.02%
Airglow 0.09%
Almond 0.18%
Amber 1.95%
Amor 0.07%
Annwn 0.07%
Antler 0.28%
Antumbra 0.02%
Apex 0.06%
Apricot 0.43%
Aquamarine 0.17%
Argent 0.15%
Arkose 0.25%
Artemis 0.06%
Ashen 2.57%
Aspen 0.11%
Auburn 0.55%
Badger 0.44%
Beast 0.01%
Bedrock 0.2%
Beige 1.35%
Beryl 0.25%
Biform 0.04%
Biotite 0.58%
Birch 2.29%
Black 6.07%
Blonde 0.28%
Blue 1.2%
Blueschist 0.16%
Brass 0.63%
Bronze 0.19%
Brown 1.93%
Buff 0.16%
Caelum 0.06%
Calcite 0.2%
Caramel 2.51%
Caribou 0.13%
Cedar 0.13%
Chert 0.38%
Chestnut 1%
Chocolate 0.96%
Chromium 0.12%
Chrysoberyl 0.08%
Clover 0.15%
Cocoa 0.38%
Coot 0.19%
Coquina 0.09%
Corrosion 0.11%
Corundum 0.13%
Cream 1.66%
Cream Darker 1.77%
Cream Lighter 1.56%
Crystal 0.01%
Cynthia 0.05%
Dark Brown  2.29%
Dark Fawn 0.24%
Denim 0.53%
Diana 0.07%
Dinar 0.45%
Diopside 0.34%
Diorite 0.46%
Doubloon 0.37%
Dravite 0.45%
Ducat 0.2%
Dust 0.84%
Ebony 0.49%
Fawn 0.19%
Feldspar 0.24%
Flint 0.11%
Fox 0.63%
Fuath 0.02%
Galena 0.41%
Ghost 0.08%
Glaucous 3.09%
Gold 1.49%
Gold Darker 1.42%
Gold Lighter 1.42%
Goldenrod 1.34%
Gravel 0.27%
Gray 2.85%
Gray Darker 1.36%
Gray Lighter 1.04%
Greisen 0.06%
Grossular 0.05%
Grulla 0.26%
Henna 0.89%
Honey 0.71%
Honeydew 0.84%
Hornfels 0.1%
Howlite 1.44%
Hydrangea 0.08%
Iridium 0.21%
Iron 0.13%
Isabel 0.18%
Jacinthe 0.21%
Jet 1.82%
Khaki 2.03%
Kin 0.04%
Larimar 0.02%
Lavender 0.45%
Lilac 0.5%
Lily 0.11%
Liver 0.82%
Losna 0.16%
Luna 0.08%
Lupin 0.17%
Magnolia 0.55%
Malachite 0.11%
Maltese 0.39%
Marble 0.12%
Marengo 4.22%
Megalodon 0.04%
Melchior 0.25%
Merged 0.04%
Mineral 0.16%
Mojave 0.33%
Moonlight 0.11%
Moss 0.06%
Nepheline 0.27%
Nightchill 0.05%
Nocturne 0.51%
Obsidian 0.55%
Onyx 0.65%
Opal 0.14%
Orioide 0.41%
Pale 0.38%
Peach 0.19%
Pearl 0.08%
Pecan 0.35%
Penumbra 0.02%
Pewter 0.52%
Piasa 0.1%
Pumice 0.43%
Pyrope 0.27%
Quartz 0.78%
Realgar 0.22%
Red 0.72%
Rime 0.26%
Rufous 0.13%
Russet 0.48%
Rust 0.4%
Saffron 0.33%
Salt 0.07%
Sandy 0.29%
Sappho 0.02%
Sarder 0.55%
Seal 0.55%
Selene 0.08%
Sepia 0.37%
Serpentine 0.17%
Shell 0.46%
Sidhe 0.02%
Silver 0.38%
Siqoq 0.31%
Skarn 1.47%
Sky 0.38%
Slate 0.17%
Snow 2.98%
Sphalerite 0.51%
Squid 0.02%
Steele 0.34%
Sterling 0.43%
Storm 0.08%
Striped Flint 0.11%
Sulphur 0.34%
Tawny 0.4%
Teardrop 0.1%
Tempest 0.04%
Titanium 0.28%
Tombac 0.09%
Topaz 0.02%
Tuff 0.3%
Tumbleweed 0.46%
Turquoise 0.05%
Umbra 0.04%
Vanilla 0.3%
Walnut 0.2%
White 3.21%
Willow 0.72%
Wisp 0.04%
Wulfenite 0.16%
Xanthic 0.1%
Yellow 0.17%
Zircon 0.07%

Posted 2024-04-22 15:23:21
SAVING also I havent put the actually percentages up yet

Posted 2024-05-04 02:22:27
Have you considered doing it in excel form?
I love the idea but I'm also Suffering because I'd like to check it by % lmao
An excel table would be perfect for this kind of thing!


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