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Dragon creature adopts

Dragon creature adopts
Posted 2024-04-08 14:42:28 (edited)
A curious dragon-like creature
Like moose, they shed their antlers during the winter, and they can on a rare occasion be born with wings, usually feathered.
The fur on their cheeks can grow very long and is often braided for convenience and decorated with crystals or pearls.

40gc/18 000sc(?) or $10 each aside from 4 which is 60gc/27 000sc(?) or $15
1 is closed

- Once purchased I'll send over a transparent and non-watermarked version
- Feel free to do whatever you want with the design; redesign, change the species, sell, etc as long as you credit me for the original
- ^ Please don't resell for a higher price, though, unless you've purchased art
-Β  Please credit my TH: orphism

Posted 2024-04-17 09:51:16 (edited)
Hi, can I buy 1? ^^

Small edit cause I just noticed how similar our codes are. Mine is 42302, yours is 42304


Posted 2024-04-17 12:23:58
of course! how would you like to pay? :)
and thats cool! ive never really taken notice of my number

Posted 2024-04-17 12:28:29
With gc please! I'll send it over now


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