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Posted 2020-11-04 02:31:16 (edited)

Hi devs!

Today, I had the idea of auctioning wolves

The popularity of individually made auctions in "chatter" is huge, but I think you could make auctions as part of trading center

I had this idea because I realised it takes a lot of time for each person to put in picture, info and more on the "chatter" site and can be confusing/unreliable in the game, you don't have to put a prize on your wolf (just wait for others offering), and I feel my idea will fix this because of a simple picture/link + offer -trading center auctioning site. Alternatively, I had this idea because I realised my idea will add something special to the game to add to the trading/buying immersion, also makes wolves easier auctioned away, as well as excited people wondering they have to log back on to give a new offer.

In order for my idea to get added to the game, I think the following will be required from the devs: minimized picture of the wolf(with/without background/decorations), a small and simple "offer box" where you can offer in SC/GC (decided by the seller) when someone gives an offer the SC or GC is "locked" similar to stud requests and only highest offer is visible and cancels the last offer, maybe a small "box" with info of 10 letters or less(or something like that) and a "box" where it says when auctions ends/count down, "Auctions" as its own tab in "crossroads" or in "Trading center", layout in the tab for all the auctioned wolves can be either the "small info" box or minimized pictures of all the wolves for auction (or both).

Thank you for considering my suggestion!


Posted 2020-11-04 05:32:19

That seems pretty useful!  Running auctions on the forums isn't great, especially without a ping system - having something automated would be nice.

I think we should have more than 10 letters in the info box though! XD  Just keep the same title/info boxes as we currently have for trades.

Having a snipe guard feature would be good as well.


Posted 2020-11-04 05:57:51 (edited)

I think already built-in mechanics can be used to make auctions in TC, adding "Auction" to the trade title. Details (including end time) can be put in "I want in return..." box. The trade author can reject offers except for the one that is the most satisfying, with a comment of explanation why the offer was rejected such as "Make a better offer than the current one, please", the only flaw would be if the most satisfying offer was retracted.

This feature is not known to players better than the current chatter one so you can make a chatter thread redirecting to the trade auction offer to get more customers.


Posted 2020-11-05 02:36:49

Yes, an official platform for auctions would help alot and make managing bids and winners' items so much easier! This would probably prove to be even more popular than the trade centre itself.


Posted 2020-12-12 22:52:53

Support! I refrain from hosting auctions because it is hard to get people to notice with how busy the forums can be but this would be very convenient and helpful feature to attract more attention. :)

🌿 Fern 🌿

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