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Wolf Icons on Den Page for easier wolf identification

Wolf Icons on Den Page for easier wolf identification
Posted 2020-11-03 13:30:53 (edited)

As the point of wolvden is to breed pretty wolves, the visual element of having pretty wolves seems fairly important! So it's a little odd that on our dens, and when visiting other people's dens, we are limited to seeing two wolves: the lead, and the featured wolf.

It'd be nice to have icons on the den visible next to each wolf's link!

Being able to see icons of our wolves (even tiny ones, as in the size of the featured wolf inset on our lead wolf's avatar) in the den would help with recognizing our own wolves by adding a visual aspect so we don't have to memorize wolves by name, or add emojis or descriptions as reminders below the names on every wolf. This will be especially important for players who start getting 200-wolf size dens.

Further, you'd be able to see other player's wolves when visiting their dens, so people can "curate" their dens and show off their wolves if they would like. As it is right now, I have no interest in checking out anyone else's wolves, because it would involve actually visiting each individual wolf, and that's a lot of pages to flip through and time I could be doing something else. If there were icons, I'd definitely be willing to look at them as a "quick overview", and then click only on the wolves whose icons looked like they might be interesting!


Adding my response posted on page 2 from feedback:

Having the option to customize your den by having the icons visible or turned off would also be useful! Then you could have the option of either visual identification of your wolves, or streamlining your den to fit the most lines possible with no visual distractions for the MINMAX POWER PLAYERS 💪

For the idea of optional images, I can see two ways of implementing that:

1. Sitewide, you select if you want to see icons or not: If you don't want to see icons, you don't see them in your den, you don't see them in anyone's den. (Or the reverse, you see icons for every wolf, everywhere.) This option prioritizes your own site experience, and allows you the control to see what you want to see everywhere on site

2. Player's control their own den presentation: When you visit another player's den, you see icons if they have selected to show them, you don't see icons if they've selected to not show them. Likewise, when people visit your den, they will only see icons if you've chosen to turn them on in your den. This option prioritizes curating your den presentation and design for other people.

Given that we can use CSS to control how other people see our dens, I'd say option 2 would make more sense. But personally, I'd like option 1, where I can see everyone's wolves in their dens, even if they've streamlined everything and turned off icons for themselves!

Mars 🦌

Posted 2020-11-03 13:34:00

I've been thinking about how much I would like something like this! Both for information purposes and just to enjoy my pretty wolves.


Posted 2020-11-03 13:45:51

Absolutely support this! I remember reading the game development rules earlier when they came out, and the template they provided said something like, "I have noticed [problem]." And this exact one came to mind. The frustrations I've felt trying to organize my wolves and having a ton of tabs because I forget what they look like... Ugh. Definitely support. 


Posted 2020-11-03 13:54:32

y'know what, yeah, i'd support this. i'm a very visual person and having a little flair like that would be awesome.

»∘ dynne ∘«

Posted 2020-11-03 13:56:49

This would be nice and I think your mock-up is great. It's exactly what I had in mind as well. I think it would be nice to see others' dens aesthetic at a glance as well.


Posted 2020-11-03 14:03:37

Oh, I'd love this! I'm with you on wanting to look through other player's wolves but not wanting to go through all the clicking. :)


Posted 2020-11-03 14:04:57

I would absolutely adore this and for people who don't, I don't think it'd be too hard having a toggle on/off feature for those who don't want to see it : 3


Posted 2020-11-03 14:05:11

Definitely support this! Agreeing with Dynne, it would add some much needed flair and also help visual-oriented players (myself included) a lot with organizing their caves. :D

Tiny Jötunn

Posted 2020-11-03 14:08:18

Support if you could turn it off/on! I prefer how it is now for a cleaner look, but having visual options to help people wouldn't hurt. 


Posted 2020-11-03 14:18:22

Huge support oh my god! I'm a very visual person and the lack of icons in the den and in wolf search is really making it hard for me to efficiently use the site sometimes. Your mockup looks great, I'd be happy to have that on site!


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