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Future Real-Life Lunar Event

Future Real-Life Lunar Event
Posted 2024-02-22 21:53:44
Hi all! Sorry if this has been asked before (or if it's in the wrong section), but I couldn't find the info anywhere. I was wondering what the last real-life lunar event was like here on Wolvden, since I only recently started playing. I know that old applicators make a return, but is it only a select few or is it like, all previous ones? Were they full price (as in, 500 LT for every base)? I'm mostly concerned about whether or not I should save my LT or if it's okay to spend them this month, since this event is almost over.


Posted 2024-02-23 00:47:35
The shop is filled with all applicators, so expect it to be cluttered lol. They should be the same price as they were before, no changes there. There may also be exclusive items to that particular real-life lunar event, so it might be good to save a few hundred in case there's something you want to stock up on. (Some exclusives might return later, but it can takes years for that to happen.)

Some of the exclusive items that come out during the real events, including the eyes.


Posted 2024-02-23 17:15:33
Thanks a bunch for your answer!! I erred on the side of caution and decided to save my LT just in case, and now I'm glad I did. :)


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