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NamelessOkami's Custom Decor Emporium and Gallery (Open for GC and Item payments again!)

Posted 2024-03-02 17:49:54
Well hello there! :D
A hamster would fall under the "small" category, so that would equal about 90 GC with some flexibility~


Posted 2024-03-21 03:53:09
Hello again!
If/when you have an opening I have two CDs ideas that I've been kicking around in my head and would like to commission. Happy to message you on Discord or here with the ideas so you can evaluate and let me know if it's something you want to take on, price, etc.


Posted 2024-03-21 20:51:46
CDs are open, I run using a queue system~! Feel free to message me with your ideas, I'm curious :3c


Posted 2024-03-22 11:03:16
small price update to "Moderate"! If we have already discussed payment etc. then nothing has changed~
Also I am done with school! The queue should be moving more steadily now. Thank you everyone for your patience!


Posted 2024-04-02 10:38:22
So it seems that with the server migration most if not all links used to send me references have been broken, or are missing. If you're still waiting on a commission from me then please send me updated links to your refs! If I don't get messages from you then I will contact you individually as I reach you in the queue~


Posted 2024-04-08 14:21:32 (edited)
Small update to the items wish list and a heads up! I may not be accepting items only transactions in the near future unless we come to an arrangement of some kind. TC prices vary so often that they are not a reliable payment method sorry in advanced!

EDIT: Second update, since I am job hunting I am only accepting USD or half USD payments for now. Fingers crossed this won't be too long, but this may end up being permanent depending on the job I end up with. thank you!


Posted 2024-04-08 16:01:34
Good luck on the job hunt! That's never fun.
I didn't see myself on the list for the two décor we had discussed so I just wanted to make sure I hadn't dropped the ball on payment or anything.


Posted 2024-04-08 17:23:49
Ah whoops! I think I was supposed to do a couple sketches for those- let me add you real quick!


Posted 2024-05-09 20:50:32
Okami can you add me to your wait list? When ofc a slot comes open? ❤️

Sangre🩸/ Mother Of Irons

Posted 2024-05-09 21:53:51
Sure! :3
Slots are always open~ if you'd like to be on the queue then send me a couple gc to hold a spot!


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