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Pupsitting page functionality extension

Pupsitting page functionality extension
Posted 2020-11-03 09:03:23

Hello everyone!

This would be a copy of my post from waterhole.

I want to share an idea how probably to improve pupsitting page design to make this point of the game easier.

Example of current flow of pupsitting looks like: Some player has a decent amount of puppies like more than 15 pups for example, and for example 6+ pupsitters. Then they get a new litter (or 2 or more) with let's say 6 more pups (or even more). They need to organize their pupsitters to keep all wanted pups protected as much as possible. In this case puppsitting becomes a real quest. First they need to check every single pupsitter, and check every single pup this puppsitter care of to check their current protection + protection boost. They need to keep this current protection for each pup in mind, and then swap pups between pupsitters in a way that gives their pups more profit. For example, if pup has it's own 86% of protection, and it's pupsitters has 100% of additional protection, and protects 2 pups only, that means that this single pup has extra 34% of protection it doesn't really need, so you can protect one more puppy with that pupsitter. Since pups protection changes on a daily basis + number of pupsitters and|or their proficiency percent also can change from time to time (decrease amount of pupsitters, when most of your pack is on breeding cooldown, and increase while mass-breeding for example) , that means that you need to recheck every pup and every pupsitter every time, when new litter comes. That takes a lot of time honestly, because for every single pup you need to check it's own page, check its pupsitter page, and check pupsitting page.

As result: every time your pack becomes bigger, the pupsitting becomes harder.

What idea I want to offer?

Here is a screen I created to share the main idea.

First idea: when you open pupsitter page, it shows not only unprotected pups, but all protected pups by specific pupsitter chosen in dropdown list as pups with checked checkbox, so you can easily swap pups: uncheck pups, that already don't need protection or need to be swapped with another pupsitter, and/or check more pups.

In this case I can uncheck some pups, save changes, then switch to another pupsitter via dropdown and add them to that pupsitter. As result, rename green button to "Protect" or just "Save changes".

Second ideaAdd pupsitter current protection capacity to the page, so I don't need to recheck her page every time to remind, that capaciy it has. It could be for example just a text as in example above of copy of "Pupsitting Information" table from the pupsitter info page. Optionally "Protection per pup" could be added that is calculated according to the number of currently checked pups (Personally I don't see much sense in this field, but probably others will find this option as userful)

Third idea: add current pup protection to the pup row. In my idea this is a number of protection that pup has itself WITHOUT pupsitter boost, but boost can be added in brackets or something like this, idk.. 

As result: we can organize our puppies and pupsitters using 1 page only.

For me those points are probably enough to make pupsitting page much more user-friendly, but feel free to share your own ideas and opinions if you want.

Thank you for you time to read all of this. And have a nice day!


Posted 2020-11-03 09:21:00

Support! Would make it so much easier to choose which pup to protect, especially if you are playing on mobile.


Posted 2020-11-03 09:43:29 (edited)

I agree that pupsitting UI needs some tweak to make it easier to organize the pups.

My idea was something like this:

Two boxes, one for the pupsitter selected in that moment (with the same dropdown menu we already have) and one for all the pups. And two arrows to move the selected pups (I imagine the list working like those beautiful boxes in the raccoon) from one another.

Plus, each pup would have displayed their current survival and  pupsitter protection bonus, that will update when you move them from one box to the other.

Of course I'm not a coder, so I don't know if this is doable or not... but maybe devs could make use of the already existing box for trades and raccoons to create something that will clutter less the page than perheaps a long list of pups.


Posted 2020-11-03 09:46:17

Support! It gets really hard to wrangle all pups when you’ve had multiple large litters and can’t figure out whom is pupsitting whom

»∘ dynne ∘«

Posted 2020-11-03 10:41:09

Support! I haven't been looking forward to breeding specifically because the pupsitting mechanic seems so unwieldy


Posted 2020-11-03 11:12:42

Support for all this!  Having to go to separate pages to remove pups and add pups is confusing and tedious, and having to check pup protection in the den AND check pupsitter protection totals on each of their pages to plan out who goes where is really extremely inconvenient, this would be so much better.

Personally I think it'd be good if ALL the pups showed up on the checkbox page, even ones currently protected by different sitters (probably greyed out), just so I could see them all at once. I also think it would be good to have two separate survival% columns - one for the total current survival chance, and one for the chance without a pupsitter, to make it easy to notice pups that have a pupsitter but don't need one.


Posted 2020-11-03 11:50:20

I had a similar idea mine has more of a collapsible menu but same sort of concept where you can see the protection breakdown more and also see and edit which sitter has which pups.


Posted 2020-11-04 14:12:54

Please yes. I'm not sure which of these I really think is best but yeah, once you have more than like 8 pups shifting them around sitters is lowkey a nightmare. 


Posted 2020-11-04 14:19:13

I am in love with this first design. It would basically fulfill all the function my usual three tabs and editor do - tracking all the necessary info. And simply having it "save changes" makes it way easier than having to remove them on one page but adding them on another.

Sienna Snow

Posted 2020-11-05 04:29:34

Adding to this; the page should also show if you pup will receive a boost/penalty at rollover to make it even easier.

Sienna Snow

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