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🍯🐝New item idea: Honey🐝🍯

🍯🐝New item idea: Honey🐝🍯
Posted 2024-02-08 11:34:36 (edited)
So, I had a random thought today. I read WarriorCats and the cats there like honey because it reminds them of mother milk.
And then, a completely random idea cane to my mind :D
What about adding honey as an item to the game?
Milk Shake #133125 also had the idea of getting a "Remnant: Honeycomb" after using honey.
If there's a lot of free space between some words, it's because I had to indent the lines since the writing box has a different size than the reading box. On my mobile phone, it looks clear and you can't see the space, but it might be different for computers.
Because of this, if you play on a computer, scroll down. There's a second variant without the weird spaces under the first variant.

What you could use honey for:
(1) Crafting multiple honey together with something else at the herbalist to get an item that:
      1. Refills a certain amount of Hp AND
      2. Makes energy regeneration a bit faster for a certain              amount of time (20 minutes, 30%-50% faster?)
(2)      Preverse a certain amount of food uses for some                  extra rollovers (idea by: cuttlekiss #1052)
(3)      Boost the immune system of a wolf! It will prevent                a wolf from getting sick for one or two rollovers                      (idea by: cuttlekiss #1052)

What you could use "Remnant: Honeycomb" for:
(1)    Make an alternative for cough cure out of honeycomb            remnants (idea by: Milk Shake #133125) from the                  hoard in a crafting recipe (idea by: TrueStar                              (hepatitis) #133126)

How you would be able to obtain it
1. Explore encounters in literally any biome -> for example        by finding a bee hive, approach it and then a maybe                50/50% chance if you'll loose Hp or get some honey              (idea by: cuttlekiss #1052)
2. Defeating bears or honey badgers ( I THINK honey                badgers exist????) -> chance to receive it as a not-so-            rare trophy item

How difficult would it be to implement it in the game?
I have no experience at programming, but I think the coding would be doable because you don't have to change anything already existing I THINK. Please don't rely on what I say here.
As far as writing and artwork goes, I don't know how long it takes to draw an item in the Wolvden art style (even though it of course depends on the complexity) or those super creative item descriptions and explore encounters (I really like them!), so I don't want to state anything wrong here.

Why I think this would be cool
We actually have 3 items I can think of that are helpful if you need energy (or maybe even do lead stat grinding, what I plan to do and I'm pretty nervous about it lol): Bone Marrow, Guarana and Smouldering Effigies.
Correct me if I'm wrong.
I think it would be interesting to have an energy item that works a little different from the others. And yes, I know, another effect I wrote above was also regaining some Hp (or maybe even all?), but to be honest, I think the most are more happy about energy than Hp, at least that's the case for me. Though I think it does look different when you do lead stat grinding and fight every opponent that could drop a stat and use all of your Healing Salves.
So, aside from health, regaining energy faster is individual from the other energy items. It also reminds me of Aniseed which will give you a higher chance to find wolves in explore for some time.

Why honey?
I think it just fits. Honey is that delicuous thing (I personally love it) that you use when you have sore throat. It's also something natural, but still sweet and I just think it fits overall. And I mean, it can be used for so many things!

Thank everyone for reading, I appreciate any feedback!

Computer variant:

What you could use honey for:
(1) Crafting multiple honey together with something else at the herbalist to get an item that:
1. Refills a certain amount of Hp AND
2. Makes energy regeneration a bit faster for a certain amount of time (20 minutes, 30%-50% faster?)
(2) Preverse a certain amount of food uses for some extra rollovers (idea by: cuttlekiss #1052)
(3) Boost the immune system of a wolf! It will prevent a wolf from getting sick for one or two rollovers (idea by: cuttlekiss #1052)

What you could use "Remnant: Honeycomb" for:
(1) Make an alternative for cough cure out of honeycomb remnants (idea by: Milk Shake #133125) from the hoard in a crafting recipe (idea by: TrueStar (hepatitis) #133126)

How you would be able to obtain it
1. Explore encounters in literally any biome -> for example by finding a bee hive, approach it and then a maybe 50/50% chance if you'll loose Hp or get some honey (idea by: cuttlekiss #1052)
2. Defeating bears or honey badgers ( I THINK honey badgers exist????) -> chance to receive it as a not-so-rare trophy item

How difficult would it be to implement it in the game?
I have no experience at programming, but I think the coding would be doable because you don't have to change anything already existing I THINK. Please don't rely on what I say here.
As far as writing and artwork goes, I don't know how long it takes to draw an item in the Wolvden art style (even though it of course depends on the complexity) or those super creative item descriptions and explore encounters (I really like them!), so I don't want to state anything wrong here.

Why I think this would be cool
We actually have 3 items I can think of that are helpful if you need energy (or maybe even do lead stat grinding, what I plan to do and I'm pretty nervous about it lol): Bone Marrow, Guarana and Smouldering Effigies.
Correct me if I'm wrong.
I think it would be interesting to have an energy item that works a little different from the others. And yes, I know, another effect I wrote above was also regaining some Hp (or maybe even all?), but to be honest, I think the most are more happy about energy than Hp, at least that's the case for me. Though I think it does look different when you do lead stat grinding and fight every opponent that could drop a stat and use all of your Healing Salves.
So, aside from health, regaining energy faster is individual from the other energy items. It also reminds me of Aniseed which will give you a higher chance to find wolves in explore for some time.

Why honey?
I think it just fits. Honey is that delicuous thing (I personally love it) that you use when you have sore throat. It's also something natural, but still sweet and I just think it fits overall. And I mean, it can be used for so many things!

Thank everyone for reading, I appreciate any feedback!


Posted 2024-02-08 12:31:38
i think this is a very cute idea! i love honey and it has many benefits in terms of health.

as for what it could do, i actually had a few ideas after reading this for how honey as an item could be used and obtained:

  • [use] honey can be used to preserve food! granted, normally used to preserve things like fruit, but it could be an interesting use to keep food items from rotting

  • [use] honey is also an immune booster. honey could be used to keep a wolf from getting sick for a rollover or two?

  • [obtain] i know bears don't actually eat honey, but i mean...battling a honey bear

  • [obtain] finding a bee hive, maybe? the obtaining could be a chance - if you fail, you lose hp, if you succeed, you get some honey!

whether you take these suggestions or not, i support!

cuttlekiss 🐙

Posted 2024-02-08 13:07:20 (edited)
Oooh, I love these ideas!
I didn't think of the preserving food one! And the idea of keeping a wolf from getting sick would be very useful, too.
Yeah, I know bears actually don't really eat honey, but it's like so iconic and we have pink wolves sooooo-
That would be a cool explore encounter, definetly!
I'll add your ideas later to the post! :D

And thanks for the support


Posted 2024-02-08 14:24:10
I edited it! It's kind of a chaos now, but I think you can still understand it lol.


Posted 2024-02-09 16:14:26
Ooo, I have a cool idea

After using the honey (1 use), you could get a special drop like "remnant: honeycomb" or "used honeycomb". With enough of them, you could have an alternative for a cough cure!
Milk Snake (30/30 GC)

Posted 2024-02-09 16:20:28
I think thats a neat idea as well milk snake! I would not mind if honey were to be added in the game! A cute a fun alternative for gaining energy


Posted 2024-02-09 16:32:15
Ooohh, I like the alternative cough cure idea! I' going to add it tomorrow to my original post!
And thank you all so much for the postivive feedback


Posted 2024-02-11 15:53:38
Finally added your idea, Milk Snake! Sorry it took me so long though!
I'll make it clearer soon so it's not so confusing lol. MAYBE tomorrow XD


Posted 2024-02-22 02:07:27
i support!
maybe with the honeycombs you could craft it from the hoard?

TrueStar (hepatitis)

Posted 2024-02-22 02:18:48 (edited)
Random bit of info (although not useful to you now I suppose): honey can also be used as a binding agent in watercolor paints! This might make for further future site uses. Honey is pretty dandy.


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