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Playful Companions Recipes Encounters? What do they look like?

Playful Companions Recipes Encounters? What do they look like?
Posted 2024-01-30 09:56:01 (edited)
So, I've been looking through every possible thread on chatter for the new playful companions recipes and I literally can't find anything. I've also have asked chat in both main and help and I've gotten zero answers. Has no one wrote anything on these? All I want to know is what encounters allow the possible option for these recipes.

Clarissa💫G¹ Mela Carrier

Posted 2024-02-03 15:11:03
I cannot find any info on them either, but this is the best guesswork I can provide:

Playful Cacomistle
Based off the real animal, perhaps found in the Rainforest.

Playful Jaeger
Based off that the "Long-Tailed Jaeger" decor is sold in the Glacier, the Jaeger explore encounter would likely take place there.

Playful North American River Otter
Based off the real animal, perhaps found in the Riparian Woodland and similar biomes.

Playful Spotted Skunk
I myself have gotten the recipe for this by encountering a spotted skunk in explore and clicking "approach". (I don't recall if there were other options, and the user log does not tell me that). This took place in Grasslands iirc.

Keep in mind that while interacting with each respective animal might give you the recipe, it likely won't happen first try. I'll try and update this if I find any additional info!


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