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Lands of Konran: Character Sheets

Lands of Konran: Character Sheets
Posted 2020-11-02 12:57:58 (edited)

Lands of Konran: A Semi-Realistic Wolf Roleplay
!!This is an ON-SITE roleplay!!

Roleplay || Character Creation || OOC

- All Wolvden rules apply.
- This is a Casual & Semi-Literate Roleplay (minimum of 3-4 full sentences), but try to keep up with your posts.

- Realistic Characters!! These wolves will not have neon red fur.
- For the love, no mary-sues.
- If possible, determine a victor for fights/battles. 
- Do not resent someone for what their character does. Positive moods!
- Please wait for me to announce that your character is approved before roleplaying.
- Powerplay and controlling other's characters are definite NOs.
- Please contact me before making hybrids or animals outside of the packs.
- Please contact me first if you have ideas for the plot and big events. I would like to know ;)
- Please contact me before giving your character powers outside of the usuals (Limit is 4)
- If you read all of the rules, please prove so by putting your favorite vine quote, meme, or song at the bottom of your Character Sheet (in words)
***Rules are subject to change***

Yama Pack
A pack in the mountains
Common powers: flight, wind-control, enhanced strength
- - - - -
Alpha(s): 1/2
Beta(s): 0/2
Delta(s): 0/2
Herbalist(s): 1/2
Leader Hunter/Huntress: 1/1
Hunters/Huntresses: 1/X
Lead Warrior: 0/1
Warriors: 0/X
Scouts: 1/3
Spies: 0/2
Expecting/Nursing: 0/X
Pups: 0/X
Omegas: 0/2
Heiya Pack
A pack in the open grasslands
Common powers: enhanced speed, invisibility, shapeshifting
- - - - -
Alpha(s): 1/2
Beta(s): 0/2
Delta(s): 0/2
Herbalist(s): 0/2
Leader Hunter/Huntress: 0/1
Hunters/Huntresses: 1/X
Lead Warrior: 0/1
Warriors: 0/X
Scouts: 0/3
Spies: 0/2
Expecting/Nursing: 0/X
Pups: 0/X
Omegas: 0/2
Shinrin Pack 
A pack in the dense forest
Common powers: retractable claws, enhanced senses, animal call mimicking
- - - - -
Alpha(s): 1/2
Beta(s): 0/2
Delta(s): 0/2
Herbalist(s): 1/2
Leader Hunter/Huntress: 1/1
Hunters/Huntresses: 0/X
Lead Warrior: 0/1
Warriors: 0/X
Scouts: 0/3
Spies: 1/2
Expecting/Nursing: 0/X
Pups: 0/X
Omegas: 0/2
Numachi Pack
A pack in the marsh
Common powers: shadow-control, enhanced vision, illusions
- - - - -
Alpha(s): 2/2
Beta(s): 1/2
Delta(s): 1/2
Herbalist(s): 0/2
Leader Hunter/Huntress: 0/1
Hunters/Huntresses: 0/X
Lead Warrior: 0/1
Warriors: 0/X
Scouts: 0/3
Spies: 0/2
Expecting/Nursing: 1/X
Pups: 1/X
Omegas: 0/2

HTML by Lila #225. Do not remove credit


Posted 2020-11-02 13:00:29 (edited)

~ Official Character Form ~ Delete the italicized words when you are ready to fill it out
!~Please contact me before giving your wolf a power outside of its pack's usuals~!

Name: ...

Pack: ...

Rank: ... Appearance: ...

(Please use a link from the Wardrobe instead of using a picture from a website or such and add a short physical description (but make sure to press space after it or to change the name of the link because it shortens the huge as hekk link :3). Small descriptions with the pictures can be used to add in decor on your wolf (realistic natural decor, like flowers, vines, feathers, etc...). If you don't want to use a Wardrobe picture, just write a detailed description)

Age: ...

(If you need help on deciding ages, try searching up something such as “wolf age to human age”)

Gender: ... Strengths and Weaknesses:

+ : ...

+ : ...

- : ... - : ... Personality: ...

Power(s): ...

History: ...

(You can just put N/A or “Will fill in soon”, but it would be nice to have a little insight on your character's life :3)

Relationships: ...

(Ranges from family, friends, romantic interests, enemies, etc...)

Extras: ...

(Put whatever you feel is necessary here) (Read The Rules And Replace This)

- - - - -

Colors Numachi: Darker browns and blacks Shinrin: Dark browns, light browns, creams, and light white markings Heiya: Light oranges, light yellows, light browns, creams, some whites Yama: Whites, greys, blacks, light deiras Backgrounds Numachi: [USA] Virginia - Great Dismal Swamp OR Raven Cliff (upper territory, close to Yama) OR Ancient Swamp Tree Shinrin: Flickering Forest OR Morning Mist In The Woods (upper territory, close to Yama) OR Deep Forest Heiya: Shortgrass Prarie OR Kissimmee Prarie OR Golden Hills (lower territory, close to Shinrin) Yama: [USA] Colorado - Elk Mountains OR White Mountains OR Boreal Forest (Their lower mountains close to Shinrin)

- - - - -

Alpha: The alpha (or alpha pair) is the ruler of the pack. Their word is often considered the law of the pack, and rebelling against what an alpha says can be detrimental in some cases. Alphas are the main thread of the pack, and part of their job is to keep it together. A weak alpha will have a weak thread, therefore giving their pack a higher chance of disbanding, and vice versa. They are usually the only breeding pair in the pack, so if you wish to breed, make sure to consult the alpha(s) first. An alpha can rule alone if they chose so, and do not have to have a mate.

Beta: The beta (or betas) are the second-in-commands of the packs. When the alphas have too much on their paws or are extremely busy with other activities, this is where the beta(s) will come in. They are highly respected in their pack, but their word is not law. Even the beta must discuss major things with their alpha(s) first, or they can risk losing their position.

Delta: The delta (or deltas) are pretty much the third-in-commands. Although they are still high-ranking in the pack, they don't handle the more important stuff, like the alpha(s) and beta(s). They keep minor things within the pack in check. They usually take control over spars and watch training, making sure nothing goes wrong. They are also among one of the first to report to the alpha(s) or beta(s) that there is something amiss.

Herbalist: The herbalist (or herbalists) are the healers of the pack. They are held in high regard, as the previous ranks, for they keep everyone in good health. They are very important when going into battle. Usually, a pack will have two herbalists. The reason for this is because, if there is an attack, one herbalist will stay back with the wolves who are to defend or are not fit to fight, and the other will go with the warriors. They are usually out collecting medicinal herbs, and must always bring a warrior or scout with them. These wolves are high-knowing in herbology, and will usually pick out a young wolf to train to be the next herbalist after them.

Leader Hunter/Huntress: The lead hunter or huntress in the pack usually puts together the hunting parties. They know which wolves go together, and, therefore, put them in a group together. Or, of course, if the wolves insist they must go together, they can usually make it happen. However, lead hunters and huntresses are not all the same. Some are kind and giving, while others are strict and demanding. It all depends on their pack, their history, and the personality of the last lead hunter or huntress that trained them.

Hunters/Huntresses: The hunters and huntresses of the pack are the ones who provide food for the pack, and are usually quick-witted. They are usually fast and strong, perfect for bringing down prey large prey. In times of scarcity, they must also have knowledge of how to catch smaller prey. As stated above, most hunters and huntresses are put into hunting parties. This is usually for larger prey. For smaller hunts, there will be smaller parties (like groups of 1-2) or the wolf will get permission from the lead hunter or huntress to go alone. Usually, only one hunting party goes out at a time, big or small, but they must always have a scout accompany them. If something goes wrong, the scout is responsible for running back to the pack to alert the alpha(s).

Lead Warrior: The lead warrior is sort of like a war general. Whenever the alpha(s) is ready to launch an attack, they are responsible for coming up with the attack plan and choosing which warriors will stay and which will go. This is also the same for when a scout may come back with news that an enemy pack is going to attack. The only difference is that they will choose their line of defense and how many warriors protect certain areas of the camp, like the nursery, for example. They usually stand beside the alpha(s) and beta(s) during an attack or defense. These wolves usually have a lot of smarts for their job.

Warriors: The warriors are the main fighting units of the pack. When they aren't attacking or defending, they usually help around with tasks, like assisting an herbalist or accompanying a hunting party. These wolves are usually strong and resilient, ready to hold the front line for their pack. They are usually the ones who get punished the hardest if they are found to be conversing with an enemy pack, for they are quite valuable in ensuring a pack's victory.

Scouts: The scouts are wolves that often go out to search for new territories that the alpha(s) may want, especially if a pack is becoming crowded and needs more space. They also accompany hunting parties and herbalists to ensure their safety while doing what they are assigned. These wolves are usually quite fast and have great stamina. They have also been found to retain more information than other wolves in the pack, for they are required to give reports to the alpha(s) or beta(s) when they come back from scouting.

Spies: The spies go into other packs territories to gather information upon the request of the alpha(s). Their jobs are very serious, for if they are not careful, the pack they are spying on has full right to capture that wolf and use them as an information source. For this reason, spies that do not spill information are usually executed or used to lure their pack in, using them as "bait", essentially. On occasion, a spy will be let go. Spies are usually good at lying and sneaking through every terrain of every pack. While spies are not... well, spying, they will take the role of a scout.

Expecting/Nursing: The expecting or nursing mothers are female wolves that have fallen pregnant and are moved from wherever they were and into the pack's nursery. The females will stay in the nursery until their pups are fully weaned. While they are pregnant or nursing, the mothers will be relieved of their duties, and, depending on the alpha(s), they will either be treated highly or poorly (such as being among the first to feed and being cared for nicely). Scouts or warriors will accompany a pregnant mother to the nearest water source, or even bring water back for them. The mother is usually responsible for her own pups, but if she gives birth to an exceptionally large litter, a spy who is not busy with a current assignment will act as a temporary pupsitter.

Pups: The pups are the young offspring of a pair of wolves. They are very cute when they are nursing, but can get into great mischief when they become weaned. They usually require an extra eye on them all of the time, which will usually be a temporary pupsitter (spy) or a delta. Adolescents are also considered to still be in the "pup" rank, but this is when they will start to train for their adult role. This will either be determined by the alpha(s) based on their strong points and skills. Sometimes, the adolescent will even be able to choose their own role they want if they are passionate enough about it.

Omegas: The omega(s) is usually the comical relief of the pack. They are the lowest-ranking, however, and always eat last. If the spies are busy, and the mother trusts them with their pups, they can take over the role of the temporary pupsitter. This wolf usually has lowly jobs, such as collecting new bedding for the dens and is usually ordered around frequently. Some omegas get so tired of being the lowest of the low and will ask the omega to fight a wolf for their rank.


Posted 2020-11-02 13:27:16 (edited)

Name: Hansha

Pack: Heiya

Rank: Huntress

Appearance: (See above)

Age: 5 years old

Gender: Female

Strengths and Weaknesses:

+ : endurance

+ : cooperation

- : sneak attacks - : focuses too hard on one thing

- : one little quirk about her is that her tail will randomly start moving
Personality: She is very cooperative and will do what the wolves above her command. She won't blindly follow orders, however, as she has some sense of what might happen if she followed their orders exactly. She isn't one to step up and take charge of a situation immediately, but if no one else will, she will happily take charge. She doesn't like wolves who are bossy and arrogant, and she might complain, but most of the time she will keep it to herself. (Her coat patterns make it look like she's smiling all the time)

Power(s): invisibility (partially, you can still see a faint outline if you look at her), and enhanced speed. She can't go super fast, but she is faster than most wolves.

History: Hansha barely remembers anything about her puphood. It's strange because she should have been old enough to remember who her parents were and what happened. It was almost like she had forced herself to forget. But Hansha never dwelt long on that fact, and happily continued on in her life as a huntress, and rarely anything could make her optimistic attitude go away.

Relationships: N/A, but open!


I really don't have a favorite song. I like Lemon Boy, One Thing Right, Come and Go, and EDM music.


Posted 2020-11-02 13:45:52 (edited)

Name: Ugai

Pack: Numachi

Rank: Delta

Appearance: (See Above)

Age: 4 years 6 months old

Gender: Male

Strengths and Weaknesses:

+ :  strong eyesight

+ : spotting pack members who don't like each other

- : choosing food for others - : not very social Personality: He works diligently as a Delta and seeks to improve how his pack works together as a group. He's not the best at starting conversations, but he gets to the point fast, rather than dawdling on about something else. He has never before been allowed this much freedom to be cool, calm, and collected, so he is taking advantage of that, and letting his true personality come through. A wolf who seems rough on the outside, but smoother on the inside. What he wants to be like, is cold, and analytic, but in reality, he can be cold but is mostly very socially awkward.

Power(s): Can see very well in the dark, and sometimes can see wolves that were usually camouflaged as faint white shapes. (Almost heat vision, but not really)

History: With his personality, Ugai should fit in more with the Shinrin, even though he was born into Numachi. He never knew his parents' names and doesn't really care either way. He does remember, however, that one was a blue-gray wolf with white highlights and the other was a dusty brown wolf with black patches.

Relationships: N/A, but open!

Extras: N/A

I really don't have a favorite song. I like Lemon Boy, One Thing Right, Come and Go, and EDM music.


Posted 2020-11-02 18:09:06

Name: Sirius

Pack: Yama

Rank: Alpha Male Appearance: (see above)

Age: 3 years, 2 months

Gender: Male (he/him) Strengths and Weaknesses:

+ : Wisdom

+ : Determination

- : Impatient, secretly insecure

- : Occasionally confuses his foresight with reality

+ Courteous

+ Loyal

+ Responsible

/ Confidential

/ Mysterious

- Confused

- Obsessive

- Cynical


Foresight - unlike most, Sirius has unknowingly inherited a sacred connection to his great ancestors. It is through his dreams that he can see potential futures and outcomes of individuals and himself. However, these dreams are consuming, puzzling, and sometimes frightening. With their frequently occurrences, he often has restless nights. Foresight can sometimes occur abruptly in the middle of the day, leaving the alpha to be speechless and on-edge. His foresight unwillingly occurs so frequently that Sirius sometimes confuses it with reality.

Star-walking - the gift his mother had, something that will be discovered by Sirius later on down the road. Like his dam, the alpha can commune with the ancestors and walk with them in his dreams. As previously stated, this is an ability that he is yet to discover.

Wind control - like his father, Sirius is a talented wind-controller. However, the way in which they express their abilities occur in different ways: Sirius' sire could harvest the energy of the wind, use it to his advantage to energize and strengthen himself. Sirius has learned how (with an extreme and debilitating amount of energy) asphyxiate his enemies. In secrecy...he also uses the wind for fun, such as making small tornadoes and sometimes gliding for short periods of time. Dad would be disappointed.


Try and try again, his parents (the previous alphas) had struggled to conceive a litter of pups, until finally they were gifted with a single son: Sirius. The pup was just an only child, but as Yama wolves, his parents knew to value whatever small family they had been gifted by their ancestors. His father was a tough dog to match- an expert of the wind, one of the greatest hunters his pack had ever seen. His mother, Cygnus, was a former herbalist with a gift none other, a gift that hadn't been heard of in ages: star-walking, the ability to walk and speak with the great ancestors.

Naturally, a lot was riding on the pup's shoulders right from the start. When Sirius tried to control the wind, he found that he did so with little success. He was not nearly as powerful as his father. At night, he could not walk with the ancestors as his great mother had. Try and try again, Sirius did whatever he could to improve his abilities, but never could he live up to the great title that his parents held.

He felt like nothing but a disappointment.

Truth be told, his mother was still very proud of him. His father was much more difficult to please, but Cygnus loved and cherished her only son. She took every moment she could to pass onto him great wisdom, telling him stories of their ancestors and teaching him resourceful tricks. When he became an adult, he became a very enlightened individual, something seen as truly powerful in the Yama. He hoped it would please his father.

Ever silent, the alpha made no comment on his son's unusual success.

Sirius continued to practice his wind abilities in practice, making fun games out of it. He became really talented with this ability, but in ways that might be considered...unorthodox. What he did was mostly for fun, for games. At first glance, his abilities seemed ineffective in helping the pack in any way. But Sirius- he was a bright one, and resourceful more than anything else. He found ways to make his unique skills benefit his pack.

Then, about a month before the passing of his parents, he had an abrupt and terrifying dreams of their sudden (and detailed) death. He grew anxious, fearful of being separated from his beloved mother and having to suddenly take over the title of alpha. But his father reassured him that it was nothing but a nonsensical dream.

From there on out, night after night, he seemed to be plagued by these strange dreams. A month later, his nightmare of his parents' deaths became reality. And now, Sirius finds himself with big shoes that he fears he will never be able to fill.


Father: Porthos (deceased; previous alpha)

Mother: Cygnus (deceased; previous alpha)

Siblings: None (closed)

Mate: None

Pups: None


NOTE: does NOT have an alpha female; to be determined in RP

I thought I had a favorite vine quote, but now I can't remember it. :x


Posted 2020-11-03 07:29:29 (edited)

Name: Kunshu

Pack: Numachi

Rank: Alpha Female Appearance: Kunshu is a dark wolf, with a slate base. She has some highlights to her, like her blaze, toes, and unders. This also comes with darker areas, like stripes along her rump, neck, and back. Her face holds soft shadows, such as her nose bridge and cheek fluff, as well as the dark tip of her tail, contrasting the marbled effect of white on grey. Her eyes are a striking orange, which is the reason her parents named her so.

Age: 3.5 Years

Gender: Feminine Strengths and Weaknesses:

+ : One-on-one combat/duels

+ : Creativity

- : Recovering from attacks - : Letting others in Personality:

+ : Loyal

+ : Devoted

= : Strict = : Morbid - : Aggressive - : Persuasive

Power(s): Illusion Control - Like many Numachi wolves, Kunshu can force illusions on other wolves. However, unlike other Numachi wolves, whose illusions are on a time limit, usually used just to get away, Kunshu's works for as long as she wants, but it drains her of her energy if she uses it excessively for too long. Shadow Control - Like many Numachi wolves, Kunshu can control shadows. This can be used to distract enemies, making them think a wolf is in one place when, really, they aren't. However, unlike other Numachi wolves, whose shadow control can only take the form of a wolf, Kunshu's can take the form of any animal. Venomous Fangs - Kunshu has a power rarely seen in the history of Numachi Pack, which are venomous fangs. They only inject venom on command, so sparring isn't an issue. The venom works slowly, finding it's way into the veins. The wolf suffers days until it's heart finally shuts down, but she usually only activates the venom as a last resort.

History: (Coming Soon)

Relationships: Mother- Jiyū (deceased) Father- Fuchūi (deceased) Siblings- None (open for one) Mate- Kian (Alpha Male) Pups- None

Extras: Kunshu means "Monarch" in Japanese (referenced to the monarch butterfly)

Out Of My League - Fitz & The Tantrums


Posted 2020-11-03 07:54:03 (edited)

Name: Sugi

Pack: Shinrin

Rank: Lead Hunter Appearance: Sugi is a mainly dinar wolf with cream unders and white highlights, like on his legs, muzzle, forehead, and tail tip. There is some white ticking along his back as well. The darker parts of him include a brown belly stripe, dorsal stripe, and an auburn mask, which sets him apart with his contrasting icy eyes.

Age: 2.7 Years

Gender: Masculine Strengths and Weaknesses:

+ : Hunting

+ : Lying

- : Remembering - : Focusing Personality:

+ : Generous

+ : Caring

= : Cautious = : Breezy - : Jumpy - : Frugal

Power(s): Enhanced Senses - Like most Shinrin wolves, Sugi has enhanced senses, such as better eyesight, hearing, and smell. Animal Mimicking - Like most Shinrin wolves, Sugi can mimick animals other than wolves. However, the only animals he can mimick are deers and crows. Sometimes, he'll use his deer calls to alert deers of a herd, scaring them away from the "danger" and towards his hunting party. Retractable Claws - Like most Shinrin wolves, Sugi can retract his claws. It looks quite weird when his claws aren't out, but when they are, it can help him run faster and can even help with climbing trees.

History: (Coming Soon)

Relationships: Mother- Mēpuru (Elder NPC) Father- Matsu (deceased) Siblings- (open for one) Mate- (open) Pups- None

Extras: Sugi means "Cedar" in Japanese (referenced to the reddish color of some cedars)

Next To Me - Imagine Dragons


Posted 2020-11-03 08:27:10 (edited)

Name: Nousagi

Pack: Yama

Rank: Scout Appearance: Nousagi is a very small female, similar in size to the normal adolescent. This makes her perfect for her job, packing a lot of stamina into a small body, great for traveling. She has an ashen base, white highlights scattered about, like on her toes, neck, and around her eyes. She also has some light deira markings, like on her legs and unders. Her skin is a gentle pink, accompanied with emotion-filled white eyes.

Age: 2.2 Years

Gender: Feminine Strengths and Weaknesses:

+ : Quick and witty

+ : Lots of stamina

- : Talkative - : Easily ennuied

+ : Cheerful

+ : Smart

= : Energetic = : Absorptive - : Morose - : Short-tempered

Power(s): Wind Control - A common power in Yama, Nousagi can control the wind around her. However, she can only do so when the breeze is strong. This makes it to where up in the mountains and down on the plains are usually the easiest areas to use her power, versus the dark marshes and crowded forests. Enhanced Strength - A common power in Yama, Nousagi has enhanced strength, which is quite funny. Being thrown down to the grown by an adolescent-sized adult can be very surprising to an unsuspecting wolf. Scent Masking - An uncommon ability in Yama, Nousagi is able to conceal her scent. If a wolf were to walk up to her and put their nose in her fur while activated, they wouldn't smell a thing. Just... nothingness. This is good if she has to go into another pack's territory during a scouting expedition.

History: (Coming Soon)

Relationships: Mother- Banī (deceased) Father- Usagi (deceased) Siblings- (open for one) Mate- (open) Pups- None

Extras: Nousagi means "Hare" in Japanese (referenced to the rabbit-like colors of her fur, as well as the fact that her parents are named "bunny" and "rabbit")

Pumped Up Kicks - Foster The People


Posted 2020-11-03 08:52:59 (edited)

Name: Hokori

Pack: Heiya

Rank: Alpha Male Appearance: Hokori is a willow-based male with some white and beige highlights, like on his legs, ear tips, cheek fur, and underbelly. He also has darker spots, like on his back and muzzle, which holds a slightly shepherd-like appearance. His eyes are a glowing yellow, almost gold in some lightings.

Age: 3.8 Years

Gender: Masculine Strengths and Weaknesses:

+ : Motivation

+ : Leadership Skills

- : Impatient - : Claustrophobic Personality: 

+ : Courageous

+ : Reliable

= : Competative = : Dominating - : Impatient - : Anxious

Power(s): Invisibility - Like most Heiya wolves, Hokori has the ability to turn himself invisible. While not all Heiya wolves have perfect invisibility, such as having a little outline or a blurred image, Hokori can keep himself completely undetected. If a wolf were to look right at him, all they'd see is the background. Enhanced Speed - Like most Heiya wolves, Hokori has enhanced speed. This helps them with hunting, outrunning predators and enemies (if needed), and so on, so forth. Shapeshifting - Like most Heiya wolves, Hokori can shapeshift. Unlike the others, who can only shapeshift into specific animals, he can transform into any animal of his choice. Brainwashing - Hokori has an extremely rare power, possibly not seen before in Heiya. He has the ability to remove a specific piece of information from a wolf's mind. However, the only downside to this is that it takes a lot of energy from him, and he can only do it to one wolf in a span of twenty-four hours.

History: (Coming Soon)

Relationships: Mother- Kumo Father- Tanburu Siblings- None (closed) Mate- None Pups- None

Extras: Hokori means "Dust" in Japanese (referenced to the dusty appearance of his pelt.)

Miss YOU! - Corpse


Posted 2020-11-03 09:35:42 (edited)

Caution: Will Bite

Name: Trish

Pack: Numachi

Rank: Beta Female Appearance: (see above)

Age: 3 years, 11 months

Gender: Female (she/her) Strengths and Weaknesses:

+ : Silver-tongued (has a way with words)

+ : Crafty

+ : May be pretty, but secretly a total powerhouse

- : Head-strong - : Excessively ambitious

- : Horrible hunter, doesn't do the "teamwork" thing

+ Daring

+ Independent


+ Charming

/ Ambitious

/ Flirtatious

- Abrasive

- Insubordinate

- Deceitful

- Malicious


Illusions - Like most in her pack, Trish is capable of creating illusions, although perhaps she's a little more skilled in this department when compared to her pack. After all, the lass is a talented actress. Crossing's certainly not recommended. She can turn your world upside down in a blink of an eye by giving you some awfully convincing hallucinations.

Shadow-control - Another common ability of the Numachi. Trish's shadow control is average among her pack members.

Charm - Is it really a power, or a natural talent? Not much is known, other than the fact that the female wolf certainly has a way with words. She seems capable of putting others under a spell...


Not much is known about Trish- she has just about everything under lock-and-key. She has no time for weaknesses.


Mate: None

Siblings: None (deceased, killed in her "conquest" for power)

Pups: Big no.


N/A for now... Still thinking of vines.


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