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~Amethyst Gift Center!~

~Amethyst Gift Center!~
Posted 2023-12-01 10:11:35 (edited)
Welcome to Amethyst Gifting Center!
~What you can do~
You can do so much here! you can gift people, trade with people for things like wolves,food,amusement,etc. You can also just chat or, role play. You can also purchase Items from my show that is located under the Amethyst Shop section! You can also buy art under the Amethyst Art section. There will also be weekly puzzles that you can solve for a prize! Message me the answer though instead of posting it in the thread.Β  There will also be a game where you guess the base to win a wolf of any age!.
1. No scamming!
2.No racism, bullying, hate, etc.
3.During the December gifting event you are allowed to post your gift list just please do not spam it!
4.Please keep any profanity to a minimum or none at all.
5.No Nsfw or inappropriate talk! there are minors here!
6.No death threats!
Amethyst Shop
-Random bundle = 10 sc
-Selected bundle= 15
- Acorns = 1 sc everyΒ  acorn
-Blue jay feather = 2 gc every 1 feather
-Swan feather = 5 sc every 2 feathers
-Whale rib bone = 5 sc every bone
-bone = 2 sc every one bone
-Turtle shell= 3 sc every shell (out)
skulls, claws, beaks, ect = 5 sc every one of them (out)
-Random feather = 1 sc every feather

~Food~ (Out of everything but rats, Hare, Rabbit, Musk rat , fish, and grouse)
-Food bundle= 10 sc
-Selected food bundle= 15 sc
-rat= 5 sc every rat
- Hare= 5 sc every hare
-rabbit= 3 sc every rabbit
-Grouse, pheasant, small birds= 5 sc every small bird
-Turkey, medium birds (5 uses and up)= 7 sc per bird
-doe= 7 sc per doe
-elk= 10 sc per elk
-donkey= 12 sc per donkey
-bison= 15 sc per bison
-moose= 15 sc per moose
-fish= 1 sc per fish
-random hooved prey= 5 sc
-Seal pup= 10 sc
-seal= 10 sc
-muskox= 15 sc
-muskox calf= 15 sc
-walrus pup= 12 sc
-walrus= 15 sc
-bovine= 12 sc
-whitetail = 5 sc
-squirrel = 3 sc
-muskrat= 4 sc

~Medicine & Herbs~ (
-Flea remedy - out of stock!
-diarrhea cure -
-tobacco - out of stock!
-Winter fat-out
-buffalo berry-
- Mange Salve -out
- Constipation Cure -out
- Tapeworm Remedy-out
- Hepatitis Cure -out
- Rich Healing Salve -
-Burning Bush-
- Ear Mites Ointment -out
-Cedar Bark-out
- Antidote -out
- Healing Salve
- Cystitis Cure-out
- Hepatitis Cure -out
- Heatstroke Remedy -out
- Infection Balm -out
- Garlic
- Tick Remedy-out
- Ginger-out
- Cure-For-All -out
- Goldenseal-out
- Cough Cure -out
- Distemper Cure-out
- Influenza Cure -out
- Pox Balm
- Ringowrm Salve-oit
-Pineapple Leaf-out
-Redwood Sorrel-out
-St. John's Wort-out
-Elder -out
-Elfwort -out
-Englishinterf Marigold-out
-Nettle Leaves-out
-Vervain -out
-White Clover-out
-Woad -out
-Wood Betony-out

~Decor & den/craft items
Large branch = 2 sc (out)
Large leaf = 2 sc
Large rock- 3 sc (out)
blue jay feather decor = 5 sc or x5 blue jay feather (out)
owl feather decor = 6 sc or x6 owl feather (out)
acorn decor bundle = 3 sc or x5 acorns
bone decor = 4 sc
Bird decor= 5 sc and what bird: raven, night jar, dove, pigeon, all kinds of blue jay (out)
lunar decor= 3 sc and what decor you want from the lunar store (out)

Amethyst Art Shop
Weekly Puzzle!

What animal am I?

I was rumored to have a bite force of over 2000
I have a bite force of 250+
I am related to the bulldog
I am know as a nanny dog and was bred for boar and bull hunting.
I am a dog


Posted 2023-12-04 14:12:54
could i please buy your acorns?

muffin πŸ’«

Posted 2023-12-04 14:14:47
Hello, just passing by, hope you're doing fine

Posted 2023-12-04 14:15:37
Hi! I gifted you Mochi!


Posted 2023-12-04 15:13:10
Passing by and gifting, please let me know if you ever have tortoise shells or grouse feathers, will buy on the spot.
πŸ‡¬πŸ‡§ LollyBugz 🏡

Posted 2023-12-12 17:52:52
Sadly I don't have any but if I restock I will let you know ^^


Posted 2023-12-12 18:02:53
I'll Buy 200 Acorns ( If You Have That Many lol )

Posted 2023-12-12 18:06:46
I'll buy 5 food bundles (if you have 5, if not I'll buy a lower amount)

Posted 2023-12-12 18:09:20
@Kitten Okay! I send over a trade

@P.K GodΒ  That is a lot of acorns lol if I have any I'll send them over, will you take remants?


Posted 2023-12-12 18:11:13
I was wondering how much aloe do you have And how much is it?

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