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Editing trades

Editing trades
Posted 2023-11-13 07:19:11 (edited)
The current way that trades are handled is kind of exhausting. Today I want to talk about when you put up a bunch of trades, and then after some time you decide you want to lower the price. You have to take down every single trade and re-do them. I just find this such an unnecessary waste of time, and when I wrote about it in the chat within a minute I got three messages agreeing with me, so while it is a small thing it surely impacts players experience.

I'm thinking there should be a way to edit your trades, or at the very least you should be able to edit the price.
I get that if you can fully edit a trade, then you would be able to go to a trade that has an offer and you can remove items from the trade and scam people. But it you can only edit the price, then that won't affect offers at all.

My idea isn't fully formed so please come with suggestions. I know some players think it's not a big deal too, but it's worth bringing up.


Posted 2023-11-13 09:48:55

This has been previously suggested in this suggestion thread so we will lock yours as a duplicate. Please feel free to support and/or comment on that topic with any feedback or additional thoughts!

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