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Lead Personality Rankings

Posted 2024-01-23 06:55:53
I would personally put "imaginative" in the "best" categorie, especially with the talent for trophies it can defo boost the trophy chance by a good amount even if 1% more doesn't seems like it.

Since I switched to imaginative, the trophies have been rolling in a lot quicker with a good margin.
Especially if you want to stat boost your lead the most possible it can lead to some very good and interesting drops for personal use or for the sc/gc selling you get from it.

Since switching to "imaginative" my lead has found 3x the amount needed for the caribou base for example. (except ofcourse the lunar encounter specific butterfly wings)

The regular recipe drops from all enemies can also be quite nice as if you want to take the effort you can list them for 50 sc on the tc and they get bought quite quickly, if you don't want to put in the effort it's also quite nice to gain the 10 sc from raccoon wares.

Posted 2024-01-23 06:58:02 (edited)
I was thinking about moving Imaginative as well, because trophies are some of the most valuable items in the game. Thank you for your feedback.

Miso 🥣

Posted 2024-01-23 07:01:33
No problem, and thank you for putting this all together 🐶

Posted 2024-01-30 01:38:47 (edited)
How dare you make my pack leader feel worse >:(

also you spelled Vulgar wrong

TrueStar (hepatitis)

Posted 2024-02-26 18:29:13
I have to say, the obnoxious personality that my lead has did come in handy multiple times! I can't tell you for certain what were the chances of it triggering the opponent to yield but it was definitely often! Especially during the Lunar event, it was so useful against powerful enemies

Thank you so much for this guide by the way! I came here to pick the best personality for my next lead and it's very throughout and useful!!


Posted 2024-03-12 23:06:57
Unfriendly personality might be good if you are low on medicine and crafting is delayed

TrueStar (hepatitis)

Posted 2024-03-13 04:17:41
I corrected the spelling of Vulgar.

That's interesting, Heart! I am curious about how often obnoxious triggers in terms of percentage. For now, I will just add a note about how it seems to trigger often enough. Current thoughts are that obnoxious is a 'decent' personality; it is probably the best personality for improving battle success. (The other option for battle success is Impulsive, but that has only a 2% trigger chance and only performs 'Rush').

Glad that the guide was helpful for you!

Thank you for your input, TrueStar. Based on your comment I expanded on 'Unfriendly''s 'Ranking Explanation'.

Miso 🥣

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