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Community Update #111

Posted 2023-09-30 01:50:12
The herbalist changes + alchemist sound very nice, would love to see that!

Posted 2023-09-30 02:00:56
LOVE the changes!  Gives it a nice RPG feel :)
Rivendell Huntress

Posted 2023-09-30 02:17:41
Proposed changes to the herbalist role are based on random chances for example chance of failure (why a wolf with 100% proficienty has 1 in 10 chance to completely fail?? it is just discouraging and seem very punishing) and randomness does not reward user dedication and time spent in the game. Instead it just generates frustration.


Posted 2023-09-30 02:25:08
Hmm. I've quite mixed feelings about the proposed change.

My version of the suggestion would be something like this:
  • Combine the roles of herbalist and alchemist, and keep calling the role Herbalist (herbalist fits much better lore-wise, alchemist just sounds out of place).
  • The Herbalist can diagnose, and mix/craft medicines, potions and elixirs.
  • Only 1 herbalist per pack. I strongly believe herbalist should keep being a special and unique role (like lead wolf).
  • Add a new role called Gatherer: wolves with this role can gather/forage herbs and other ingredients (and sometimes recipes).
  • The number of Gatherers a pack can have could be tied to territory size (I'm thinking like 2-4 wolves).
  • Make sure both Herbalist and Gatherers have a fair chance to reach level 20 within their life time.
  • Skip the augmenting part, and find another fun use for gemstones in a future update.

Thank you for asking for player feedback on things like this!

Posted 2023-09-30 02:34:32
Ooooh! Very excited for the proposed changes to the Herbalist role And the alchemist addition sounds really cool!

Posted 2023-09-30 02:39:36
I like the idea of having an extra Herbalist for maybe splitting tasks (ie: having one herbalist forage while the other mixes medicine) but otherwise, I'm not entirely fond of the idea of an Alchemist role. I like being able to do all things at once for the most part with an Herbalist and I feel like having so many roles that could just be kept as one is a bit confusing.

Posted 2023-09-30 02:45:12
There are quite a few good ideas and suggestions.  I would only like to add that with the addition of more foraging wolves, it would be nice if they can forage in different biomes, much like the hunters and scouts.  This way we are not overrun with a million herbs from our home biome and little to none from the rarer ones.


Posted 2023-09-30 02:50:27 (edited)
@Eelai#1355 i like your idea of gatherer role, I also suggest something similar on the previous page
I think that adding Alchemist, especially with that name (sounds a lot like we are playing some dnd campaign not a wolf game..) is unnecessary.

Take hunter role for an example - hunter can have "specialities" like finishing, stalking, chasing. Why can't we just have Herbalist as they are but with specialities in mixing and foraging?
The number of herbalist could be linked with wolf slots, the bigger pack the more you can have, up to three or four (instead of 3 herbalist and 1 alchemist role). You can them decide what those herbalist specialise in.

If we have to have a new role I would support creating strictly foraging role (Gatherer, Foragers) and mixing and diagnosing one (Medic)

Edit: @ muttduck#514 exactly this!! Gatherers, foragers need to be able to visit other biomes same as with scouting system.

Also their stat gain and exp gain needs to be fixed as currently leveling herbalist to 20 lvl just by doing their role tasks is EXTREMELY hard.

It does not make any sense that you have to set the herbalist as scout for some time for them to reach high level. Wolves should be able to perform their role and gain enough exp by that to be good at what they do.


Posted 2023-09-30 02:50:40 (edited)
Yes to 3 herbalists and separate roles. But no no and NO to 1 hour+100 energy forage. Also why you ever would damage a herb? Changes for diagnosing? Obviously fucking no. Herb studying and level locking medicines? No. Successful rate of brew and potions? No.
Damn you really make everything for everyone to drop the game. I even don't want to describe how shitty it is cuz you won't listen (as usual). I play wd to relax, not setting 100500 alarms for wolves and doing strategy.

🐉🎃CaelumΘΔ Main Ox Fan

Posted 2023-09-30 03:12:03
@Eelai#1355 Really like your suggestion of the gatherer role, added it (with credit) to my original comment here. My feelings were a little mixed as well, but Your post explains it so incredibly well.

@Bluejay#5910 oml, the "Specialties" bit is a great example of a way to streamline this without making it needlessly more complicated. I also agree with you on the need for biome diversity and exp gain.

Also, a side note. I checked, and this Community update has THE MOST replies on it out of any other Community Update in the history of Wolvden. It's only beat out by the event Updates, anniversaries, and a few dev updates. I find this very amusing.
