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Noname Pack's Travellers [Journal]

Noname Pack's Travellers [Journal]
Posted 2023-08-30 05:21:11 (edited)

This is a little journey for the travelling wolves of my pack

Please do not respond to this thread



Thank you for letting [NAME] stay withhin your pack! Feel free to let them help you with chores, socialize with your wolves, give them decorations you don't need and (most importantly) update their Bio! I would love to gather some lore on them :))
[OPTIONAL: You can also breed her. If you do not want some of the pups she gives, you can also just send them to me - even though, I might now keep them aswell.]

- Please keep for max. 4 rollovers (can stay longer if being bred)
- Feed and play
- Please read bio and update it accordingly
- Prompt: What happened during the stay? Were they liked by the other wolves? Did they have even find a lover?
- At 6 years old, please send back to Nonamewolf #84672
- Document the stay like this:

Pack name and ID/link:
Decors added (optional):

Journal new Traveller start

#NR Name

Started journey: x years x months

Bio (last updated xx.xx.xxxx):

Posted 2023-08-30 05:26:29 (edited)

#1 Rufous - Lone Seeker  - retired

Started journey: around age 2 years

Bio (last updated 19.01.2024):

Rufous is the daugther of Apollo, the breeding male of her birth pack. As a pup she always stood out as the shy and distant little fireball she was. While the other pups started to find their purpose one day, she could not manage to find her place withhin the pack.

Without any idea of what to do with her life, she seeked out for the pack leader Iceborn to ask for advice. After a while of consultig she suggested: Why not become a traveller? Or rather a seeker? She could go and visit different packs, discover secrets of the land she crosses, bring home important information and also make some friends. She could even find a lover?

Rufous' eyes sparked up. It was decided: She would leave the pack and become a traveller.
They agreed on Rufous staying away until she is six years old.

She is aloof and a little shy, but still tries to make friends. Rufous is curious and loves a little bit of secrecy and gossip but has a good heart. She is a quick and agile runner and loves to run through the forests.


Starting pack
Noname Pack #84672
Decors added (optional): Gambel Oak Sapling
Journal: It is time. Today is the day that Rufous is going to leave. Her heart was pounding but she felt ready. She said goodbye to her parents Apollo and Mask and the rest of the pack. With a deep inhale, she made her first steps away from their territory and walked towards the sun.


Wolftooth Pack #123021
Decors added: Scar: Eye - Medium [Right], Scattered Bones, Cliff Swallowtail
Journal: Sorry, too lazy to write


Yuggera Tribe #29973
Decors added (optional): Angel Oak background, Tansy Crown
After days of journeying, Rufous stumbles across a red wolf - who introduces themself as Maverick. He realises Rufous isn't intending harm, but is in fact a travelling wolf!
Maverick immediately leads her back to his pack leader Kiri, through winding trails up a steep mountain, who allows her to stay, so long as she helps within the pack.
Rufous decides to give hunting a try. Their first hunt was by the mountain lakes, she led the chasers and successfully completed their first hunt together.
However after a couple failed hunts, they decide to give pupsitting a go instead, and end up bonding with Lilka; a pup that was dedicated to becoming a hunter, and begged Rufous for their stories about hunting all the time.
It was this bond with the pup, that let any remaining suspicions of Rufous within the pack melt away and they truly accepted her like one of their own. 
On their final day at the Yuggera Tribe, Kiri approaches, he offers her some words of wisdom, and makes sure she knows that their always welcome in this pack, and can call on them for help if they ever should need it.
And with that she sets off onto her next adventure wherever that may be.


Pack name and ID/link: Legion Of Ghouls
Decors added (optional): N/A
Rufous had enjoyed her time in the Legion of Ghouls, she enjoyed it quite well. Rufous had fallen pregnant during her stay, with the leader's pups no less. It extended her time in the Legion, and she parted ways once the pups were weaned off. It was a sad departure, but necessary. Maybe one day the puppies will grow to be travelers just like their mother?


Pack name and ID/link: 🌟opossum🌟 pack #33721
Decors added (optional): N/A
Journal: N/A


Pack name and ID/link: Night Keeper Pack
Decors added (optional): N/A
Rufous had been wandering the forests in heat, interrupting a hunt lead by Grey, the breeding male. The group was weary at first but eventually led Rufous to the main den, guiding her to Shadow, the leader of the pack.
Being accepted to stay in the pack for as long as she needed, Rufous greeted all of the pack members, getting most to warm up to her. But love was in the air and Grey was head over paws for Rufous.
Rufous shared the feeling, although it could only be a short relationship, Rufous wanted to leave a mark on the future of The Night Keeper pack, breeding with Grey and becoming pregnant. She joined Nova as a pupsitter, who was heavily pregnant, and Cream, the herbalist, often sat by them, sharing her experience with her own cub, who was still yet to be weaned.
During her stay Nova's pups had been born and Rufous witnessed the momentous occasion. Soon Rufous then had her own pups.

Pack name and ID/link: DreadfullTimes by Corgiesta #66730
Decors added: [Pasadena Oak Branch] and [Arctic White]
Rufous has wandered to the scorched lands of DreadfullTimes pack. Driven by thirst and overheating she stumbled upon one of the scouts, a Cnitharian hybrid - Nox. Nox has leaded Rufous to the flourishing oasis where the whole pack has established. Exhausted after the tyring journey, she felt asleep.
After waking up, Rufous felt unwell. She's overheated herself during her way here and was feeling nauseous. Two herbalists - Husky and Bluett (her mentor) took responsibility in their paws and monitored her health utill she felt better. While Rufous was resting and healng, Nox, Bluett and Husky stayed with her, sociolising and asking about her journey.
A hunting group of four strong young wolves has taken Rufous to their team to hunt together and show her some places. They had established hunting grounds in the Rainforest and let Rufous practice with them for the whole day. Despite being almost strangers to each other, the team work well together.
On her last stay Rufous has finally met with Autumn, the leader of the pack. Their meeting, unfortunatelly, didn't went well. It seems that both wolves has different outlooks on life and it conflicts with each other's. After spending some time together, both decide to stop their arguments and stay on neutral side of the relationship. Autumn lets Rufous stay with the pack till she is ready to leave.


Pack name and ID/link: ChainDarkz
Decors added (optional): Blue Jay Feather Decor
Journal: -


Home pack
Noname Pack #84672
Decors added (optional): -
After her last stay, Rufous decided to head home. She knew, that her pack had moved from the Deciduous Forest to the Taiga, but not where exactly. She arrived in the unknown forest late in the evening and was spotted by Snoot, the Noname Pack's scout. He recognized her, having heard a lot of his pack's famous traveller who had been gone for a long time now. She was not sure, if she knew him but she was sure, that she at least hasn't met him as an adult as he seemed rather young. While walking, Snoot told her about the new territory, the new den and many things that had happened. He talked about the newest pups that were born and also announced the death of Iceborn, the great leader. Saddened by the big news, they arrived in the new and unknown den.

They were greeted happily and Apollo, who had become old - and the new leader - greeted her, asking about her travels, stopping when he realized that it was late and she was tired. They agreed on a beautiful socializing event for the whole pack on the next day and went into their dens. Rufous shared a cave with some of the commoners of the pack.

The next afternoon the hunters brought a fresh caribou carcass and the whole pack enjoyed the meal while listening to Rufous stories.

She talked about the Yuggera Tribe, which had actually gotten friends with the Noname Pack, the Legion of Ghouls and some other packs she visited. She even mentioned her short love story with Greyfrom the Night Keeper Pack.

All of the members listened carefully and also had questions - many questions. The time went by very fast until they went to sleep late at night. While preparing to leave for the next adventure, she befriended some of the new packmembers and really enjoyed being back at - somewhat - home again.

The Wildfire Pack
Decors added: Swan Feather Decor
After saying her goodbyes to her pack she once more set off, this journey taking her to the wide open prairie. Any direction she looked, she could see for miles. Walking in the slightly tall grass up and down the rolling hills she thought that there was no other wolves here as it would be hard to hunt in such open area and to have a protected home. Some time passed and a small silhouette of what seemed to be a small wolf appeared, walking cautiously closer she was greeted by  had nod from a female wolf who's mouth was packed full of herbs.

Dark red in color with even darker spots, the wolf set down its herbs and smiled, introducing herself as Darva the herbalist for a pack known as The Wildfire Pack. Offering to lead Rufous to the packs home and met everyone else, she nodded accpecting Darvas offer. The trip to the packs home would take a day of travel and they had to stop for the night.

In the evening the two arrived in the packs home, a few pups ran up and greeted them but no adults. Darva took her to see Flare the Wild, the pack leader. Flare greeted her warmly and gave her a small tour of where everyone slept, ate and relaxed. Upon seeing how the other adult wolves made their way about the home, it was pretty chaotic but somehow controlled. Flare gave her a nod at the end of it all and told her to follow the two rules, do your part to help out and make sure to always carry respect towards all. For the remainder of the day she took the time to learn the pack better.

Th next two days she would help out Darva with her herbs and treating others. Many of the other wolves were nice but didn't want her help that time. She became good friends with the herbalist and when it came time for her to leave Darva gifted her a necklace made of Swan feathers so she could always remember their friendship.


Pack name and ID/link: Night Keeper Pack
Decors added (optional): Scattered Sticks
Rufous knew where she was heading. The land around her became familiar as she trudged on. So much time had passed, she doubted things would be the same. Just as she was zoning out, thinking of the possibilities, a wolf she had never seen before appeared with herbs in their mouth. A herbalist?
Rufous approached the wolf. "Hello, who are you? I'm Rufous, a travelling wolf."
The wolf stared at Rufous and her eyes widened. "Rufous! I'm Patet! Lucky for you I'm heading back now, follow me!"
The wolf called Patet bounded off and Rufous scrambled to follow. It had been so long that roots kept tripping her and a few branches scratched at her side. She felt out of her element here after being away so long, but somehow she never lost sight of the strange wolf in front of her and soon arrived at a familiar clearing.
Wolves -- she guessed they were pupsitters --  Lay idly around the clearing, licking their paws as they watched a small group of puppies tussle on a patch of dirtied grass, ripped up from the comotion. Two wolves spoke at the edge of the clearing. Shadow and... Grey. Patet danced over to Shadow and spoke to her in a sing-song voice.
"Shaaadoooow! I found a wolf on my adventures!"
Shadow turned to look at the disruption and Grey also did, noticing Rufous immediately. His eyes widened with recognition. Shadow smiled at Rufous and said calmly.
"Rufous! It's good to see you again."
Rufous bowed. "It is good to see you too! It feels great to be back."

Rufous was allowed to stay for as long as she wanted, and Shadow left the area, leaving her alone with Grey. Grey shuffled his paws, looking at the ground nervously, before he looked up and smiled. "How were your adventures?"
Rufous smiled back. "They were great. Do you want me to tell you about them?"
Grey nodded eagerly and led Rufous to a decently secluded part of the clearing where tufts of grass and feathers were formed into a nest. Both of them settled in the nest, and for the rest of the day the two spent the time sharing stories. In the end they fell asleep laying next to each other.

Days passed and eventually Rufous came into heat yet again, and became pregnant, carrying Grey's pups. She began to realise there was a wolf that looked extremely close to Grey. Rocky Shore, otherwise known as Rocky. Rufous asked Grey about it, because she didn't recognise the wolf from last time, and he didn't look all that important.
Grey's eyes widened at the realisation Rufous left right after her pups were weaned. Rocky Shore was the only of her pups to survive and now he was all grown up. Quickly Grey told Rufous that Rocky Shore was her son, and Rufous was astonished.

While Rufous was pregnant, she and Rocky Shore spoke everyday until she gave birth... Just a bit early. In the end none of the puppies made it. Rufous didn't know what to do anymore. She watched her own puppies slowly die. Rufous didn't feel comfortable here. One glance at Patet reminded her of how she hadn't managed to save her puppies. One look at Grey and she was reminded that if only they survived, she'd have a bigger family. Her only surviving pup was Rocky Shore.

She felt suffocated here, with life just going on around her. Sure Grey was always there, by her side, but all the other wolves just went about their days, as if nothing even happened. She ran out of the clearing, desperate to escape. Grey yelped and chased after her, confused. Grey eventually caught up to Rufous, as she couldn't traverse the forest well. Rufous told Grey she didn't want to be here anymore, and just to leave her alone. She was going to a new pack.

Grey didn't stop her. He nuzzled into Rufous's fur before taking a step back. The two said goodbye and Rufous quickly escaped her miseries. She had to move on, mentally and physically.

Rufous left the territory. If her path brought her back to the Night Keeper Pack, she knew she'd have to follow it, but it was time to end her visit early.

Posted 2023-10-24 14:27:58 (edited)
Rufous pt.2

Home pack
Noname Pack #84672
Decors added (optional): -
Rufous made a quick stop at her home pack. She was welcomed warmly and even Menace was there aswell. They had some nice get-togethers and she enjoyed the company of her pack again. She thought that she would not be a traveller for much longer, but her time to stop hadn't come.


Pack name and ID/link: Night Keeper Pack
Decors added (optional): Dandelion Decor
Rufous was laying down at her home pack, Noname Pack, when a wolf she didn't fully recognise bounded into the clearing. Skye, the mother of  Slither, a charming pupsitter, and the puppies Sunborn and Soul,  who she had met in the few days she had been resting here, approached the wolf. Skye licked him, muttering something about how he grew. Other wolves greeted the strange wolf, and then she learnt his name was Menace.

Menace started to talk about his adventure, how Bear of the Night Keeper Pack had found him on the first day of his travelling, bringing him to her pack and caring for him. Rufous's ears pricked up. She'd heard about Bear in her travels when she stopped at that pack. Bear was the first scout in the pack, helping the roots of the clan grow. Her last visit, that included her running away with misery from the pack, was weirdly Bear-free from what she could remember.

Recalling her memory, while she was pregnant, she overheard whispers from the gossipy wolves in the pack, talking about how Bear didn't come back from scouting. One of the new scouts reported ripped up fur and red-stained grass around where Bear should have been scouting. She wasn't found but reported dead. Rufous's ears lowered at the memory. Bear seemed to be important to Menace. Rufous stood and padded over to Menace, ready to tell him what she had heard. "Hello Menace, I am Rufous, one of the travelling wolves of this pack."

Menace was confused. When he was born Rufous suspected she was staying at another pack. "I've been to the Night Keeper Pack before. In fact, I just came from there." Rufous lowered her head. "I heard news that Bear has been reported as dead. I'm sorry."

When Rufous raised her head Menace looked... broken. His ears were lowered, and he started to back away, shaking his head. "No... No, Bear is still alive, she has to be." Menace turned and fled in the direction of the Night Keeper Pack. Rufous decided to follow him. "Menace!"

Rufous raced past trees and bushes until a familiar smell wafted towards her in the wind. Menace was in front of her, clumsy as he raced through the shrubbery, but he knew where he was headed. Rufous tripped on a root, losing balance but quickly setting herself upright, chasing after Menace again. She was too old for this.

Soon that familiar clearing came into sight and the memories that plagued the edge of her mind overtook her. She slowed down, taking careful steps towards Menace, who now stood looking forlornly at the sunny area. Wolves filled the clearing, and a few heads had turned to the bushes where she and Menace stood, curious at the sounds. Rufous shook her head and sighed. "Menace. I'm going home. I can't keep travelling anymore. You stay here. Find happiness within yourself and look away from the past. Promise me."

Menace turned to look at her with wide eyes, and all he did was nod slowly. Rufous turned away from the pack that had overtaken her thoughts. Maybe Grey would visit her in Noname pack when she didn't come visit in a while. Rufous began the trek back home. The adrenaline left her blood and her paws felt heavy,. Her days of travelling were over.


Home pack
Noname Pack #84672
Decors added (optional): -
The exhausted traveller went back home. She had to rest her paws after such long time of travelling. Returning home, she made herself comfortable in a nest in an empty cave and dreamt about her adventures. When waking up and stepping outside, Rufous was welcomed by her family - even though she didnt't know many of them. It was heartwarming...

Days went by as Rufous started to feel home here again. She started doing small tasks but was free to rest anytime. She spent a lot of time with some old friends and really enjoyed being here again.

One day, some stranger seemed to come close to the territory. Snoot entered the den site and talked directly to Delilah while looking in the direction of Rufous - that made her suspicious, so she went up.
Coming closer, she pricked up her ears in hopes to understand something. Then her heart sank. It was Grey. She was confused and felt like running straight over to him, but at the same time wanted to hide. There was no chance to do so, though, as he had already noticed her. He came closer - slowly - and looked at her with puppy eyes. She couldn't hold herself and jumped at him, licking his face, close to tearing up.
Grey told her that he missed her and he HAD to visit her.

She felt happy. The breeding male of the Night Keeper Pack had come to visit her. And he wanted to stay, for a while at least.

He was with the Noname Pack for about a month. They had a great time and cared so lovingly for each other. They couldn't be together forever, but at least for some time. Rufous even got pregnant again. Again, she only had a few pups. When they had aged a bit, they left to start their own packs or join existing ones.
Not long after the pups birth,Grey felt that he had to return to his pack, they agreed on trying to visit each other from time to time and said their goodbyes.

With this visit, Rufous knew, she had lived a great life. She appreciated her travels and the love she found during it - even though it could not last. She spent the rest of her life in her home pack and managed to see her lover every now and then.

While she was nursing her last set of puppies, the Noname Pack got visitors. Rufous was just staying insider her cave, cuddling with her pups, until these visitors walked up to her. She didn't notice them at first, until she could smell the familiar scent of her own blood. Rocky Shore, her son, had come to visit her. She was happy and greeted him, when she suddenly realized that there was someone else. It was her daughter Gold, that she had left oh so long ago. Rufous felt bad. She invited them in.

They talked a lot. She found out, that both of them were travellers now and that they really wanted to meet Rufous. This was actually Gold's first visit in another pack. Talking to them and socializing with her pups, Rufous really felt, that her life became whole now. She was looking forward to enjoying her life here and seeing her family sometimes.

Rufous died on the 19th of January 2024 in her home pack

Posted 2023-12-25 17:01:53 (edited)

#2 Menace - Confused Wanderer - retired

Started journey: 2 1/2 months

Bio (last updated 10.05.2024):

Menace had always been, well, a menace. He was always playing very roughly with his siblings and never listened to the adults. He had his own head, which - by the way - was not too bright.
He kind of knew this, though. That was the major reason, why he wanted to leave the pack one day and wander about the world to find other packs and live an amazing life. He did not know that he would have to master some hurdles.
From when he was a few months old on, he started "preparing" for his journey and decided that he would leave at latest as an adolescent.


Starting pack
Noname Pack #84672
Decors added (optional):
Journal: Menace started his journey earlier than he thought. He felt brave, leaving his home with only two and a half months old, tumbling through the woods, barely knowing anything about the world he lived in. He had sneaked out at night. His mother Skye knew that he wanted to run off but had thought he would wait at least two months more. When she realized him gone, she was terrified. The leader Delilah sent out a giant search party and told the scouts to keep their eyes and ears open.
But Menace did not witness any of that chaos. He just rested on a log staring at two white butterflies...


Pack name and ID/Link: Night Keeper Pack #128869
Decors added (optional): Ebony Jewelwing
Journal: A dragonfly zipped by Menace's head, catching his attention.
He lost interest in the white butterflies and raced after the blue dragonfly, giggling merrily away from the log. He was closing in on the bug! He gave a flying leap -- although he didn't really fly -- towards the dragonfly, grabbing it out of the air and tumbling forward, only stopping when he bumped into a fluffy body.
He was upside down, his tail drooping into his face. What did he land on? Whatever, did he catch the dragonfly? He peaked into his paws. Success! The weird thing he rolled into moved backwards and he yelped in alarm, falling onto his back. A wolf!
Quickly he scrambled to his feet, fluffing up his fur.
The wolf tilted her head. "Are you lost little one?"
"No! I'm travelling! I'm not lost" He huffed, stepping from side to side with his back arched like a cat.
"Ok... Well I'm Bear, the Scout. Would you like to travel to my pack? I'll even give you a ride."
Menace hesitated, but not for long! It was just an adventure and he was excited, so he clambered onto Bears back.

Soon they made it to Bear's home territory -- After Menace launched himself off Bear's back to explore plenty of times -- and Menace was officially allowed to walk by himself. First things first, he had to taste the ground! The ground in the Taiga tasted yummy, so there wouldn't be a difference here right?
Menace bent down and licked the dirt -- with no hesitation.
Immediately he spit the earth out. Why did it taste so gross?! Some dirt was still left on his tongue. How would he get it off without tasting that taste?
He whined, going over to bear with his tongue sticking out. "Helb me blease." Menace was so annoyed. He was supposed to impress this wolf! What would Bear think of him now?
"What did you do pup?"
Bear led Menace to a nearby stream and he washed his tongue. "I was doing a taste test!"
"And why would you do... that?"
Menace paused. "It doesn't matter... Lets go!"
Menace hopped away, dancing through the trees, although it wasn't elegant.

Eventually the pair made it to the Night Keeper Pack's main den area. One of the pack's pupsitters was lounging on his side, as there were no pups to protect. Bear led him towards a wolf talking to another but Menace wasn't focusing on the wolves. He was staring around at his surroundings, eyes wide. How could there be all this outside of his own clan?
The leader; Shadow, turned towards Bear, quickly noticing the pup next to her. Bear and Shadow had a chat, with Menace alongside them, listening in. Shadow allowed Menace to stay here for as long as he wanted.
Menace was shown around, and then introduced to his pupsitter and litter-mates. He felt... good. It was an adventure and he was excited!

Days passed and soon Menace grew into an adolescent with his litter-mates and he took an interest in his old pupsitter. He was taught about pupsitting everyday now, and soon became the adolescent that herded pups and calmed them down after a fight. The pupsitter teaching him was becoming very proud.
But soon Menace didn't feel an excited spark whenever he left his den. He felt as if he was conforming to this life, and that is exactly what he didn't want. Soon the call became stronger and his paws itched to be running through the wilds to new lands. He informed Shadow, who he had grown used to, and Shadow just smiled at him. "It's the call of the wild Menace. You have to answer it."
Menace knew what he needed to do now and he said all of his goodbyes. He had matured a lot.

Padding towards the edge of the territory with Bear to guide him felt good and excitement built up inside of him. He turned to Bear, the first wolf he met on his adventure. Maybe in the future he could become a scout just like her.
With that thought, Menace nuzzled Bear. "Goodbye..."
Bear licked behind his ear. "Go explore Menace, and answer the call." Bear smiled. As Menace turned and bounded away, eagerness filled him. New, unfamiliar land began to surround him and his new adventure began!


Pack name and ID/Link: Spirit's Heaven #77179
Decors added (optional): Lunar Flora Horns
Journal: As Menace ventured further into the unknown, the scent of a different pack reached his nose. He slowed down, his senses on high alert. The foreign territory felt charged with energy, and he couldn't help but feel a mix of curiosity and caution.

The scent led him to a dense forest, where shadows danced among the trees. Menace's ears perked up as he heard distant howls echoing through the woods. As he approached, Menace noticed a tall black wolf with piercing red eyes, stepped forward from the shadows, her eyes filled with a mix of suspicion and curiosity. . The black wolf studied him for a moment before she said. "I am Lava Moon, omega of the Spirit's Heaven pack. What brings you here?"

Menace shared his story, recounting his encounters with different wolves and his journey so far. Lava Moon listened attentively, and as Menace spoke, she started to relax. Impressed by Menace's courage and spirit, Lava Moon extended an invitation. "Join us, Menace. Our pack could use a wolf like you, one who seeks for adventure." And so, Menace became a part of the pack for a while. Before leaving the pack, Menace received Lunar Flora Horns as a symbol of unruliness.


Pack name and ID/link: Vier Apfel
Decors added (optional): Owl Talon Necklace + Green Ravine
Journal: It is a tradition of the Vier Apfel pack that important individuals have an owl talon necklace adorning their neck. Upon his arrival, Menace was gifted one and during his stay he was treated by all with utmost respect.


Home pack
Noname Pack #84672
Decors added (optional): -
When Menace was a year and a few months old, he thought it was time to pay his own pack a visit. Even though, his mother might kill him. Still, he decided to head back.
After a rather long journey, Menace entered the Taiga and the area where his territory was close. He realized that he didn't remember too much of it and had to trust his nose to guide him home. He felt excited... and a little scared. After all, he left his family without a word. Lost in thought he stumbled into the pack scout, Snoot. He didn't recognize the traveller at first but then his eyes widened. The long lost pup had returned.
They rushed toward the den, when they arrived Snoot howled to announce a special arrival.
Wolves peeked out of their caves and stopped their activities, everything went quiet for a bit... until someone let off a squeak and ran straight over to Menace. It was Skye, his mother. The young traveller looked at the ground, tail between his hind legs, even shaking a bit.
She licked his face and checked him for wounds. Scolded him for running away and scaring her. But in the end, pushing her head into his fur, tearing up, saying:"How big you grew...", his fur making her barely hearable.
He told his pack about all the things that had happened and that he wanted to move on again aswell. Skye wanted him to stay but accepted his wish. They spent a lot of time together.
This time when he left, the whole pack was together and his mother could bid him a real farewell. She told him to visit them from time to time and wished him great travels.
He headed off, ready for his next adventure.


Pack name and ID/link: Night Keeper Pack #128869
Decors added (optional): Dreamland Branch Overgrowth [Head] and Dreamland Branch Overgrowth [Neck]
Menace is laying in the sun grooming their paws and humming. They wag their tail happily in greeting.
+1 to Relationship (Thought that was cute)
Menace finally had the courage to face his mother, and he trekked to his home pack. He noticed a strange wolf in the corner of his eye when he arrived, but was quickly distracted by his mother Skye bounding up to him and making sure he was okay. He nuzzled her. He was okay.

Menace started spouting about his adventures, how the wolf Bear had brought him to the Night Keeper Pack. Something viciously jolted in the crowd around him, and it was the wolf he saw when coming in. He narrowed his eyes, but ignored her. He kept talking, but the she-wolf soon came up to him and greeted herself as Rufous, another travelling wolf from the pack.

Menace felt a pang of confusion. He had never met this wolf. She continued. "I've been to the Night Keeper Pack before. In fact, I just came from there." Rufous lowered her head, speaking in a softer voice. "I heard news that Bear has been reported as dead. I'm sorry."

Sadness rippled through him, making his ears flatten. Surely not. Right? He took a step back, and then another, shaking his head. "No. No, Bear is still alive, she has to be... I-I was just there." Menace whipped around, racing out of the clearing to the edge of the territory where a log was rotting.

He dashed pasting it, following a scarily familiar trail. Bushes clawed at his fur and branches pulled him back as the forest thickened. Soon a clearing in the trees could be seen, and he knew exactly where he was. His paws forced themselves to slow down and he stood in the clearing.

Wolves slowly poked their heads out of caves and dens to see who just came bursting into their denplace. He heard pawsteps behind him but wasn't curious enough to turn to look at them. He knew his eyes were filled with misery that flooded through his emotional defences as he looked at the clearing

The strange wolf -- Rufous -- padded up next to him. "Menace." She spoke. "I'm going home. I can't keep travelling anymore. You stay here. Find happiness within yourself and look away from the past. Promise me."

Menace was too sad to do anything but nod. He promised. Rufous then turned and padded away without a word. Menace looked around at the pack and headed straight for the den he had remembered the wolf with authority had stayed. The leader. He poked his head in and found Shadow in her nest, a pup curled around her paws.

He bowed his head, mostly to shield his eyes filled with sadness from Shadow but also because he respected her. "Shadow. May I stay here yet again?"

"Menace. You are welcome to stay for as long as you like."

The following days passed with Menace spending his time reliving and cherishing the moments he had with Bear in his sweet, sweet childhood.

A voice lingered in the back of his mind, whispering things to make him pause more on the moments he had with Bear. "Bear was such a good scout, wasn't she. You got to explore until the edge of this pack's territory."

Menace started to remember that. He had totally forgot about it before, and now that he had recalled it, he specifically remembered he had gone a bit outside the territory,  nit just to the edge of it.

Two more days passed, the thought of Bear now almost always on his mind because of the voice that got stronger everyday, as if it was learning his mind.

The voice coaxed him to a corner of the clearing where he found a small cave, well hidden by vines and shrubbery.

Curious, he poked his nose in, finding out the rift in the wall was bigger than he thought, allowing him to be able to squeeze onto the other side.

Two wolves stood in the now widened cavern, and another crack was inbetween them. The darkness coming from it was so thick it looked like it was solid, oozing oit from the hole and coating the floor with its blackness.

"How did you get in here."

The wolves spoke at the same time, and their hackles raised in sync, a snarl painted the same way on both of their muzzles. Both if their eyes were black like the shadows coming from the crack.

"I-I was juat looking around!" Menace took a step back, and now both of these strange wolves were smirking at him.

They padded in a perfect circle around him before both of them ended up behind him blocking the small cave out. Then four paws shoved him forward, into the place they were guarding before.

Darkness spilled over hus fur and the way back seemed just as dark as the way forward. The tunnel was too thin to turn around him, so he reluctantly headed forward. Soon the path widened around him and he was in a cave, a large endless hole -- an abyss -- yawned in front of his paws, its mouth wide open to catch him if he tripped.

The whispers -- he hadn't noticed them before because of his panic -- were louder than ever, swarming into his head.


It slithered around in his mind before continuing. "I happen to know Bear means a lot to you... I could help you talk to her... No dying required...:"

Menace was reluctant. He'd already been too curious, and you know what they say; curiosity killed the wolf. But the want to talk to Bear was so great after all he could think about had been her.

"Yet... I do need a favour..."

The voice broke into his thoughts.

"If you let curiosity rule your emotions again..."

Menace hated the feeling of something in his mind, swaying him in their favour. "What is it?" Menace said, finally gaining his voice back.
"It's simple really... All you have to do is kill Shadow. The energy she has on her pelt is keeping me from escaping. I'm stuck here naming pups and giving useless information to pathetic wolves. Really they should bow to me."

Menace quickly shook his head. "No way. I am not killing just to see Bear. It's not even a life for a life."

"If it was a life for a life, would you do it?" It was almost as if this entity was desperate.

"... Still no."

A roar shook the cave and Menace was flung against the wall by an evil force. "OUT!" The being bellowed. "I DON'T WANT DIAGREEABLE WOLVES IN MY CAVE!"
Menace quickly scrambled to the tunnel he came from and raced down it's length, coming out on the other side where the two wolves stood in the space in front of him.

As he came bundling out into the other cavern, one of the wolves heard him and yelped. "You're not supposed to be here!" Something Menace couldn't help noticing was that only one of them spoke these words, and the other looked a whole different type of scared. And their eyes weren't black like the darkness that slid itself over his paws and sunk into his fur.

"I don't even want to be here!" Menace howled, bolting out of the small viney rift in the wall. Some vines caught in his fur as he scrambled through the shrubs. God he wanted sunlight on his fur, not oozing darkness. He burst through the lacy wall of leaves and dappled sunlight coated his fur, seeming to wash the shadows away.

That voice still whispered in his head, softer than the shouting in that dreadful cave but still sifting through his brain. He went to Shadow, immediately telling her he was ready to move on. For some reason his breath escaped him when he tired to tell Shadow about his expirience and he had to leave without telling her.

As he neared the edge of the territory he heard a faint whisper. "You'll be back..." He shuddered. "I know you'll be back..."

Then Menace carried his body over into the next biome and it seemed all trace of a malevolent entity being in his head faded. Menace tried to tell himself he'd never set foot on this land again but he knew it wouldn't be true. he loved the Night Keeper Pack and could never not see them again.

With that thought Menace moved on. There was something evil lurking under the land and Shadow was the key to the packs protection. Menace would be back.

Posted 2023-12-29 04:33:53 (edited)
Menace pt.2

Pack name and ID/link: Serene Wanderers
Decors added (optional): Lunar Mushroom Overgrowth, Dreamland branch overgrowth [Front Legs]
Menace spent a long time wandering throughout different biomes — maybe because he was still thinking about his encounter in Decideus Forest, with Night Keeper Pack. His legs were sore from the walking, and it didn't help that the weird branches that got tangled in his fur a while back seemed to grow, this time showing themselves on his front legs. He was kind of worried about this. It wasn't good, for sure, even though he liked the way they looked. It would certainly be good to see some herbalist...

Just as he thought of this, a smell of herbs reached his nose. He looked around, seeking its source, and that's when he saw a wolf before him — she was looking for herbs in the barren ground of Tundra. She did not seem to be struggling, though — as if that was all she knew. He approached her happily, for a moment forgetting about his troubles.

She jumped a little, too focused on her task to notice him before. Her big, black eyes looked at him with both curiosity and worry. Before he could even ask for her name, she started sniffing the branches covering his body and asking how he's feeling, which caught him off guard. In a good way, though. It was nice to see a stranger caring so much for his wellbeing.

The wolf brought him to her pack — Serene Wanderers. She explained to him that she was Borene, the Herbalist, and she took care of making sure the branches posed no danger to his overall health. The pack itself seemed very welcoming, and he got to know another traveller — Nellie, to whom he took liking. It was a very peaceful place, that helped him calm his worries about what he saw recently. Quickly, though, it started to bore him... it was so quiet, too quiet. He was tasked with pupsitting, which wasn't exactly exciting, and quickly joking around and tricking the puppies into believing that they will turn into rats if they will be naughty became tiring. That's why, when Xirian, pack leader, warned the whole pack to not stray at night due to some weird occurances, he knew exactly what he would do.

At the dead of night he snuck out of the cave he was assigned to and wandered off into the darkness. He already felt a dose of adrenaline running through his veins, but true excitement came with an unfamiliar sight — dozens of blue lights came to his sight as he exited the small forest that was a home to Serene Wanderers' pack. It almost felt as if he entered another dimension... it had to be the Dreamlands Xirian spoke of.

He trotted off into the unknown, making sure to touch and sniff everything. He did get into some danger, yes — he angered a weirdly fluffy, blue cougar and had to run for his life, but he still had a blast. One of his favourite encounters were weird mushrooms, which spore clouds flickered beautifully in the moonlight after he harassed the poor flora. It made his back tingly, but he didn't worry about it yet.

Soon the exhaustion was getting to him. He found himself a cosy spot and took a nap, but when he woke up... he had no idea where he was. He must have wandered off further than he expected... but he didn't really mind. He already stayed a long time in the Serene Wanderers' pack! It was time for a new adventure! Or maybe it was just an excuse as to not feel too bad about wandering into some weird dimension with no thought, like an idiot...

Pack name and ID/link: Winterset Pack #119564
Decors added (optional): Scar: Foot
Shaking the drowsiness that lingered on his fur with the luminescent powder of the strange world he had ventured in the night before, Menace found himself at the foot of some unfamiliar mountains (though he could have sworn there were none in the distance of the Tundra he was last in). Boldly he began to climb the rocks, paying little mind to the loose rocks that he paws sent down the hills behind him.
Soon enough he reached the top of one of the smaller peaks, howling with delight at the vast view sprawling before him. 'This must be what the call of the wild is about' Menace thinks, eyes wide as he takes in the land. 'So many places to see and explo-'
The rocks under his paws crumble when he tries to step closer to the edge, the world beginning to spin as he tumbles down a short slope. Luckily his fall is broken by a mound of fur that lets out a yelp on the impact. Menace shakes his head to get the world to stop spinning and finds himself face to face with a group of wolves staring at him in surprise and mild horror. He looks down to see that his unwilling cushion was yet another pack wolf, almost full grown adolescent if he had to guess.
"Sorry about that…" He starts, wincing as he tries to stand. "I'm just passing through"
"Help him up, looks like his foot got hurt in the tumble" An older male says to their packmate before turning to the traveler. "You can come rest in our pack while you wait for your wound to heal, Traveler. My name is Cyri and these are the members of my hunting party." Menace thanks the pack wolves as they help him back to their home, settling him in a den the pack scouts commonly share with travelers.
Menace has a pleasant time in the Winterset Pack while he heals from the fall, he grows close to the wolf he crushed, who assures him that she was not injured but will be holding it against him (in a joking manner of course). When the time comes for him to head off again, he almost considers asking Sprift to join him, but is quickly distracted as the pack gathers to see him off. Soon enough he is wandering the wild again, wondering what adventures await him next.

Pack name and ID/link: Nocturna Ad Lumina
Decors added (optional): Mustelid Fangs Tail Jewelry


Pack name and ID/link: Deep Ocean Pack
Decors added (optional):
Journal: This pack was easygoing, even when hungry, and he left a few days after arriving.


Pack name and ID/link: Starshade Pack owned by Lucky #50618
Decors added (optional): Red Oak Branch [Green]
Journal: Menace stayed as a pupsitter while in the Starshade Pack. He spent his time caring for the pups of the pack and learning from the pack's den mothers. One of the pups he looked after was Purpur. He was given a large branch with bright green leaves by the pack as a token of good luck for his future travels.


Pack name and ID/link: Viskande Vindar #25521
Decors added (optional): N/A
Journal: (cw: death) Menace saw the alpha die. The pack was standing around, watching the weakened Burning Moon, the Auctorn (leader) carefully. She stumbled, and fell, the powdery snow softening her fall. It didn't matter, though. Not when she didn't get up again. Her eyes widened, fearful and resigned all at once, and she whispered, "K'vaer? I hoped you wouldn't come for me," and then her expression grew blank. An invisible shadow whipped around the pack, and Menace saw each wolf flinch as something touched them. Not him, though. The shadow didn't go near him or the other travellers. It seemed hostile to him and tenderly possessive to the Viskande Vindar.

Afterwards, Menace wanted to ask just what on Earth that had been. But he didn't, because the other wolves were already deep in mourning, and a chill ran down his spine whenever he thought about the shadow. Some things were better off not knowing. Best to move on and leave the pack to grieve in peace.


Pack name and ID/link: Meropide #132885
Decors added (optional): Thigh swipe [left]
Journal: After leaving the Viskande Vindar pack, Menace wandered the forest, deep in thought about what he had seen. He was so deep in thought when he bumped into a tan wolf.
"O-Oh! Sorry!" Menace yelped, taking a few steps back.
The new wolf smiles gently and wags his tail. "It's quite alright, respectable stranger. My name is Aiden, the herbalist for Meropide. You are?"
"Men-Menace" He introduces himself. "I think I'm lost?"
Aiden tilts his head before speaking again "Would you like to meet our alpha, Wrio? Perhaps he will allow you to stay untill you're back on your paws. I know we need another hunter with Aubrey pregnant."
Menace smiled. He was good at hunting from his journeys. Hopefully this would work out well.


Pack name and ID/link: Starshade Pack #50618
Decors added: Scattered Bones
Journal: While at the Starshade Pack, Menace stayed as a pupsitter and learned pupsitting techniques from the other den mothers in the pack. He cared for pups like Sugar Coat and enjoyed sharing stories of his travels with pups and adults alike in the pack. He was given a set of ornamental bones for good luck on his journey ahead.


Pack name and ID/link: Winterset Pack #119564
Decors added:
Journal:  Menace found himself wandering some familiar territory, the rocky paths of the mountains leading him towards a cluster of cave dens. Some wolves called out greetings, recognizing the traveler, while those too young to have seen his last visit tilted their heads at his familiarity. While some of the pack wolves came up to exchange greetings, somber quiet seemed to hover over the pack.
Menace glanced around in confusion, 'Has something happened?' he wonders, a dark furred wolf approached him, pressing against his side and leading him towards a den. He stared at her in confusion for a moment before realizing that it was Sprift, the wolf he had so gracefully landed on last time, now full grown. "My pups just moved out so it's quieter to talk here," She explains, nodding for him to settle in the den beside her. "You've returned at an interesting time."
"Did something happen?"
"It is Eria's last night." She replies softly, looking down at the cave floor. Menace didn't remember much of the pack's lead wolf from his last visit, she was always so busy patrolling and caring for her pack that he didn't see much of her. "The pack elders and herbalist will go to the mountain top with her tonight, where she will return to the cold and a new lead will emerge."
"I see…" He didn't fully understand what that really meant, but decided it was best to just stay out of the pack's affairs. He spent the night in the cave, catching up with his friend and sharing his grand tales of adventure. When morning came he slowly followed the pack wolves out into the clearing, where they all watched as the herbalist and elders returned, a strange wolf in tow, his eyes darting around the gathered wolves.
The traveler had a short introduction to the new lead, Hayle, who seemed a little skeptical of the idea of traveling wolves. Menace spent most of his time with Sprift, following her around the camp and "aiding" in the den-keeper's tasks. Soon it came time for him to move on, not only needing to continue his journey but also growing increasingly uncomfortable with the way the piercing eyes of the new lead followed him about. Sprift walked him to their border, hesitant to say bye once more. "Stop by again okay?"
"I'll be sure to keep an eye out if I'm in the area again" he promises, setting off down the forest trails.


Pack name and ID/link: Salmonstone Pack
Decors added: -
Journal: went afk after taking him for abt. a month so I recalled


Home pack
Noname Pack #84672
Decors added (optional): Floating Wisp [Small, Low]
Journal: Menace had been wandering for quite some time during which he didn't find a pack that would let him stay with them. He decided that it was time to take a rest as his legs were getting tired. As he wasn't too far from the Taiga, he thought it would be nice to visit home once again. Happy to meet his family, he headed home.
When he arrived, he was greeted by many familiar faces and also many new ones - the last time he had been here was long past. He happily talked to his friends and asked what had happened. He was told about the war that had recently started here - while coming here, he was confused when he saw so many wolves patrolling and keeping guard - and also that his mother had just recently died. His heart broke. His last visit was so long ago...
While trying to cope with the loss, he helped the pack out in defending the den site until they reassured him that he didn't have to stay. He thanked them all and wished them all the best, promising to not travel for too long now and come home when he will be retired.
When he walked off - finally alone again - he started whining and tears appeared in his eyes. He cried for his mother in the first part of his restarted journey.
When he was done crying, he realized a light that seemed to follow him. He looked at it - still with tears in his eyes - when it came closer and gently touched his nose. He had the feeling... that somehow this had to to with his mother. Maybe she hadn't left him but rather decided to spend time with him on his journey...


Pack name and ID/link: xXNightmaresXx
Decors added: -
Journal: chased or neglected him


Pack name and ID/link: StinkyFlea
Decors added (optional): Blue Jay
Trigger Warning: Hunting & Death (Deer).

Crumbling leaves and snapped twigs, it was Autumn and Menace was leaving a path of them behind him as he'd make his way towards the Grasslands. He'd found himself wondering what he'd encounter during his travel, possibly a squirrel or two? Maybe a fox- Oh! what about wild horses? His mind would go a million miles an hour the closer he got. The air was crisp and left a dampness to his coat but Menace didn't seem to mind, it'd helped him keep his mind off his mothers passing and it was something he'd been wishing to do for a while now...

He'd find himself at the tree line- birds chirping and critters scurrying up the trees to seek shelter from the winter that would roll in shortly in the coming weeks. Small paws can be heard making their way to him at great speed- or so the little pup thought, before crashing into him with a small yelp. Menace let out a small huff of amusement seeing the pup attempt to gain it's surroundings again as it sit in a dazed and confused state.

"And where are you off to in such a hurry?" Menace question the little pup after a while giving the little guy a second to get his bearings feeling it'd been up to no good.

Not too long after the crash, a Piebald female makes her way over with somewhat of a waddle- clearly due puppies and soon, she'd be panting heavily trying to regain her breath for a while now as she'd been chasing the pup around for hours exhausted.

"I'm so sorry! Has he caused you any trouble? Apologise to him immediately. Where are my manners- I'm 𝓓𝓲𝓿𝓪 ᴳ³

"Menace- no he hasn't, I was just making my way to the Grassland when he'd collided with me accidently."

"You should be looking where you're running, what am I going to do with you- You could get yourself hurt y'know."

The sound of gunshot pierces through the Grasslands leaving an eerie bone chilling silence before the faint bleat of a Doe is heard. Humans. They'd come travelling across the lands, hunting whatever cross their paths. Both Menace and Diva glance to one another before nudging the pup towards pack territory hoping it keep it's innocence for as long as possible.

Diva had gently motioned her head as if to invite Menace in, he wasn't about to decline knowing there was a hunter within the area.


Home pack (end of journey)
Noname Pack #84672
Decors added (optional):
Journal: TBD

Posted 2023-12-30 07:17:12 (edited)

#3 Hera - Sightless Seeker

Started journey: 6 months

Bio (last updated 10.05.2024):

Hera was the first wolf that was born in the Noname Pack with blindness - caused by hereditary cataracts. The herbalist could not help her with her mutation and only could tell her that she would have to live a simple life without being able to perform a role.
The pup - having to hear such news at this very young age - was enraged and refused to live such a boring life. Having heard stories of Rufous and Menace - two pack members that had been living as travellers - Hera was fuelled with motivation to do something with her life. She wanted to become a traveller aswell.


Starting/Home Pack
Pack name and ID/link: Noname Pack
Decors added (optional): Company of Faelcu [Hostile]
Hera had trained her senses so that she could leave her pack without major problems. Her mother did not want her to leave, but somehow Hera managed to ensure her that she will be safe. They agreed on her howling to the moon, when the young wolf left a pack - in hopes, that her mother might hear it and could then feel easy.

Ready and prepared, she left the pack around the age of an adolescent. Before stepping into the world, Hera howled cheerfully and the whole pack joined in. The adventure should begin.

Slowly, Hera came close to the border of the Taiga forest. She wasn't too fast of course, as she did not know the terrain. Stepping outside, she heard a hiss. Knowing that she should stay away, she hesitated. But she was too curious. Alert, she walked towards it and growled. The hiss turned into a laugh:"You think you could threaten me? You can't even see! And I am a Faelcu, a very powerful one aswell!"
Interestingly, the young wolf just started brabbling about being able to get away or outsmart the stranger, who then became so curious about this little being that it offered to come along with her to listen to her, as she enjoyed the company. Hera agreed on the condition, that the Faelcu who introduced themselves as Kathlir would guide her through the biomes and replace her lack of eyesight.


Pack name and ID/link: Night Keeper Pack #128869
Decors added (optional):
As an example of her powers, Kathlir shared her eyesight with Hera, allowing her to see her surroundings for a short while. Hera was amazed at the world around her, feeling overjoyed that she could have a normal... semi-normal... okay, quite abnormal life, but she could see, even if it was for a minute with a long period in between.

Kathlir led Hera along the path Rufous had advised when the Faeclu could hold the magic no more. They walked next to each other for a while, Kathlir's spiny tail slightly guiding her on her shoulder until Kathlir suddenly jumped away, leaving Hera confused. The next time she blinked she could see, and a wolf was coming towards her on the horizon.

The wolf had likely smelt them, as the wind blew towards him. She was concealed by branches and leaves, but he'd be here soon. Kathlir stated something from nearby, her voice coming from above. "I don't want anyone to see me. I'm only here to observe."

Hera nodded, her eyes closed. When she opened them darkness welcomed her. She slowly padded forward, carefully feeling the ground in front of her before taking another step. If she were to sit and wait for the wolf, she wouldn't have an excuse of how she knew he was coming, as when he'd stumble into her, she'd have been sitting for a while.

The wolf slowly crested the hills rise and approached Hera bumbling around the bushes. Immediately his hackles raised and he growled. "What do you do on Night Keeper territory?"

Hera decided to act confused. "Huh? Who's there?" Swinging her head around with her ears swivelling, she was positive he now knew she was blind. Kathlir had the energy to share her eyesight again, showing her a muscular grey wolf standing in front of her, posed menacingly. The world quickly became darkness again, and Hera took a cautious step back. "Hello?"

"Follow." The wolf growled, swinging his tail in her face so she'd know where he was. How annoying... Following the wolf, her face was hit about A MILLION times with his tail until she lost it and snapped at the fur, latching hard onto the tip. He yelped -- a sound just SOO uncharacteristic for this STRONG wolf in front of her.

"Could you at least have some decency? Walk next to me and guide me with your tail on my shoulders. Or I won't hesitate to turn your tail into my chewing toy."

"Big words coming from a blind wolf." He mocked, yet still started to guide her as she instructed. Soon more wolves could be heard chatting in the distance. Over the sounds of wolves, Hera's hearing picked up a swishing in the bushes, indicating Kathlir was following her. She felt a relief that was more than she expected.

Eventually, the next time she blinked, there was a clearing around her, wolves peering at her from all sides. She couldn't even tell they had stopped doing what they were doing to stare at her. Thank the stars she could see. The grey wolf led her again, towards a darker grey wolf with teal swirls embedded into her fur.

In the span of half a minute Hera had taken in everything and her vision became black yet again, a familiar embrace becoming stranger every time the real world graced her eyes. Hera was guided to the dark grey wolf, and the one leading her spoke.

"Shadow. I found a traveller at the edge of our territory."

Hera felt the aura around Shadow noticeably brighten. "Ah, yes. I've been expecting a traveller to come along soon. Is there another one though?" That one sentence thoroughly confused Hera. Another one? Did she sense Kathlir's presence? Was she just taking a wild guess that Hera had a travelling buddy? Whatever it was, Hera was now giving Shadow a side eye.

Nevertheless, Hera got settled in, gaining eyesight when she entered the travellers den to look around. Other than her, there was one other wolf that looked bored out of their mind. So she didn't seem suspicious Hera asked the wolf that found her -- who she now knew was called Grey -- if there was anyone else in the cave, to which he replied: "Yeah, there's another wolf. Don't sit on their tail." And then he was gone.

Hera flicked her tail in annoyance. She was in darkness yet again, so she felt the walls of the cave, feeling the space around her. She quickly stepped on a fluffy -- and empty -- nest, and claimed it as her own.

Soon Hera was the only wolf in the travellers den and Kathlir made a visit. "I didn't know there could be so many wolves in one spot. It's infuriating."

"Well you're here to observe, aren't you?" Hera spoke in the direction Kathlir's voice came in. "Now you have more wolves you could ever wish to observe."

Kathlir's spiny tail poked into Hera's side. "I didn't want to watch 40 stories play out. I wanted to watch one story, your story."

There was a pause in the air. "Although, Shadow is an interesting creature. The pattern she wears on her pelt is meant to trap one of our kind in a certain area, such as here. I sense an additional presence and I hear a faint whisper in my mind." Kathlir shuffled on her paws. "I worry."

Hera could hear just the slightest hint of fear in the last two words Kathlir spoke, causing Hera to be alarmed. "Is there another Faeclu here?"

Kathlir shook her head. "Not a faeclu but one of us. Yet stronger. More powerful than my own. There must be a good reason it's trapped here."

"Let's look for it. How do we get it to whisper to me? I want to feel what it's like."

Again, Kathlir shook her head. "It speaks to the ones it deems capable. No offence, but a blind wolf won't be able to do what it wants."

"What does it want?"

"I don't yet know. But it deems me worthy. I can lead you to it if you desire. I will take control of your story for a bit."

"... Sounds good! We have a mystery to solve and creepy, terrifying, horrifying, evil, horrendous, and even petrifying, beings to meet!"

"I'm going to leave before I get caught. The morning will come soon, and we will speak again then."

As Kathlir had said, the morning came soon. Hera requested to leave the clearing for a while, and Shadow asked if she could tag along. Hera said she'd be fine; She'd follow the scent of wolves to get back. Reluctantly Shadow had agree, saying she had better be careful though.

And now Hera was here, surrounded by trees. Kathlir Had come a few seconds ago, and now they just... sat... for a while. Finally Kathlir spoke. "A cave. There's a cave in the clearing hidden beneath vines. I'll give you sight and all you have to do is pretend you're following the small cliff wall."

Hera nodded. "I'm ready." Kathlir paused and then Hera could see. "Okay, go quickly." Kathlir bounded away into the trees, her dark body quickly disappearing. Hera then started to wander back to the clearing, heading towards the cliff wall and padding along it, pressing her side to the quickly thickening vines. Suddenly she collapsed to the side, catching her off guard when the vines bent underneath her.

Seems like she had found the cave, although she'd expected it to be more... visible. It didn't look like there was a cave here, but she started to nudge the vines aside until there was a gap big enough for her still growing body. She slipped through, immediately being encased in a blanket of darkness.

She padded forward, her vision dark despite being able to see. Soon enough she felt a presence at her side, realising it was Kathlir when her cold tail touched her shoulder. A small room opened up around them, a faint light helping the surroundings be seen. Two wolves stood in front of a large crack in the wall across from them.

"You shouldn't be here." They spoke at the same time, their black eyes unblinking. Shadows swirled over their paws, spilling out of the crack and onto their pelts as if it was a physical thing. "Leave." Their mouths curled and they took a step forward, their paws landing at the same time.

Hera took a step back, but Kathlir took a step forward, tail swishing and cutting into the shadows as her back arched. She growled. "No. Get out of the way." Flexing her serrated claws Kathlir took another menacing step forward.

The two wolves paused, their whole bodies stilling before they shook,  laughter wheezing out of their lungs. Hera's fur rose and she just whispered to Kathlir "Let's go. It's not worth it." Kathlir snarled, lunging forward but missing the wolves entirely as they simply side stepped. The wolves laughed again, raspy, as if it didn't belong in their throats. "Leave. Talk to the wolf Menace. He was worthy. He brought no friends."

Kathlir growled but prowled towards the exit, knowing the wolves wouldn't let them through. Their search unfruitful, time passed with Hera doing small chores around the pack; the ones she could do with no eyesight. Soon Hera knew there were no more adventures for her here and it was time to leave.

Maybe she'd run into Menace on her journey, but right now she itched to be in the wilds again. She spoke with Shadow and told the alpha she'd be leaving today, and Shadow smiled, saying "If that's so, please, take a small carcass with you before you go."

Now, carcass in her mouth and Kathlir by her side, she left the forest, a new experience on the horizon.


Pack name and ID/link: Fenrir's Fallen
Decors added (optional): -
Journal: did not do anything with her (not even an entry) and kept her WAY too long


Pack name and ID/link: Artemis's Hounds
Decors added (optional): Flower crown (white), Energy bodywraps!
Journal: As the sightless traveler and her companion rounded a more tedious slope on the mountain's they came within a wolves' tail length of Neoma, and her Companion Selene. Neoma seemed familiar with Faelcu, comfortable even. as for Hera she welcomed the wolf into their hotel with open paws. Food and entertainment was provided all while Hera got the chance to rest her weary legs.

Neoma spent some time introducing Hera to the packs more profound members, Selene, her companion, a lovely pied she-wolf with a big heart. Khurus, her lead scout and founding member. Finally she pointed out a dual headed pup, calling the pup "The gift" and referencing how it was believed her presence was a gift from Artemis herself, blessing her loyal followers. The pup greeted Hera before waddling after Selene who decided to go bask in the warm sunlight.

"Well," Neoma spoke, "We can keep you here for a few days, then I'll have Selene and Khurus locate another pack for you to move to!"


Pack name and ID/link:  Ninsun
Decors added (optional): Drapery of Onyx, Celtic Ruana Wrap [Black], Pose: Relaxed (Thanks!!! <3)
Journal:  05/03/24

Hera and her companion wandered into the territory where they had been invited recently. It was based in the rainforest, colourful and warm and full of exotic creatures. Two wolves were there to meet them, who introduced themselves as Dumuzi, who was promised to the pack's young leader, Inanna, and Ama-arhus, the herbalist. They greeted Hera and slowly started guiding her to the pack's core territory, describing as they went.

They brought her to a large but warm cave equipped with temporary accommodation for a number of wolves, most of which were empty, but there were a few other wolves in the large cave, who greeted her but did not approach.

"This is where wolves promised to another pack live, or who hope to go and live in another pack when they are older," Ama-arhus explained. "I'll get you some food and let you settle down to rest tonight. There's a lot of wolves excited to meet you tomorrow!"


Hera woke at dawn, but from the noises she heard the rest of the pack were clearly already up. Kathlir used her tail to push her towards something, and Hera realised that some warm food had been left for her. As she was finishing eating, a wolf approached her, and as soon as he spoke, she realized it was Dumuzi, who she had met yesterday.

"If you're ready, Inanna, our leader, and some others would love to meet you!"

Hera assented and walked with Dumuzi,quite a long way, confirming her suspicions of this being a big pack. She got to an area where all she could hear were puppies, the tiny sounds of newborns and the playing and fighting and arguing and just general noise of the older ones.

"Welcome!" said a voice to her right, somewhat formally, as she swung around to face it. "My name is Inanna, and we are overjoyed to have you. You are the first traveller we've had since I've taken over the pack and I hope you'll be very happy here!"

Hera was just about to answer in a similar vein, when a puppy's voice piped up.

"Is this her? Has she finally come? Why does she have a pet? Where has she been?"

A round of laughter drowned out the rest of the questions. A different wolf explained.

"This is Vesta. She is blind as well and she's been so excited to hear about you, she's not stop talking about you since she heard you were coming to visit." The adults laughed again, this time more knowingly.

"All right, pups back to their business!" This was voice was older, elderly even, but held a ring of authority in it, and Hera could hear the other wolves and pups moving away, Inanna with a promise to visit again soon.

"I'm Shinunutum," the elderly wolf introduced herself briskly. "I run all of this - I organise the pupsitting and the pup training, as well as keeping the history and law of the pack. This here is Shulmanu, who will take over after me, and then after him will be Vesta... Assuming she doesn't imitate you and travel the world instead!"

Hera must have made a small noise of surprise, because Shinunutum laughed again.

"All three of us are blind," she explained. "Though only Vesta has the same condition as you. That's our role here, although it's not as exciting as your life. I can't wait to hear your stories. Most of us here have never visited other packs or other areas. And apparently you have a pet which helps you see?"

Kathlir growled, "I'm not a pet!"

"She's not," Hera agreed. "She's..." She hesitated over the word "friend". "... a companion. She helps me navigate, I explained to her how things work and introduce her to other wolves. And we keep each other company." She thought it best to not mention the magic.

"A partnership," Shinunutum said approvingly. "I wonder if we could find one for Vesta? Shulmanu and I were always happy with our roles, but I wouldn't be surprised if she wanted more. Though who would keep the pack law and history if she left?"

"Even if she didn't leave," Hera answered, "It might be useful for her. Kathlir helps me when we're in new territory or when new things have appeared in old territory. Kathlir doesn't like to speak in public, she doesn't normally appear to people, but I'll talk to her later about this."

Shinunutum thanked her and started to show her around the area, explaining what each area was for and what each wolf did, and how they supervised it all.


Hera had spoken to Kathlir in the night, who had agreed to ask in case any young relatives might be interested in making a bond with Vesta. She was very clear that she couldn't promise, but equally, she was hopeful. Kathlir told any who were interested to come to Inanna's pack.

Shinunutum had finally arranged some time for Vesta to spend some time to Hera, apologising to Hera when she explained, but Hera didn't mind at all. In fact, she was really touched and flattered by the young wolf's hero-worship. She spent a few hours answering all of Vesta's questions and telling her stories, to the most attentive audience she had ever had.

Inanna and her pack treated Hera like a celebrity - the best carcasses and toys, offers of tours every day, and they gave her not one but two new cloaks, despite her explaining that she could only wear one at a time!

She had a feeling that travellers didn't normally get this kind of treatment, but as the first traveller when Inanna was in charge, they were clearly excited and felt they had to do things properly. For such a large and well-structured pack, nearly all of the leaders, the herbalist, the scouts, and so on, and of course Inanna herself, were all very young. Shinunutum seemed to be the only exception Hera had met.

All the stories she had told to Vesta meant she was starting to get itchy feet again...


Posted 2024-01-19 03:00:17 (edited)
Hera pt.2

Starting/Home Pack
Pack name and ID/link: Noname Pack
Decors added (optional):
Journal: Upon Heras arrival to her home, she was greeted warm-heartedly by her beloved family. She heard a few unknown voices and had some time introducing herself to the younger and newer members. She wandered around in the den site and had this feeling of home with her... Did she want to stay? What was her purpose, wandering from place to place?
She was in deep thought, when she was interrupted by the leader Delilah "Hello darling. Want to share some recent stories?" Hera's mood lightened up and she followed her friend to a big clearing. She made herself comfortable on the ground, when she heard many footsteps coming closer - it reminded her of the last pack she visited, with all those busy paws...
When everyone had gathered there, Hera started talking. There were many stories, but she left out Kathlir for now. She didn't know how they would react. And Delilah had a bad experience with them.
Towards the end of her stories, she accidentally mentioned it - but to her surprise, her pack was curious instead of fearful. Kathlir came out of her hiding spot and introduced herself - even though she was quite uncomfortable with that many eyes on her.
They spent a bit of time at the Noname Pack, when they decided to leave. They had a warm-hearted goodbye and wandered off in the night.


Pack name and ID/link: EclipseRunners Pack
Decors added (optional): Owl Talon Necklace

As Hera crossed the EclipseRunners territory boundary, she was soon greeted by two scouts, Hawk and ForestWhisper. After realizing that she was a traveler, they kindly invited her to stay a while at their dens, assuring her that their Alpha wouldn't mind at all. The way they said it made her wonder if they somehow knew she had a traveling buddy--Kathlir--but they didn't bring it up so she let the conversation shift. The scouts brought her back to their home site, and the Alpha came to greet her.

"Hello! And welcome to our home, you're free to stay as long as you like. I'm Luna, Alpha of the EclipseRunners." The Alpha's voice was kind.

After a moment a hazy image appeared before Hera's eyes. She tried not to blink in surprise as a glare pierced her eyes, the cold morning sun glinting off the snow covered land. She silently thanked Kathlir, as her powers cleared her vision. The Alpha was standing a tail-length away, her winter coat--made up of whites and pink hues, adorned with swirling blue dye--fluffed against the sheer breeze.

"Thank you Luna, I'm Hera, from the Noname pack." She gave a respectful dip of her head.

"I will show you the layout of our dens, so you're familiar with it."

"Thank you,"

Luna brushed her tail against Hera's front leg and began walking, her vision had returned to darkness. She led Hera from one den to the next, their dens were spacious but not the biggest Hera had ever known. As they passed through the nursery, the older pups ran up to greet them, they were excited and kept giving Hera's eyes a curious look. The pups were soon called to attend their training sessions, leaving Luna and Hera to continue on.

After a few days of rest and getting to know some of the members of the pack, Hera and Kathlir decided it was time to move on. After telling Luna this, the Alpha only asked that she wait until the next morning to leave.

"I don't see how that would be a problem," answered Hera, her tail swaying side-to-side.

"Thank you, it will give us time to prepare for your send-off," her voice held a lilt of smile that Hera could hear, she wondered what that was about, then returned to her den to rest before the journey.

The next morning Hera awoke to a creaking in the snow laden branches. The past few days she'd been here it was always a hustle of busy movement as the wolves went about their daily tasks, but this morning it was silent. She stood, stretched, then made her way out of the den and into the brisk morning air.

Pawsteps crunched steadily toward her, "Ah you're awake! Good, come with me!" It was Luna.

Hera followed her, and scents started filling her nose. Wolves of the pack had gathered in a large meadow bordering their den territory, Hera scented almost all of them there. Wait no...Every single wolf in the EclipseRunners pack had gathered to send her off. Her eyes became hot as emotion swelled in her chest.

"Y-you did all this for me?"

"Of course dear! We all wanted to send you off with our best hopes going with you--and with some of our best meat too," Luna let out a small laugh.

"Thank you," Hera leaned towards Luna and they shared a sisterly goodbye-nuzzle.

"Ah, and this is for you, remember us as you feel it brush against your fur." Luna slipped a necklace with hard-earned owl talons dangling on the end.

Hera could feel the once-sharp curves against her, "I will, thank you again for everything."

"Any time, safe travels my friend." With that, Luna let out a beautiful, deep howl. The other members joined in after, a chorus wishing Hera wellbeing and happiness.

She took a breath, and with Kathlir in the treetops she set off for a new adventure.

Pack name and ID/link: Moirai Den #133137
Decors added (optional): -
Journal: -


Pack name and ID/link: River-force (ID Jay #57857
Decors added (optional): N/A
Journal: N/A


Starting/Home Pack
Pack name and ID/link: Noname Pack
Decors added (optional): Lunar Moon Lamp
Journal: After a few stops at other packs - the last two were rather uneventful - Hera came by her home pack. She noticed Kathlir being uneasy and when she offered the traveller her eyesight, Hera saw more wolves than usual wandering about. Most of them carried wounds that they didn't have last time they visited. When they were discovered by the Noname Pack's members, the two were escorted to the den site where the leader welcomed them with a warm heartedly.

With a heavy heart, Delilah told them about what had happened - the traitor that was living withhin the pack, the uprage and the war. Hera was very saddened about it and Kathlir was stressed because of the many wolves running about. The pack had become a lot more busy since then.

As Hera and her friend were well known, there was no problem with them being here. She settled in her favourite nest she always slept in and helped the pack together with Kathlir.
But the Faelcu wasn't comfortable around that many busy wolves and Hera kind of felt like a burden when everything was so unusual, they left quite soon but promised to come back in the near future again.

The herbalist Frost, who had gotten help with sorting herbs and mixing medicine, gave Hera and her companion a magical moon lamp that should protect them from the cultists and guide their way. The traveller wasn't quite sure about that but the lamp gave her a nice feel on her throat and chest when carrying it, so she thanked the herbalist and they moved on.


Pack name and ID/link: Daydreaming Souls - #74954
Decors added: None
Journal: Gradually, Hera found herself in a rainforest. The sounds and scents were a clear indication of that, and not the mention Faelcu told her. It wasn't before long until she scented a wolf, and chased after the other lupine. Hera almost crashed into the wolf if the other canine hadn't tripped over.
"What are you--" The wolf seemed to rustle beneath her, and Hera could almost see the embarrassment on her.
"I'm a traveller." Hera wagged the tip of her tail slightly. "And this is my companion," She looked in the direction of Faelcu.
The other wolf huffed then gave a nod to Hera before realising she couldn't see. "My name is Sky, you two are welcome to come back to our pack."
Hera agreed and followed the she-wolf. She heard the sound of a large waterfall crashing before Sky explained she was leading her and Faelcu to a lake where other travellers resided.
During her stay, she met one of the packs travellers called Ihlathi. They traded pack lore and customs, and she learnt Ihlathi had the secret gift to predict the future. When Hera mentioned the name of Rufous she could almost see him freeze, it turned out that the traveller had visited the same pack years ago! Around the same time Sky had just become a yearling. After some days, Ihlathi escorted Hera and Faelcu out of the pack and they continued her travels. (Had to keep it short because character limit is almost out :c)

Pack name and ID/link: Deadly fur pack #106032
Decors added (optional): N/A
Journal: N/A (Need space)

Posted 2024-01-19 03:18:00 (edited)

#4 Marco - The One who Seeks

Started journey: 6 months

Bio (last updated 10.05.2024):

Marco was a quick runner. He did great in early training and was ready to become a hunter one day. The problem was, his twin brother Polo had the same plans. And they didn't like each other. They were very similar, but Marco was the one who turned out well and Polo was the one that's just gross - Marco's opinion.
So their whole childhood was basically competing against each other and not liking each other.

Until one day near growing into adolescence, they had a fight. After giving each other a few wounds they "talked" - or rather snarled:
M: "I really don't want to be in the same hunting group as you when we grow adults!"
P: "Absolutely! I want to stay away from you as far as possible."
M: "Same with me! I'd rather go to another pack than have to be with you!"
P: "Hah! Why not? Just become a traveller and leave me alone!"
M: "Yeah, why not? And then I can do cool stuff all day and don't have to talk to you anymore!"
P: "I bet, I'd be a better traveller than you!"
M: "Bet?"
P: "Bet."

So it was decided. They wanted to leave the pack when they were adolescents and find out, who was better at being a traveller. They planned on taking different routes aswell.


Starting/Home Pack
Pack name and ID/link: Noname Pack
Decors added (optional): Scar: Dorsal Scratch
After the fight, one of Marcos wounds healed but was still visible. It would be a reminder of his absolutely annoying brother who made him go to his limits.
Marco had talked to Rufous - a former traveller - and planned on following her tip to visit the Night Keeper Pack.

When he got old enough, he left the pack, being bid farewell by his whole family and walking in the opposite direction of his brother, not turning his head back once.


Pack name and ID/link: Night Keeper Pack #128869
Decors added (optional): Fallen Tree Background, Scar: Scratched Front Leg [Left]

Marco marched forward, heading through the trees. He was so going to journey better than Polo. Polo had NOTHING on Marco's travelling skills. Sure, his skills were the same as normal travellers, but Polo wasn't a normal traveller, he was an annoying traveller, so Marco was better than him already.

As Marco padded on, his small stature helped him more and more as the bushes and branches around him started to cramp the air. He weaved past a low-hanging branch and was immediately scratched by a sharp thorn.

And this particular thorn was extra sharp. It hurt like hell. If Polo got a scratch, he probably wouldn't be whining like Marco (No promises, he probably would whine like a baby. That's SO him) was. So Marco briskly licked the deep nick and picked up his pace.

Soon his walking came to an end when he reached his destination. When Rufous had described the way here, it was a lot easier. But when she had described the clearing, she was spot on. It was a large area, trees circling the clearing. The sun shone onto the dirt ground, un-obstructed by the reaching branches that twined together behind him.

There were lots of wolves in the clearing, some watching bumbling pups and some laying by the sides of a small, viny, cliff, basking in the shade. Others weaving in and out of the clearing with dead herbs and sticks, doing chores around the place.

Suddenly Marco's examining came to a halt when a heavy weight crashed into him, bowling him over. His back was pressed against the dirt, and a snarling wolf pinned him to the dusty ground. His heart leapt out of his chest and his heart-rate accelerated. He was just an adolescent! How could he protect himself against a wolf like this?


A commanding voice rang around the clearing and the vicious wolf turned towards its origin. "It's an intruder. Right in the heart of our territory" 'Grey' snarled, looking back at Marco with malicious eyes. "Okay, he's an intruder. But an adolescent too."

The commanding wolf stated, walking over to Grey. "Let him introduce himself to me. I'll speak to him away from prying eyes." Then she padded away, brushing past a wall of vines into a concealed cave.

"So. What is your name?"

"I'm Marco, from the Noname Pack!"

Shadow's eyes widened before she smiled. "Ah, the Noname Pack. Then of course you will be welcome here Marco!"

She stood and beckoned for Marco to follow, so he did. They walked to a small cave on the other side of the clearing. If you looked out from the cave you'd see that classic viny cliff that shadowed the area and sheltered the wolves.

"This is the travellers den."

A white traveller lay licking his paws, only briefly looking up at Marco to see who he was. What a delightful wolf. Apart from his company the den looked cosy, moss covering the whole floor and nests of feathers and leaves dotted around.

"I'll let you get settled and tell the pack you're welcome here. Enjoy your stay here Marco!"

And with that she left him to his own devices.


Around a week had passed, and now Marco itched to do something fun. Maybe play with the pups? Go on a hunt? Scout the territory? His paws itched to be running, but not running in the wild. He left the den, looking at the overhanging cliff. That gave him an idea.

Marco's eyes followed the rim of the cliff, seeing how it dipped low the the ground at one point, making it almost like a wave of dirt about to crash onto the wolves. He wanted to ride the wave, if you know what I mean.

Marco skipped to the side of the cliff and started to wearily pad over the vines that concealed the dirt and stone underneath. Finally the cliff began to meander lower and Marco found a place short enough to scramble up so he wouldn't have to walk on the vines any longer. They crept him out, almost as if they could suddenly move and trap his paws underneath him.

Now he was on the steep plateau, he ran up the rise, slowing when he may have a tumble off the edge. Soon when he looked down, he saw the clearing. The grass in the clearing was long since trod over and killed, but there was grass inching towards the middle from the very edges. The trees seemed to break before the area and the canopies of the trees didn't dare lay a shadow on the dirt.

After admiring the view, not wanting anyone to have a chance at seeing him, he padded back down the wave of dirt. He hopped onto the vines where he'd hopped off, and he padded over them again. In an area where the vines grew thinker he heard a voice of some sorts. "Hello?"

It sounded soft and scared. "I hear you! Please help, I'm stuck in the vines."

Marco decided to help. If this was exciting, he didn't know what was. He'd save a wolf! Most likely one of the Night Keeper pack too, and then he'd be a revered hero!

The voice came again. "If you cut the vines there will be consequences. So don't"

Marco just shrugged, but only nudged them aside instead of cutting them down. Then there was a different voice, behind him.


It was Shadow, and he spun around quickly. "Shadow! There's a wolf stuck in the vines."

Shadow's eyes widened and then she just shook her head. "There is no wolf in the vines." She placed her tail on his shoulder and looked at him, ready to guide him away.

"But there is! I heard her!"


She said firmer this time. "I think you might want to look for your next pack. You've been here long enough."

Marco was astonished, but angrily snatched a beaver from the kill pile. "I know you give wolves prey when they leave! I'll be back, and you better have saved that wolf!"

He stormed into the forest, his paws blindly taking him on a non-existent path. How dare Shadow kick him out! He just wanted to save a wolf that Shadow had said didn't exist, but then what was that voice? It confused and annoyed him so much, and he just wanted to find his next pack already. Considering it took around a day with the path already set out for him, this might take a while...

And hopefully the wolves there wouldn't be so prickly and annoying!

What Marco didn't know, was that Shadow was talking to this trapped "wolf"...:

"You need to stop showing yourself to wolves!"

The darkness recoiled from the blue light that shone from the swirls on her pelt. The cave wanted to trap her, suffocate her, crush her, but the light was Shadow's saving grace.

"I don't listen to commands like that from you, little wolf."

The voice was deep, coming from the thin tunnel that led further into the cavern.

"But you do. Marco nearly got in, and Menace was already enough. The Noname pack will have stories to tell about you for millennia if you keep supplying them! I had to kick Marco out because I didn't want curiosity to kill the wolf."

"But Marco is the one I need, with a hate so raging. You can't prevent this forever. You die soon. You gave everything up to conceal me."

"And I'd do it again."


Starting/Home Pack
Pack name and ID/link: Noname Pack
Decors added (optional): Rabbit Carcass Decor
Marco thought about his experience. He could not forget that trapped wolf, but felt that Shadow would not get him close again, at least for now. Also, he didn't want to tell his pack about the encounter as it somehow felt weird or even wrong to tell. Especially as he just ran away and did not resist and help.

He planned to go somewhere else entirely, but wanted to stop in his home pack for a short period of time.

When he arrived at home, he was greeted very warmly. He enjoyed the welcome and told his family many stories - only sliiightly altered and exaggerated... He stayed for one night, but left soon after to experience stuff to brag to his brother about.

Early on his way, he managed to catch a rabbit.


Pack name and ID/link: Moirai Den
Decors added (optional):
Journal: Marco showed up to the Moirai Den first. He was excited to start fresh, without his brother Polo. About a day or two later, Polo showed up at the entrance of the cave with his head low. He had gotten lost and ended up in the pups play space. One of the older pups lead him to their Leader, Myoga. Myoga ran the pack with an iron paw, keeping everyone fed, working, and moving at all times. When Marco found out his brother was around, he flipped out. He yelled at Myoga and anyone who would listen about how awful his brother was. Myoga didn't care to listen, nor did she care for the yelling and arguing. Marco became a hunter for the pack, training alongside some of the best hunters in the moirai area! That was until one of the members of the hunting pack was injured. Polo was forced to join alongside his brother. Snarls, clawing, and arguing ensued during the hunts. They fought eachother instead of the prey, which lead to many many failed hunts. It left the hunting pack members irritated and annoyed beyond reasoning.
Marco and Polo had both fallen for an older wolf named "Onyx". She was more of a "cougar" or so you could say. Once Marco found out polo liked her too, he messed up a hunt horribly. Two members were injured in the process, leaving marco and polo to fight once again. They both told Onyx separately, but both were rejected, harshly. She schooled them on manners, behavior, and knocked some sense into them. They were kicked from the hunting pack, and ultimately, Myoga decided it was best to send them back where they came from. With cold regards, Myoga sent them home, hoping to never hear from them both at the same time again. She preferred Marco though, but shhh don't tell him that...


Pack name and ID/link: Alsace
Decors added (optional): Bone Decor
Journal: N/A

Pack name and ID/link: Unter den Sternen #60985
Decors added (optional): Brown Leather Sporran, Double Love Bracelet
Journal: After Marco left a rather.. uninteresting pack, nothing to write in the journal about, he was left wandering. He was inspecting a cave after hearing pup laugher before he fell unconscious. He awoke to find a rather.. angry and odd wolf staring down at him. He was no longer in the mountains he was exploring to find a new pack, he was in what he could only describe as a dreamland. Marco was terrified, immediately begging the wolf to not harm him. He could sense that the male was strong, he didn't know how, he just knew. Fortunately for him, a female nearby came running with her tail wagging. Pushing the male out of the way and greeting him kindly, not before giving the male a stern talking to. It was in a different language, but the sound of a mothers anger is universal. After this rough start, his stay was rather nice! Though thats only because another traveler managed to get sent into the dreamlands. There weren't many in the pack, so he sort of stayed near her. Alas, his time to leave came sooner than hers. He had become rather attached by now, so the kind traveler gave him something to remember her by. And of course, a kiss. On his way he was given a bag by a piebald wolf, as the wolf was walking away he heard him muttering about the current lead forgetting their traveler customs? and so Marco fell unconscious again and awoke near the cave that weird stay had started from.


Pack name and ID/link: Flowering Meadows Pack #50586
Decors added (optional): Zebra Longwing
Journal: After the rather interesting experience at the former pack, Marco decided to travel through the Riparian Woodland, just exploring a bit. He was walking slowly, just thinking about his adventures so far, when he was mildly startled by a group of colorful wolves chasing a deer. He watched them silently, although they were skilled hunters it seemed the prey would get away from them... his prediction was correct, and the team was heading back to their pack with empty paws when the leader noticed Marco. The wolves were very friendly, and after hearing of Marco's circumstances they invited him to stay at their camp for a bit — saying it would be fun for the pack, as they hadn't had a traveler in a while.

Marco accepted the offer, and soon found himself at the Flowering Meadows Pack's camp. Their lead, Tlalcoyote, seemed a bit distant and suspicious, but he wasn't aggressive towards Marco and seemed to be content with letting the hunters do whatever they wanted with him. Two of the hunters, Hiriwa and Goose, showed a the place he could sleep and introduced him to the other members of the pack. Most of them just seemed very curious, and though a few gave him some dirty looks, Marco would generally get along well with the pack. Especially the pups, who loved to hear his stories.

The stay with the pack wasn't very eventful. He got to relax, mostly hung out with the hunters, accompanied them on a hunt and caught an elk bull together... the most interesting thing to happen was a butterfly landing on him during that hunt and constantly flying behind him ever since, refusing to leave his side for whatever reason. It was a nice pack, but Marco knew he didn't want to stay that long. He went to the leader's den to inform him, said his goodbyes, and continued on his journey.


Starting/Home Pack
Pack name and ID/link: Noname Pack
Decors added (optional):
Marco was rather satisfied with his recent visits. As he was close to his home, he decided to say hi and tell them some stories. When he arrived, he could smell the faint smell of his brother... Had he just been here?
Anyways, Marco only stayed for a few hours as he felt like having a good run, his paws itching for more to explore, and left...
Delilah had recently met another pack's leader who had a traveller looking for a new place to stay. They agreed that the travellers could swap packs and that was, what they did now. She accompanied Marco to a nice spot where two wolves were already waiting.
When the two arrived, Mojo padded over, their sapphire-colored fur rippling over supple muscles. They dipped their head in greeting to the traveler that was sent in exchange as they passed, dropping a bundle at Delilah's paws.


Pack name and ID/link: The Banonine Quadrant (#133125)
Decors added (optional): none
Nero dipped his head to Marco, a bit put off by the extra eye the traveler bore. He decided against mentioning it, thinking it would be rude. "Greetings, traveler. Your stay might be short, I must warn, because we're running low on space."

Marco nodded, dropping the bone from his mouth to speak. "I understand. Thank you for having me."

"Wake up, traveler, we're moving dens," a voice snarled in Marco's ear. The wolf woke with a start, hopping to his paws.

"Pardon?" Marco asked, shaking out his fur and blinking to try and clear the gunk from his eyes.

"We"re moving to the desert. Come on, slowpoke," the wolf replied, her tail bristling.

Pack name and ID/link: Bison Plains Pack (#47615)
Decors added (optional): Scattered Sticks
During his time, Marco was asked to help watch pups - actually many, many pups.
It was a bit overwhelming to keep track of each pup, even for Marco. One night, a pup went missing. The next morning, the poor pup's body was found far from the den site.
Unrightfully so, some members of the pack blamed Marco for the pup's death!
A quarrel erupted- some members defended Marco whilst others demanded he be exiled immediately! Marco finally had enough and stormed out of the clearing. Making sure to kick up sticks and dirt on his way out!


Pack name and ID/link: Loving Earth (#135345)
Decors added (optional): None


Pack name and ID/link: Snowy Wizards
Decors added (optional): None
Journal: recalled because afk


Starting/Home Pack
Pack name and ID/link: Noname Pack
Decors added (optional): -
Journal: Just made a quick stop, sent him away same day


Pack name and ID/link: HobbleDawgz
Decors added (optional):
Having just joined the hobble pack Marco wonders off and around the territory getting a good look and feel for the place. Osborn the overseer of the pack joined in and decided to talk with the fellow wolf and figure out what drove them to being a traveling wolf. Osborn himself has a few pups longing for adventure so the advice really helped him when thinking about his pups. Marco seemingly has already became a valuable member yet I wonder if in the next coming days if anything would change...

So far its going great Marco has been a Great help Hes been watching over the pups of the pack playing games with them going out on little hunts for rodents and teaching the pups little hunting tricks!! Sometimes when walking in the meadow you can see marco and the pups randomly popping up peaking iut the tall grass. Marco so far has been getting along ok with the pack he loves to work and show how indesposable he is and he lives up to what he says.


Pack name and ID/link:
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Posted 2024-05-10 00:34:05 (edited)

#5 Polo - The One who Finds

Started journey: 6 months

Bio (last updated 28.03.2024):

Polo was a fast pup. He did not really have any manners when eating, but was still a very skilled young wolf. One day, he wanted to become a hunter. The problem was, his twin brother Marco had the same plans. And they didn't like each other. They were very similar, but Polo was the one who turned out well and Marco was the one that's just boring - Marco's opinion.
So their whole childhood was basically competing against each other and not liking each other.

Until one day near growing into adolescence, they had a fight. After giving each other a few wounds they "talked" - or rather snarled:
M: "I really don't want to be in the same hunting group as you when we grow adults!"
P: "Absolutely! I want to stay away from you as far as possible."
M: "Same with me! I'd rather go to another pack than have to be with you!"
P: "Hah! Why not? Just become a traveller and leave me alone!"
M: "Yeah, why not? And then I can do cool stuff all day and don't have to talk to you anymore!"
P: "I bet, I'd be a better traveller than you!"
M: "Bet?"
P: "Bet."

So it was decided. They wanted to leave the pack when they were adolescents and find out, who was better at being a traveller. They planned on taking different routes aswell.


Starting/Home Pack
Pack name and ID/link: Noname Pack
Decors added (optional): Scar: Scratched Shoulder [Left]
After the fight, one of Polo's wounds healed but was still visible. It would be a reminder of his absolutely annoying brother who made him go to his limits.
Marco had talked to Rufous - a former traveller - and planned on following her tip to visit the Night Keeper Pack. Polo thought of this as just being scared and felt superior. He wanted to trust his nose and see where he would land.

When he got old enough, he left the pack, being bid farewell by his whole family and walking in the opposite direction of his brother, not turning his head back once.


Pack name and ID/link: Silent fang #94807
Decors added (optional): Deep Forest (Background)
Journal: Polo has been walking for a while and certainly didn't expect how tiring and how straining it would be, he stopped at a nearby pack territory, he waited patiently sitting down resting his young limbs, at some point a female arrive, she has a brown and grey pelt and a calm expression
"Hello? Who are you?"
She ask looking at the young one standing tall with a imposing yet comforting aura
"The name's Polo, I'm a traveler from the Noname Pack"
He reply standing up, the female tilt her head to the side then smile
"Ho goody I never saw a traveler before, I'm sure Nizerin won't mind, I'm Laeryphe, come"
She spoke kindly before turning and walking away her tail wagging happily, Polo follow her to the camp, it's in a calm valley, many wolves working on their own thing, an old male trot up to them he seem a bit stressed
"Laeryphe, who is the little wolf with you"
He spoke looking at the female, as she was about to speak Polo cut her to it
"I am Polo, a traveler from the Noname Pack"
He spoke proudly catching the attention of the older male and the female
"Well, I suppose I don't have a reason to turn you down, you may stay"
He spoke shoting a mean glare at teh female before leaving, the female turn back to Polo with a bright smile her tail wagging
"He's just stressed don't worry, come I'll show you your den"
She says walking to a small den with few nest, it seems like the den is quite new and need improvement, it wasn't has comfortable as the one he had at home but he had the whole den for himself, during his stay he helped around a bit, mainly helping the newly installed pack to built den and joining the hunters for a few hunts


Pack name and ID/link: Night Keeper Pack Zebree #128869
Decors added (optional): Wrapped Snake
Journal: Polo doesn't usually give you gifts, and you're leery as they grin suggestively when you take it. You really don't want to hear what, in their opinion, you can do with it. +1 to Relationship Gained 1x Bone! lol

Polo travelled through the woods, a pep in his step after his first successful journey to a pack. He was surely ahead of Marco now, as he was already onto his second pace. If he could find it, that is...

Soon trees were towering over him and shadows curled towards his pelt. The wind seemed to whisper when it whisked by him, the scent of night clinging onto his fur even though it was day. At least, Polo thought it was day. It was too dark to discern otherwise, but that much time couldn't have passed already.

Soon the branches clung to pelt, pricking his skin from underneath his thick fur. Eventually Polo burst through the shrubs into a large, cleared area. Near the middle wolves milled about in the sun. Looking up, Polo realised the canopy of leaves broke away here, allowing the sun to warm the earth.

A wolf jumped towards him, sporting a friendly face. "Marco! What are you doing back here?"

...Marco? Oh bother, this must be the Night Keeper Pack, where my pathetic brother headed to. How did I end up here?

The wolf in front of him definitely looked like Shadow - the alpha - weird swirling patterns and all. "Marco? I'm Polo!" He snapped, posing to hopefully make himself look more handsome than Polo.

Shadow smiled, seemingly not embarrassed by her mistake. "Well, it's good to have you Polo. Are you going to stay?"

Polo thought for around one second. "Of course I'm going to stay! I'm going to be better than- I mean... I'm going to... rest here... for a bit..."

Shadow chuckled. "Of course, make yourself at home then!' Gesturing for Polo to follow, she led him to a small cave where another wolf that looked like a traveller rested in his nest.. "Marco has already left." She mentioned. Thank god  "I'm glad I get the honour of meeting his brother too."

"It IS a great honour!" Polo puffed out his chest. "I'm way better than him!" Shadow just smiled, a kind glint in her eyes. "I'm sure. Well, see you around Polo! Please enjoy your stay."

After Polo was comfortable in his nest, he spent most days exploring the camp. First the caves, then the clearing. And now the cliffs. On the side of the clearing a small outcropping shaded the area when the sun rose and caves dotted the bottom. Near the edge of the clearing where the cliff sunk lower vines swarmed the walls and floor, suffocating the stone and dirt underneath.

Walking on the carpet of vines, stalks and leaves, Polo leaned against the wall, feeling sprouts filter through his thick pelt. Suddenly the vines gave way into the cliff wall, tangling around his legs and he leaned heavily to the left. Scrambling to untangle himself, Polo, curiosity taking over him, slipped through the stems into a dark cave.

Once he lay a paw on the cold, stone ground, he noticed the darkness around him seemed to recoil from the light his slit in the vines brought. Hands of shadow reached towards the gap, darker than the darkness, solid when they curled the exit closed. Polo could only stare at the phenomenon until he forced himself to snap out of it. That was his exit!

He lunged for the dark hands, snapping his mouth closed on the fingers only for them to dissolve into the shadows. He slashed at the overlaying stems that blocked the way out, but before his claws ripped through them a voice stopped his paw in it's tracks.

"Uncover this place, will you? Do you want to grant the shadows free reign when darkness falls to blanket the earth? Unless, are you what I've been searching for; a wolf with a dark heart?"

"Y-you want a wolf with a dark heart?" Polo breathed, thinking of no other question to ask despite all of the ones that swirled inside him.

"It is that I seek, and have sought, for countless millennia. That wolf, Shadow, is one with immeasurable power. Faeclu scum!"

The voice spat, echoing from further inside the cavern.

"And you, Wolf Who Escapes. You are here. Finally."

A shiver ran down Polo's spine.

"Now. What name do you don?"


The word was torn from his throat and hung in the air, his very being engraved in that name.


There was a deep chuckle that resonated in the air.

"Then this will be difficult. I need you to bring Marco to me. I need both of you, but I know the hate for your brother runs deeper in you than in him."

Polo snarled, angered that this voice knew his brother as well as their hate to each other. The voice ignored his growl.

"Follow his scent and bring him to me. But don't forget the role you play in this. Both souls are needed in present, both pulsing with hate. And then it shall be fulfilled."

Spinning around, polo headed to the vines, ready to paw them aside and leave.

"Never. Me and Marco will never meet again until our age catches us and we retire. Only by chance would we both end up here again, and I hope that never happens!"

Nudging the vines aside, Polo slipped through the gap before pawing them together, not wanting to 'grant the shadows free reign when darkness falls to blanket the earth.'

"What are you doing here?"

Polo almost jumped right back into the cave, but instead he whipped around, heart pounding like
a stampede. "Shadow!"

"Polo... Again, what are you doing here?"

Polo lowered his head and marched past her. "I'm leaving. Thanks for letting me stay here though. It's been fun."

"What? Your're leaving? At least take a carcass with you."

Polo just nodded, padding to the pile of kill and scooping up a rat in his jaws, not bothered to take anything larger.

"See you. I'll probably be back."

Polo shrugged before briskly leaving the clearing. He knew that voice wouldn't leave his mind until he left the territory. Even now if whispered in the corners of his mind.

"You can't escape Polo! It is destiny I am freed, and a soul like yours reacts perfectly to Marco. And do you not long to explore further? You saw the tunnel. You ignored the tunnel. But it will eat you! You won't forget this wolf! I will reign fierce and terrible! You will be the first to feel my wrath! WHERE HAS MY POWER GONE!"

Polo had to ignore the persistent yelling, unbearable persuading and terrifying threats. If he was far away, nothing could happen. His soul - whatever that meant - wouldn't free whatever lurked in that tunnel and he'd stay away from Marco even more, actively trying to go where he wouldn't.

Running further until he burst through the shrubs, Polo searched for his next pack, making sure to scent the air for Marco before anything. Then he moved on, travelling and journeying to his next milestone, to his next stop.

Hopefully things would go better for him and no malevolent beings would uncover secrets that should still be buried...


Starting/Home Pack
Pack name and ID/link: Noname Pack
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Polo was worried. He felt like resting for a bit, maybe at home? He made his way towards the Noname Pack to calm down for a while. Or that was the plan, until he sensed Marcos scent.His damned brother thought it was a good idea to come home at the same time as him? Polo was angered, he just wanted to see his family... But he couldn't. It would be too dangerous to meet him - and he didn't even want to see that face! So he quickly moved past the den site, hoping that noone would realize that he passed through.


Pack name and ID/link: Moirai Den
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Journal: Marco showed up to the Moirai Den first. He was excited to start fresh, without his brother Polo. About a day or two later, Polo showed up at the entrance of the cave with his head low. He had gotten lost and ended up in the pups play space. One of the older pups lead him to their Leader, Myoga. Myoga ran the pack with an iron paw, keeping everyone fed, working, and moving at all times. When Marco found out his brother was around, he flipped out. He yelled at Myoga and anyone who would listen about how awful his brother was. Myoga didn't care to listen, nor did she care for the yelling and arguing. Marco became a hunter for the pack, training alongside some of the best hunters in the moirai area! That was until one of the members of the hunting pack was injured. Polo was forced to join alongside his brother. Snarls, clawing, and arguing ensued during the hunts. They fought eachother instead of the prey, which lead to many many failed hunts. It left the hunting pack members irritated and annoyed beyond reasoning.
Marco and Polo had both fallen for an older wolf named "Onyx". She was more of a "cougar" or so you could say. Once Marco found out polo liked her too, he messed up a hunt horribly. Two members were injured in the process, leaving marco and polo to fight once again. They both told Onyx separately, but both were rejected, harshly. She schooled them on manners, behavior, and knocked some sense into them. They were kicked from the hunting pack, and ultimately, Myoga decided it was best to send them back where they came from. With cold regards, Myoga sent them home, hoping to never hear from them both at the same time again.


Pack name and ID/link: Hunters Den
Decors added (optional):
Journal: did not do anything, no entry


Pack name and ID/link: Celestial Claw Pack
Decors added (optional): -
Journal: did not do anything, no entry


Pack name and ID/link: Burning Light
Decors added (optional): Red Oak Branch [Green], Scar: Eye - Large [Left]
Journal: Polo was wandering the lands, desperate for his next stop when he stumbled across a small clearing in the woods. He was a bit uneasy about it, and decided to look around. He could feel a pair of eyes watching him from the shadows of the trees. He heard a thump behind him and turned to see a large wolf with dark eyes. "What are you doing here", the looming figure asked. He was clad in wolf skulls and fangs with scars striping his face. "I'm just looking for a place to stay. I'm a traveler, and I mean no harm" Polo responded, trying to avoid his piercing gaze. "That's enough, Fastúlfr". Another wolf stepped into the clearing, this one adorned in a cape. The larger wolf stepped back, bowing his head. The newcomer turned to Polo. "I am Rayen, daughter of Aumber. It is our pack tradition to take in those that wander, so you are safe here." Polo sighed with relief. "Please, make yourself at home", Aumber said as she led him to the rest of the pack


Starting/Home Pack
Pack name and ID/link: Noname Pack
Decors added (optional): -
Journal: The last pack was quite nice to Polo, but when he continued his journey, he had the feeling that he wanted to visit home again. Especially, as Marco was there last time - which made him slip by unnoticed - it was his time to see his family now! He headed towards the Taiga.
When he arrived, he had a great welcome and started telling stories. He might have exaggerated a tiny bit - just in case, he still wanted to sound cooler than his brother - but he was quiet about what happened at the Night Keeper Pack.
He planned on leaving after a few days.


Pack name and ID/link: Puppyhood Pack
Decors added (optional): Owl Talon Necklace
Journal: After a visit to his home pack, Polo stumbled upon another pack to set up camp with for a few days. He was welcomed in graciously by the wolves. As he claimed a spot to rest, the Pack's Leader approached Polo, and asked if he would mind pupysitting. Puppysitting, of all things, he thought. He scoffed audibly, and Collie, the leader, frowned a little.
"Don't you think that puppysitting is a valuable job?" The leader asked.
"I..." Polo hesitated a moment, feeling out if the leader may kick him out if he was truthful. "Honestly? Not really. I came out here for adventure, to prove myself, not to stay in the den and watch pups."
"I understand that watching pups might seem like a bore, but I can assure you there's more to it than that," Collie began. "Puppysitters help shape the future, though. They fight any threats to the young, and teach them valuable life lessons. Plus," he added with a small smirk and a wink, "I bet your brother hasn't even tried it. It's something you can say you did, that he hasn't."
Polo thought for a moment. His brother probably hadn't tried it. It was something he could hold over Marco if he hadn't...
And with a nod, Polo agreed to the work.


Pack name and ID/link: Comet Eclipse
Decors added (optional): - Purple Lunar Storm Discharge
Journal: Polo wanders in the dead of night, trying to find the next stop in his journey. A bright streak of purple flashed across the sky and he waited for the accompanying boom, only for it to never come. Instead, a voice rang out behind him, warmly welcoming him to the territory of the Comet Eclipse pack. Though he did ask about the lightning, he never got a straight answer and eventually stopped asking altogether.
He spent his at Comet Eclipse joining the hunting parties on their tours, and during his free time he talked long into the night with others like him.


Pack name and ID/link: MoonValley Banes
Decors added (optional): - Didn't have anything to spare unfortunatley
Journal: After his goodbyes to the Comet Eclipse pack Polo spent the next few days crossing from the Praire into the vast seemingly endless grasslands. After what seemed to be weeks Polo came across a luscious biome in which he decided to explore after spotting the sky high mountain that seemed to be in the center of said territory. Not long after crossing the border he came across a wolf whom he now knows to be Boreas, the beta of the MoonValley Banes. The two immediately were able to strike up a comfortable conversation before Boreas decided to invite Polo back to the pack grounds. After meeting the plethora of omegas and lower tier wolves he was faced with his next challenge. That being to climb to the top of Mount Glory, the sky high mountain that the most elite wolves of the pack resided on. Seemingly with ease Polo was able to conquer this challenge. Many of the pack members applauded him and rejoiced. Even Alpha Zeus made an appearance in which he invited Polo to stay amongst the skilled warriors, although Polo declined as more adventures await. Throughout his stay he told many tales of his journeys to the packs pups and adolescents, some of which seemed to want to follow in his steps. After about a week Polo decided to say his goodbyes once more and be off on his next journey.


Pack name and ID/link: Shadowclan66
Decors added (optional): -
Journal: -

Posted 2024-05-10 00:40:06 (edited)
Polo pt. 2

Pack name and ID/link: Crystal Ambersy/70723
Decors added (optional):
Journal: Palo arrived in the mountains terrain, paws tired and slightly sweating from the spring sun. Out of the rocks came bounding a large muscular wolf, a rabbit in its mouth, and its moonshine eye with one eye scarred over approaches. The wolf looks him up and down. "Traveler?" The wolf whispered. Palo nodded and the vanilla wolf told him to follow. Palo followed up the mountain, across a creek, and in the dip of a tall mountain through the trees lay a medium-sized pack. "My name is Reaper, I'll let the alpha know you're here. Be careful of the pups. They're feisty this year." The one-eyed wolf trotted off. Palo counted the pups, there was twenty, and then another pregnant female. These wolves have been busy. A medium-sized older female walked up with two pups behind her. Blood dripped from her face, and her ears were pierced. Palo thought it was interesting. He learned her name was Accalia, and she ran a type ship, besides the overrunning of puppies. Accalia told him to stay for as long as he liked, but his night would be filled with the growling, laughter, and rumbling of puppies. Palo agreed to stay, on one condition. As long as Palo got to tell his stories from other packs to inspire future travelers. Accalia happily agreed, and told him to tell them everything, no matter how brutal.


Pack name and ID/link: shadowed hollow
Decors added (optional): -
Journal: recalled because afk, no entry

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