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New & Overwhelmed (but eager to learn ♡ )

New & Overwhelmed (but eager to learn ♡ )
Posted 2023-08-05 11:45:26
Hi there! I joined a few years ago when the site had its official launch, and promptly forgot I had even signed up... until I went to register again and realized I already had an account!
I've tried a lot of petsites over the years, and after messing around with Wolvden for a few hours, it seems like it has the potential to become my favorite! There's only one issue.. I am slightly overwhelmed & am finding it difficult to learn exactly what to do and how to progress in a way that feels 'right.'

My goal is to just have a bunch of pretty wolves and mess around with breeding. Is there anything I should know? Be cautious of? Keep in mind? I'm not new to forum-based sites nor petsites in general, but I would hate to make a mistake early on with how I am managing my pack and struggle later. Any and all advice is welcome, as well as friend reqs!

Er.. bark!  (Thanks!)

☾ sparrow ☾

Posted 2023-08-05 12:08:52
Hi, welcome (back?)!

I understand it can feel really overwhelming at first, but I'm glad you're here! Wolvden is my favorite pet site and I bet you'll like it a lot once you get the hang of things. The exciting thing is that there's no wrong way to play - and you're here just in time for the August event.

I strongly recommend going through the tutorials with Tala, if you haven't already. Checking out the Help section may be handy, or this board, which is full of helpful guides made by fellow players.

If you have any questions please feel free to message me!


Posted 2023-08-05 12:12:47 (edited)
Hi! And welcome back-ish? Well done for reaching out!

  • Looking at your pack right now, the first thing I would advise you to do is assign some of the key roles to your wolves. You need a Herbalist (with higher stats in Smarts & Wisdom) and a hunting pack (which includes 3 chasers, 1 stalker, and 1 finisher). You need to also ensure their personalities are compatible.

  • Check out Help where you can get some basic info and go through Tala's Archive (even if you've done it already, a refresher is very useful). This is important to ensure you have a strong & stable pack before you start breeding and/or adopting/buying new puppies.

  • You can earn SC (silver cones) by doing quests for the quest snake as well as Melvin's missions. Earning SC will help you buy/adopt pups and breed your females to public studs.

  • Most people advertise their studs on Sales section of Chat, but you will also find many of them being regularly bumped in Chatter/forums.

  • You can also join groups, like Feed Wolvden and Adopt-A-Newbie. There's a shared hoard where you can take a limited amount of food, herbs etc. as well as add your own resources to share with others.

  • Oh yeah - the Grouse House Guides are the best!!! Since you mentioned being interested in breeding pretty wolves, you'll really benefit from this thread all about Genetics & Breeding!

Right now we're having a month-long event known as the Cataclysms. All you have to do is explore with your lead and do quests for the cryptids you encounter, taking whichever side you want, which will earn you special event currency that you can use when the event shop opens! :)

And it's alright to make mistakes, so don't worry. There's really no "wrong" way to play the game. It took me a while to figure out how to play, and everyone has their own style :) most common struggles you might encounter is lack of space from keeping too many puppies into adulthood & not being able to afford more territory slots (which is where your Lead's Talents come in handy!!!) or if you choose live in a higher difficulty biome and your hunters' stats are too low to catch any prey above critter or small, which would lead to a food shortage. Of course, you can choose to hunt in easier biomes, but that will take more time. If you want to move to higher difficulty biomes, you should feel confident about your hunting pack's success rate.

I hope this was helpful! I know I would be overwhelmed too if I had joined now or returned after a long hiatus - there's been quite a few changes even since I joined almost two years ago lol.


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