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The Beast’s Raising Sun: A tale of undying love (Offsite)

Posted 2023-08-14 17:02:20
Dagor walked around the store then made his way past the rodents and peered at the hamsters for a moment, remembering how much they caused him, but soon walked towards the back where he picked up a couple cases of calcium powder and some bulbs for Ruthus, he knew that when one bulb goes out-the other does as well, and the amount of calcium his dragon goes through is chaotic. He also peered at the dried dietary supplements such as vegetable pelts yet he knew Ruthus will always want to eat fresh greens.

The brute thought over when he last gave a feeder rodent to Ruthus and decided to head over to the rodents.
"I need two pinkies for my dragon"
He spoke bluntly to a female staff member who seemed a bit taken back by the brute's appearance but vanished into the back room, leavening Dagor to stare at this hamster who seemed to be mugging him.


Posted 2023-08-15 11:35:08
Hina admired the mostly white rabbit hopping around in her enclosure, she was absolutely adorable. However, the young woman knew that one shouldn't purchase a pet just because they looked cute. And besides, she didn't even know where to put the cage. There would need to be some preparation work first.

"Are you looking to buy a pet?" a staff member asked noticing that she had been looking at the white rabbit for quite some time without moving from the spot. "Huh?" Hina was surprised for a moment before she noticed the staff member who had spoken to her. She shook her head smiling. "Oh no, I was just admiring the bunnies," she smiled to her. "They are so adorable," she added. "They are, but they also need lot of care and can be quite demanding," the lady said eyeing Hina closely as if trying to decide whether or not she would be fit as a rabbit owner.


Posted 2023-08-15 13:04:42
Dagor heard a familiar voice and peered over to the rabbits, he couldn't help but watch for a moment and had noticed the way the staff member was eyeing Hina, this pissed him off a little, he knew that the smaller female would take in a beast if she was ready for such, he also felt she would do research and such, he knew this from the way she presented herself and from the conversation they had at the his work. The brute dealt with many people in his line of work; both the dirty work and his more legal one where he met Hina. The way others speak and breathe even seems to show their true self and this female was timid, yet does seem to have a bright spark to her, she really did need a friend….

He wasn't one to step in but he did make his way over to the two female's but he completely ignored the staff member s he held the items in his arms he bought for Ruthus, his gaze locking with Hina's.
"Which rabbit you wanted?"
He asked simply.


Posted 2023-08-16 12:10:49
Hina was so surprised to see Dagor in the pet shop too, but it was a pleasant surprise. "Oh hi! I didn't expect you to be here too," she smiled to him friendly. "Did your shift end already?" Hina asked trying to be friendly. She hoped that maybe, just maybe, they could become friends. They had known only for a little while, but there was something in the man that she liked. Maybe it was simply just the fact that he spoke to her and actually had shown his dragon to her and she felt that it was a rare moment that wasn't granted to just anybody. And he had even let her to pet the capybara.

"It's that mostly white one with floppy ears. The one whose nose and legs are a little sooty and if you look closely there should should be three small black patches on her right hind leg," Hina said. "She's so adorable one," Hina said dreamily as she looked at the rabbit again. At this point the staff member had decided it was for the best, if she left the two of them alone. "What brought you here? Surely not the rabbits?" Hina smiled with a small chuckle. Her words were meant as a light joke.


Posted 2023-08-16 13:28:28
Dagor listened to Hina and peered at the rabbit then placed his items down and opened up the enclosure, immediately he had these odd looks, yet he was wearing his work shirt so others knew he had experience to handle the rabbits but….it was rather bold to just reach into the rabbit pin.
"Yeah my dragon needed some things like a new bulbs"
The brute spoke and gently reached for the rabbit Hina was fond of.
"Sshhh it's ok, it's ok, easy there girl"
He softly coos the rabbit and very carefully picked the beast up then held them like a baby in his arms and walked close to Hina, he nods a bit.

"And yes I am off my shift, I only work part time, and have to admit…."
Dagor peered at the rabbit with a soft smile.
"…methinks this is your rabbit…."
He laughed a little, animals seem to choose to their caretaker and it's evident this beast was eyeing Hina.


Posted 2023-08-16 15:33:06
Hina was about to tell Dagor to get back, but he had already walked into the enclosure. "Do they use those bulbs to keep warm?" she asked watching Dagor to get closer and closer to the rabbit she had chosen. She admired how gentle he was being with the rabbit girl, if he was like this with his dragon, she truly didn't wonder why his dragon had chosen him as his master.

"Hello, cutie," Hina cooed softly as she reached out an hand to pet the animal's soft cheek. "You really think so?" Hina then asked when he told her that the white rabbit was hers. She noticed that the rabbit seemed to look at her curiously. "She is so sweet..." Hina whispered as she petted gently the rabbit in Dagor's arms.


Posted 2023-08-16 16:40:34
Dagor nods.
"The bulbs both provides heat and D3, much like humans they need to soak up some lighting to have the vitamins necessary for their health, not with reptiles due to being well…indoors they need the bulbs more than anything"
He spoke simply and held the rabbit closer to Hina and smiled a bit more.
"She is really curious about you"
He peered down at the rabbit.
"Huh baby? Want to say hi to Hina? This is Hina sweetheart~"
Dagor softly introduced the two then made this sweet purr, growl mixture that emerged from the depths of his being.
"Think she likes you, huh? You like Hina~ You can't hide it from me sweet little cub~ yeah, you like her mmmhmmmm~"
Dagor chuckled as he kept purring to the rabbit then peered at Hina.

"Try holding her, else she will crawl out of my arms and latch into you"
Dagor smirked a little, his canines seems a bit sharper.
"Just copy how my arms are and she will get comfortable.

"Look I know that Dagor went berserk BUT! He was just protecting me sir!"
In a plush room filled with the utmost luxury, sat three men, one was an older gentleman wearing a suit with a golden watch, chunky rings upon each finger with a cigar poking out of the corner of his mouth. He seemed to be in early fifties and watched as a slender man wearing a suit as well with short, messy burgundy hair went on and on about the one he calls brother, his eyes were unhinged with being light red and the other cyan.

"Doesn't excuse his behavior"
The third man spoke, he was the largest one and wore a black dress shirt, he was large and muscular with a piss expression as scars were scattered across his face. He was hairy with gray and white hairs, his hair was very short and had a beard growing out.
"We all know he can be stoic when need but rather than taking the money and leaving, he chose to fucking break the man's fingers, POP AN ARM OUT OF THE SOCKET AND BEATED THE SHIT OUT OF THE MAN IN FRONT OF THE OTHERS"
The man barked in a deep, gravely voice but froze when the older man in his early fifties cleared his throat.

"Roarik, calm yourself…."
He narrowed his eyes upon the largest male then peered to the one with burgundy hair.
"Creedence, the rumors are false, I am not sending Dagor back to pit, honestly his outbreak worked on our favor."
Upon the words Creedence's eyes were filed with joy.
He cried out, but winced when the other stared at him.
"D-don't tell me sir you…."
Creedence's eyes widened, he knew exactly what the boss wants….


Posted 2023-08-17 12:17:35
Hina listened Dagor attentively and curiously. He really seemed to know a lot about reptiles, of course, he worked with them daily after all. However, she respected him a lot for his knowledge, she had always liked people who knew what they were talking about instead of just saying the thing that come first into the mind. "Oh that definitely makes sense," Hina said. "Is it good for them to visit outside once in a while, if their species permits it, that is?" she asked looking at Dagor who was a bit taller than her.

She noticed how he was smiling when he held the rabbit closer to her and she had to say that she liked his smile. He had a beautiful smile, even with the sharper canines that she had noticed. "She's so adorable," Hina said softly as she reached out to pick the rabbit up from Dagor's arms. As soon as she had the white bunny in her arms, she instantly crawled closer to her tucking herself against her chest and below her chin. Hina smiled widely like a little bird waiting for a meal as she nuzzled the rabbit gently. "I'll take her, I'll take her home with me today, can't risk someone buying her first," Hina said to Dagor. It was clearly visible that something unique had already formed between the young Japanese woman and the cute mostly white Holland lop.

"Snow White is perfect name for her, isn't it?" Hina asked looking at Dagor as she pet the rabbit's silky soft fur. "She's a really sweetheart, I haven't seen such a calm rabbit in a while," she said not knowing that the pet's behavior usually reflected their owner's and the rabbit had sensed how calm and gentle Hina was, so she didn't have a reason to be moody.


Posted 2023-08-17 12:47:18
Dagor was glad that Snow White and Hina were already bonding and he nods a bit as he watched the two, but once it seemed they were situated he took a step back then gently stroked along the rabbit's back.
"Good girl, take care of yer mommy aye?"
He softly chuckled then peered at Hina once more.
"Aye, nothing is better than sunlight, when you think about it out on the wild they didn't have bulbs but the sun itself, hence it's important to ensure they have the proper set up when being confined in a tank"
Dagor truly was passionate of reptiles, but made sure to not ramble too much, he had always been the sort of man only speak as much as necessary.

He scanned Hina's face for a moment.
"…..based on our conversation at my workplace….you don't have a set up for Snow White as of yet?"
The brute asked as he noticed a staff member handed a box with two feeder rats in it, he opened the box and examined them before if nodding the worker away.


Posted 2023-08-18 09:19:17
Hina smiled to Dagor, it warmed her heart that someone whom she just met cared enough about her to wish that she was well taken care of. Besides, Dagor was being really gentle with the rabbit, surprisingly gentle even. It seemed that his love for animals went even beyond the reptiles and Snow White was also feeling at ease around him, so he couldn't be that bad person, right? She nodded when he explained her more about the reptiles relationship with the sunlight. "That indeed makes sense, sunlight is so important to so many creatures," Hina mused. "You really know a lot about reptiles," she told him with a small smile.

"Yes, I don't have a proper set up for her. I wasn't planning on getting pet anytime soon, but then made the "mistake" and decided to take a stroll in the pet shop and well... you know how the rest of the story went," Hina gave a small embarrassed chuckle. She, however, didn't regret her decision to come to take a stroll here. "Would you like to help me to choose all the necessary things for her?" Hina then asked. It would be nice to spend more more time with him, especially since the two of them seemed to be getting along quite well. "If you aren't busy, of course," she quickly added as an afterthought realizing that no matter how much she would want to get to know him more, he might have other things to take care of.


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