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The Beast’s Raising Sun: A tale of undying love (Offsite)

Posted 2023-10-26 06:48:58
Hina had been just casually wasting time on her phone not really focusing. It merely only gave her something to do, as she had never known to be one who would just casually sit down. However, as she sipped her juice, she felt her phone vibrate, it seemed that a new message had arrived. She smiled when she read the message, happy that he had suggested the location.

~"Oh, I know that cafe! I haven't actually been in there, but I have been meant to visit it long time."~

She sent the message thinking about her schedule in her mind. She didn't have a lot to do today and was mostly free.

~"I'm mostly free today, so I was wondering, if you aren't too busy, would you like to meet at lunch time?"~

With lunch time she basically meant early afternoon. It would be nice to perhaps even grab a bite with him on top of just giving him his items and bidding him goodbye. It felt like there was still so much to learn about him, and of course there was; they had known each other only for a day! Hina giggled looking over at Snow White who was munching on her dried strawberry treat. "Did you hear that, Snowy? There is a possibility I'll meet him for lunch!" she told her bunny excitedly who just moved her nose and was being cute. Hina giggled more smiling widely. She knew that she should be a little more serious, nothing had been set on the stone yet, but she couldn't help being excited about possibly meeting him again.


Posted 2023-10-30 09:31:41
Dagor peered at the text, reading his over for a moment.
"So far it seems I not slipped into…my tongue…."
He grunted as Ruthus rubbed his snout into his hand, a smile forming upon Dagor's lips then he noticed Creedence had left the area and he peered down at Ruthus, it was then he peered at his phone and noticed the new text from Hina and glanced at Ruthus once more.
Are we available at noon?"
He leaned down so his face was near Ruthus' and rubbed his cheek into the iguana's who seemed to press into the touch with tender eyes, at least in Dagor's mind the gaze was rather soft. He always felt a connection with reptiles, like he could sense if his chosen animal, or rather if they chose him, what it is they wan to convey, and right now it seems Ruthus wanted attention.
"Hmm??? What does that mean? Little dragon~"
The brute purred with a mixture of soft growls and kissed Ruthus on the cheek who puffed his chest out.
"Big tough guy eh?"
Dagor chuckled and stroked the iguana's chest, only for his mind to remind him something.

"Oh wait….did….I move my cash stash?"
H asked with a raised brow in thought and sat up in his seat, he remembered asking Ruthus to remind him to move a pile of money into his personal safe, Ruthus has his chest puffed out just like this at the time.
"….will check after I send this text…."
With a grunt Dagor peered back at his phone.
—"Aye, Ruthus and I are available at that time"—
He sent the text then sighed under his breath as his eyes slowly closed, 'Blazes I can't wake up at all…..should I have my Dr. Pepper now? Or….', he then came to a conclusion. Without another word he stood up and heads to the fridge for a can of Dr. Pepper then went over to the table and sets it down, only to pick Ruthus up like an infant and awkwardly shifts his hands to pick his Dr. Pepper and phone up. Ruthus seemed to immediately settled into the brute's arms and Peres around the room while being carried towards the couch where Creedence was watching the news, but before he could speak Dagor used his mouth to grab a pillow in which he dropped into Creedence's lap and laid down, resting his head into the pillow.

The burgundy haired male wasn't surprised in the slightest and he smiled down at the two.
"Hiii Ruthus! You got your daddy?"
He chuckled happily and watched as Dagor shifted into place, making himself into a semi-laying on his back position so Ruhus was mainly laying upon his chest, stomach region with the phone near his claws and Dr. Pepper can in Dagor's hand.
"He always seems to like the idea of watching your things brother, I knew look at him!"
Creedence pointed at Ruthus with wide eyes.
"He is got his chest out like he owns the place!"
The words ended with a chuckle and the cracking of Dagor's opening his can.
"He is my cub, of course he feels the need to DomInaTE"
Dagor's last word seemed to come in a maddening fracture with his pupils expanding, all whine wearing a sardonic smile across his face yet it ended in a split second as he drank his Dr. Pepper.
"Kheheheh….I always find it amusing how everyone thinks ME as the psychopath….when really you're a sadist with sociopathic tendencies that makes you far more deadlier than I"
Creedence smirked as he crossed his arms and Dagor scoffed, Ruthus shifted his position and peered up at Creedence.
"Such big words….and what makes me considered far more tame is well, I tend to not give a shit half the time"
Dagor pointed out with an unamused gaze then shifted his attention to Ruthus.
Was all he said.


Posted 2023-11-01 17:36:39
Hina smiled when she received a reply saying that lunch meeting was a good idea. She quickly typed him a message back.

~"That's great, I'll see you there then. ^^"~

After she had sent the text, she put her phone on the coffee table looking at her bunny. "Snowy, he agreed for the lunch meeting. What on the earth I'm going to wear?" Hina asked her white fluff ball before she got up from the couch heading to her wardrobe. What could she wear? It was late autumn so wearing a cotton dress would indeed be pretty cold, but wearing jeans would be too hot... She sighed looking at her wardrobe. "I have no clothes..." Hina muttered in Japanese.

Spending quite a long time examining her wardrobe, she eventually settled down with a long skirt made from the same fabric as jeans. It went all the way down to her ankles and with that she paired a light purple blouse that had white dots and some lace. She decided to wear low wedged shoes that one would need to lace up around their ankles. She also decided to put on a small silver necklace as well as matching bracelet before heading to the mirror to see what she would do with her hair. It for sure wasn't an easy task, like there weren't tons of hairstyles, but she wanted to look extra beautiful today.

Eventually Hina decided to wrap her thick black hair on a low ponytail and put on small silver earrings. She looked herself in the mirror smiling a little. This would definitely work well. She decided that she wouldn't wear any makeup, there wasn't no need for that and she hadn't never been one who liked to wear makeup a lot. Now she would just need to wait the lunch time to come.


Posted 2023-11-03 13:51:54
During this time Dagor snuggled with Ruthus as Creedence hummed softly, then checked the time on his phone and gasped.
"I have to head to my therapist soon, but I don't want toooooooooo"
He groaned then heard Dagor's name phone go off and snatched it with a sly smirk.
"Ohhh seems your girlfriend texted~"
He snickered yet it didn't come as a surprise when Dagor merely grunted, may as well be his own language at this point and honestly it was. His family mostly spoke through grunts and mixed growls when not giving him orders much like a dog.

"Should get dressed…."
Dagor spoke after some time and slowly sat up, not even trying to get his phone back as he held Ruthus then made his way towards the bedroom where he closed the door then gently placed the dragon upon his bed. He made his way to the dresser where he blindly reached in and took out a clean black tank top, baggy black shirt with a screaming dragon head upon it with skull printed shirts that went over the knee. The fabric was dense with pockets lining the sides.
"…should bring my wallet to buy her lunch…."
With a grumble the brute pulled out his wallet to count the bills, he mostly used cash to buy much of anything if and had always seemed loaded, but that was due to working as a loan shark, his wallet even had a thick chain to latch onto his waist and his belt was made of thick leather.

When the time came he got Ruthus settled into a custom made harness of black high grade leather with spikes near the shoulders and a chain used as a leash that clip near the neck, and naturally the dragon needs to look classy hence the black bow tie that he wore with utmost pride.
Dagor playfully gasped.
"How did you get so damn handsome?!!"
He went on his hands and knees to lock eyes with the dragon who puffed his chest out, he knows he is good looking.
"I say, you sir are too attractive, the ladies mut he allll over you, yes they are~ My big dragoompa!"
The brute purred then kissed the dragon upon the snout, the eI walked over to the couch to discover Creedence had left and Dagor grabbed his phone that was left one the coffee table then looked at the time.
—"Aye, will be walking there so I will be there on the dote"—


Posted 2023-11-06 16:32:41
When the time came, Hina picked up her little handbag that she usually had draped over her shoulder. She checked that she had her phone, keys and wallet as well as her travel card for the public transport. Once she was ready, she bid Snow White good bye petting the rabbit a little before she walked out of the door. Since the cafe wasn't too far away, she decided to walk there. That also would fit her plans rather well as she had left home early due to being anxious about not being late and that way she wouldn't arrive there too early and make Dagor feel bad.

Even though it was cloudy, it still was pleasantly warm, though definitely not as hot as in the summer. Hina was walking rather quickly occasionally checking on her phone for the instructions she should follow as she usually didn't go there straight from home, but from the theatre. Fortunately the way wasn't too difficult, at least not after she got her instructions right. As she walked, Hina looked at few display windows with a small smile admiring all kinds of things they had for sale. She looked at the jewelries thinking would she wish to wear them too one day and she had to admit that she didn't know. She had never worn much jewelries, but sure would do that, if someone gifted her some, if for nothing else, then at least for respecting the person who had given her the gift.

It took about 40 minutes from Hina to arrive to the cafe where they would meet and as she was early and couldn't see Dagor, she decided to sit on a nearby bench to wait for him.


Posted 2023-11-07 15:26:52
Dagor made sure Ruthus was settled before strapping on his dark brown gladiator sandals, they only went pass the ankles and he dealt with many giving him glances for he was a stocky individual who will tends to either: be barefoot, wear flips or sandals when not working but he could care less for what they think.

He was in the middle of locking the front door as Ruthus stood by his side when he heard the text being sent through and peered at his phone, the confirmation that Creedence was at this therapy session. It sent a rush of relief through the brute's being and he closed his eyes for a moment, thinking of how much he had grown over the years from being utterly mentally unstable to a now functional young man, yet he still needs help maintaining his health in which Dagor will gladly do for in his mind they were blood brothers.

The walk was calming to say the least, Ruthus seemed proud walking along the sidewalk yet gazes were casted in their direction, both men chose to ignore if not the occasional hiss or growl to ward off those straying too close to the other. Naturally there were some who seemed impressed by either Ruthus or Dagor if not both bit soon chased off by a firm glare until at long last Dagor spotted Hina.
He held a hand up midway in greeting as Ruthus lead him closer to her then paused a couple feet way with his head tilted curiously.
"This is Hina, and Hina this is Ruthus"
Dagor made sure to introduce the two and as always was to the point with it.


Posted 2023-11-08 10:41:43
Hina had been watching the scenery not really paying attention to her surroundings before she had lifted her gaze up upon hearing Dagor's voice. She greeted him with a friendly smile. "Oh hi, Dagor!" she said getting up from the bench to greet him properly. As she was introduced to the reptile, she bowed a little, it truly was just a habit that she really didn't think about that much. "He is very charming one," she praised the animal smiling to him too. She wasn't exactly fond of reptiles, but it didn't bother her too much as she knew that people usually had different things they liked. Not everyone liked her ballet either.

However, despite not being a "reptile fan", Hina didn't see any reason, why she couldn't be nice to Ruthus and why she couldn't act like she would with Snow White back at home? He seemed to be really special for Dagor, if he had even wanted to bring him along.She also had to admit that she felt quite honored to be presented to his precious pet. "Did your walk go well?" she asked smiling to him before she glanced the coffee shop. "Should we go inside or would you like us to take a little walk, so Ruthus can stretch his legs out more?" she asked looking at him truly happy to having opportunity to meet him again.


Posted 2023-11-08 15:36:15
Ruthus seemed rather relaxed with the situation, his head tilted up to get a good view of Hina and his tongue would flick from his mouth, getting a taste of his surroundings and the one before him.
"What do you think Ruthus? Did you like your walk? I know I did because you're with me"
Dagor smiled a little with a look of pure adoration towards the large reptile who closed an eye with one still peering up at Hina, showing he was comfortable with Dagor and still scanning his surroundings. When asked if they shoulder enter the coffee shop Dagor seemed lost in a trace as he smiled down at his dragon and soon snapped from the focus with a stoic gaze returning.
"Ahh right…."
He grunted a little then peered at Ruthus once more.
"What do you think? I honestly not mind walking a bit more….though you probably want to relax a little aye?"

The longer the conversation went on the more Dagor spoke to the iguana as though he was human, yet the large reptile seemed to be listening for he peered over to the brute and shifted in place before crawling over to Dagor and slowly bobbed his head, Dagor laughed a little and does the same thing.
"Yeah? Saying hi? Hello Ruthus~"
He purred sweetly and watched as the reptile clawed at his leg, getting read to climb up the male. Dagor reached down and lifted the reptile up to cradle him like an infant.
"Guess we're going inside, also I will pay if you want coffee or whatever"
Dagor gave Hina a slight nod and went over to open the door for her, it seemed Ruthus was used to the male's movements for he shifted under his hold and latched his claws into his broad shoulders, making it easier for the other to hold him.


Posted 2023-11-10 11:48:51
Hina looked curiously at the interaction between the man and his reptile and found it incredibly fascinating how well they were getting along with each other and how it seemed that the dragon understood everything he was saying. She blushed a little when he said that he would be paying. It was so nice for him to offer that, but it also made her a little embarrassed. "That's very kind of you, thank you, Dagor," Hina said looking at the duo. She gave a small smile before walking inside of the little cafe with Dagor.

"Hmm... there are so many choices..." Hina mused as she looked at the menu while the waitress greeted them. "I guess I'm being a little "boring" and going with the traditional green tea. What would you like, Dagor?" she asked turning to look at the male who was accompanying her. She was really happy that he had agreed to meet her and that he had actually showed up. She had met many who hadn't even bothered to show up, even if agreed beforehand. And it was especially frustrating, if you had some schoolwork to be completed or needed to have some things discussed for the group projects.


Posted 2023-11-10 16:47:11
Dagor tilted his head slightly to the side once he was called kind, somthing he wasn't used to hearing. He will admit that he wasn't like others and had seen many who were far more lethal with their words than he or how others tend to not display a simple act of kindness such as opening doors for others, yet for him it came naturally. It could have been the way he was raised or simply his nature but he always felt that women should be treated with respect along with elders, he understands that Hina was someone's daughter and the mere concept of someone showing her any signs of disrespect or fail to show common courtesy made his stomach turn with disgust, he soon snapped from his thoughts and gave his full attention with his set expression.

"You're welcome, we're not in a rush"
He gave her a reassuring nod then peered the menu over as well, not paying any mind to the waitress or the glances of others once they realized their was a stocky man with a massive lizard, he grew used to being looked at if not feared entirely.
"Think…..I will have green tea as well, with a small fruit salad"
He spoke after a moment and kissed Ruthus gently.
"Dragon likes to share food huh big guy?"
Dagor purred sweetly to the iguana that licked his neck.
"You still not tell me how I taste….."
The brute chuckled in response then pulled his wallet out to pay for their order.


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