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Tales of Bushclan [onsite warrior cats rp] [open for new members]

Posted 2023-07-09 19:42:14


"I'll go get the borage, if you don't mind. Hopefully catch a fish, if I can find them." He spoke almost absent mindedly, thoughts already on the upcoming hunt. With a twitch of his tail, he left the camp, breaking into a run almost immediately. The sun was setting fast, but he really just wanted to stretch his paws, after being in camp most of the day. It had been around a moon since the disaster, and they had just about finished rebuilding, unable to send out regular patrols. It would be nice to get back to a schedule.

As he rounded a bend, he slowed, coming to a stop by the bank of the river. He had never been the best fisher, that honor went to Riverwhisper, but it was something he could do while looking for borage. Coming the thick fronds growing in a particularly muddy patch of soil, he came across the signature light blue flower, followed by the strangely hairy leaves. He had gathered this for Tinyshadow before, when he had been deputy, so he knew to pluck the leaves about halfway up the stem. Setting the leaves in a neat pile, he turned his attention to the river.

Carefully watching the rippling waters, he edged closer, wary of letting his shadow fall across the river. There it was! A large fish, seemingly unaware of his presence, out near the middle, in the cool, deep water. He lunged, flinching as the cold water soaked through his pelt. But he had the fish, with a firm bite to the head. Pulling his catch to shore, he stopped to gather up the borage, and setting off back to camp at a quick pace. The sun was setting, and it would be a cold night if he didn't dry off soon.

Cornsnake enthusiast

Posted 2023-07-09 20:22:53

Moonpaw • Apprentice • She/her

Moonpaw glanced up at the sky as she tasted the air for more prey. It was starting to get dark. Moonpaw didn't smell any prey so she turned to face Halftail. "Is this enough prey?" She asked the warrior.


Posted 2023-07-10 09:56:10
Halftail  -Warrior  -She/Her

Halftail's mind seemed to be elsewhere, though she quickly shook herself out of her stupor. She glanced down at the bit of prey the apprentice Moonpaw had gathered. "This will be good for now...You've done well, apprentice. This rabbit is an especially impressing kill..." the large she-cat murmured out, tilting her head down to pick up the rabbit once more in her maw. She still felt uneasy, her gaze shifting amongst the trees for a moment before she turned to travel back along the path towards home. She waited, as she figured she'd let Moonpaw lead the small hunting party back to the clan. Plus, it would allow Halftail to keep a watchful eye out on the way back.

Posted 2023-07-10 10:21:01

Moonpaw • Apprentice • She/her

Moonpaw purred as Halftail praised her. She picked up the mouse, letting Halftail grab the rabbit, and then set out back to camp. She followed the path they had followed earlier. She padded into the new camp and headed over to the fresh-kill pile. She gently set down the mouse and glanced back up at the sky. The sun was beginning to set. She glanced around camp, looking for Cinderwing. Where is she? Moonpaw wondered.

Moonpaw decided to go check the nursery. She padded across the clearing and slipped into the nursery. "Cinderwing?" She mewed softly, noticing the pile of fur in Cinderwing's nest. As Moonpaw approached she noticed the small kits beside her adoptive mother's belly. She had her kits! Moonpaw gasped and gazed at her new siblings.


Posted 2023-07-10 10:46:12


He trotted back into camp, water still dripping from his pelt. Dropping the fish in the prey pile, he delivered the borage leaves to Tinyshadow, smiling slightly as he did so. The gathering trip had been successful, and he was pleased with his success. Returning to the center of camp, he found a flat rock, warmed by the fading rays of the sun, and sat down, beginning to groom the water out of his pelt.

This didn't take long, with his short fur, so he decided to stay on the rock, soaking up the last few rays of sun. Moonpaw and Halftail arrived soon after, carrying a plump rabbit and a mouse. Moonpaw had went over to the nursery, probably going to look at Cinderwing's litter, so he leaped from the rock, picking a decently sized mouse from the prey pile. He hadn't eaten yet, and the mouse was much appreciated. After finishing, he went to congratulate Halftail on her catch of the rabbit. He would share the fish, perhaps, with Rainbite and Silentflight when they returned.

He couldn't see Riverwhisper, and assumed she had eaten already. Tinyshadow was also gone, presumably out gathering the chervil root he had mentioned earlier. As the sun was quickly setting, he decided to keep watch, sitting by the camp's main entrance.

Cornsnake enthusiast

Posted 2023-07-10 10:55:14
Rainbite - Warrior - He/him

Heavy pawsteps thudded against the hollow earth as the bulky warrior made his way through the territory, lightly brushes past the undergrowth. The dappled warrior paused near the border before briefly standing on his hind legs to rake his front claws down the base of a tree. Everything seemed to be set- the expanse of borders had been refreshed with no conflict. Rainbite slowly stepped away from the tree before refocusing his yellow eyes on the sky above. It'd grown dark- they'd been out nearly all day.

Turning back towards camp, Rainbite allowed his attention to settle onto the lanky Silentflight. He furrowed his brows before he spoke, "let's go home." Three words in one sentence- perhaps the most the semi-mute brute had used all day. Either way, it was ideal that they returned to camp with the last bit of sunlight to guide them. If they waited too much longer, the sun would dip behind the rolling hills and they'd be stuck navigating back towards camp in total darkness. A good way to get a paw stuck in an unsuspecting rabbit burrow.

They didn't get the opportunity to stop and hunt, but that hadn't exactly been their assignment. They were on a border patrol- and they'd done just that. Everything had checked out. It was time to go back, go to sleep, and restart the day all over again.


Posted 2023-07-10 11:05:27 (edited)
Halftail  -Warrior  -She/Her

Halftail watched as Moonpaw excitedly scurried off to find her mother, a soft gaze in the large she-cat's eyes. She then went over, dropping off the rabbit the apprentice had caught at the fresh kill pile. She gently sat back on her hind legs, huffing softly at the faint soreness still evident in her bones and along her ribs. Her emerald gaze flickered around camp, settling on their leader Owlstar walking towards the fresh prey pile. Halftail simply nodded in greeting, though she murmured out softly in response to the tom's congratulation... "I did not bring the rabbit. It was Moonpaw. She is a fine apprentice...a good hunter." Her bobbed tail flicked behind her as she watched the other cats walking throughout camp.

She was quickly reminded of her request from earlier, her emerald gaze flicking back to the leader once more. "Owlstar...if I could be granted such a request, I was wondering if I could go back on a patrol or short hunting party once more..." she asked politely. She didn't quite go into too much detail, leaving out how she was paranoid about the border along the forested region where Moonpaw and Halftail had just returned from. The large she-cat knew it was just her nerves, but she still wanted to be safe.

Posted 2023-07-10 12:17:39


"Moonpaw? That's certainly impressive. That rabbit must be bigger that she is." He laughed slightly, picturing the sight. He was brought back into focus once more by her voice. "Patrol back over by the woods?" His tailtip twitched distractedly as he thought about the issue. Halftail was a capable warrior, he wasn't quite sure how he felt sending his warriors out on a lone patrol. He had nine lives to spare, but if a hungry fox just happened along...  They would be down to only two warriors, and that couldn't happen. Only three warriors was bad enough.  He felt a sudden chill run down his spine. Flattening his slightly bristled fur, he replied "Why don't you join me in quickly checking the border by the woods. It's getting late, and we can't risk any solo patrols just yet. The clan is small, and if anyone gets seriously injured, it could have disastrous consequences. "

He thought back to his days as a younger warrior, and the tales the elders had told him about other clans that had once roamed the fields alongside Bushclan. If those other clans were here today, would they have helped or hindered his clan?

Cornsnake enthusiast

Posted 2023-07-10 14:08:17
Halftail  -Warrior  -She/Her

Halftail nodded in agreement, slowly rising at Owlstar's offer of checking the forest borders. She felt bad, feeling as if she was forcing the leader away from the clan in order to check a border that was probably in decent shape still. She turned her emerald gaze on the tom, offering a grateful smile in response. "Thank you, Owlstar... I hate to bother about such things, but I was just a bit...concerned when I went out on the hunting trip with Moonpaw," the large she-cat murmured out.

She stretched herself out a bit, her joints popping as she yawned. It was late, and she was hungry but she would rather be finishing up with this patrol then stuck within the safety of the clan, worried something was wrong. She turned and began on her way back along the trail her and Moonpaw had just been on, turning and waiting at the entrance for Owlstar to join. She was grateful their leader had chosen to join her, even if she was a decent warrior...her worst thoughts of what could happen always seemed to wander back to foxes and stray dogs.

Posted 2023-07-10 15:43:38


Owlstar  got to his paws, stifling a yawn. He had slept badly last night, hopefully all the patrolling would tire him out. "It's alright. It never hurts to strengthen the borders, and if there is something out there, it would be best to quickly drive it away." He smiled back, letting out a quiet purr. It was nice to go out on patrol, and he always felt safer after all the borders had been checked. Most of the other cats seemed to prefer sticking in camp, and he was grateful to have at least one warrior who shared his thoughts about the borders.

He followed her to the entrance, his posture relaxed. Apart from his ears, which were perked, it seemed like he could just be heading out on a casual stroll. The mouse had been filling, if not his favorite prey, but he could still share something with Halftail when they returned to camp. The fish, perhaps?  He wondered  briefly where Rainbite and Silentflight were, before following Halftail down the well-worn path to the woods.

//should something happen while they're out on patrol?

Cornsnake enthusiast

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