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Tales of Bushclan [onsite warrior cats rp] [open for new members]

Posted 2023-07-17 16:08:54

He had been on his way to the medicine den when Tinyshadow had appeared, and he was slightly startled to see him. "I was attacked by a hawk on patrol the other day, and I just haven't gotten myself checked yet. He shifted his stance slightly, flicking away a small pebble that had gotten stuck in his claw. Riverwhisper and Halftail were busy talking, presumably about the day's patrols. Moonpaw had returned to the nursery, and was greeting her siblings. He thoughts drifted back to the hawk attack, and how Halftail had leaped from the tree.

Yes, she would surely make a fine mentor. He turned back to Tinyshadow, a hint of worry in his gaze. It suddenly seemed like a foolish idea, to wait this long to get his injuries looked at. What if they had gotten infected?

Cornsnake enthusiast

Posted 2023-07-17 19:43:58
Halftail  -Warrior  -She/Her

Halftail nodding her head in a quiet greeting to Owlstar, her gaze flitting down to glance at his recent wounds before looking back up at him. She offered a small smile before she turned to look at Riverwhisper. The large she-cat listened quietly as Riverwhisper spoke, politely nodding her head along with the deputy's words. "I was wondering if you'd prefer I take Moonpaw out on a patrol? Or hunting? Or perhaps even start a bit of battle training with her..." the dark she-cat murmured out softly, keeping her gentle gaze focused on the deputy.

She felt bad for interrupting Riverwhisper's conversation with Owlstar, but she would like to begin working this morning as soon as possible. Especially now that she was a mentor...

Posted 2023-07-18 05:54:22

Riverwhisper • Deputy • She/her

Riverwhisper listened to Halftail as the she-cat asked something. "I'd like you to start battle training," She mewed to the young she-cat. "Moonpaw hasn't had a lot of that so it would be good to work on that." She glanced at the other cats that had gathered around the clearing. Time for patrols, She thought as Halftail nodded and walked away to get Moonpaw.

Riverwhisper padded over to the rest of the cats and cleared her throat. "Silentflight and Tigermoth will go hunting for prey as the dawn patrol," She mewed, nodding to the cats she had called.

"Me and Rainbite will patrol the borders at Sunhigh, and another hunting patrol will go then. Halftail will lead that hunting patrol and you will take Moonpaw and Bunnytail," She finished.


Posted 2023-07-18 18:24:05
Tinyshadow - Medicine Cat - He/Him

Eyeballing Owlstar critically, the small tom tutted and took a closer look at the wounds. Using a paw, he carefully parted some of the fur, nose wrinkling at the slight smell coming from the wounds. "You waited too long to tell me about this." Tinyshadow admonished, giving the leader the stink eye. Owlstar might be leader, but wounds were his domain. "Their starting to get infected." With a twitch of his tail, Tinyshadow started towards his den. "Come along, we can't afford to lose you right now."

Limping into the cool space that was his spacious den, the medicine cat pulled out a laurel leaf before poking around through his stock for a few more herbs. "Need some chervil for infection, goldenrod to aid healing, and stinging nettle stem for the swelling." He murmured to himself, carefully grabbing what he needed then laying them next to the laurel leaf. With a slightly disgusted noise, he began the task of chewing each herb into a pulp before carefully spitting them out onto the laurel leaf. Once satisfied, he mixed them into a poultice then motioned for Owlstar. This will probably sting, but you deserve it for being so stubborn." He purred, amusement lacing his voice.


Posted 2023-07-18 22:15:56

He followed the smaller cat back to the medicine den, wrinkling his nose at the thick scent of herbs that hung in the air. He shifted slightly, disgruntled by the older cat's tone. But he respected Tinyshadow, and held his tongue, recognising the wisdom in the medicine cat's words. He moved to one side, watching Tinyshadow rummage in his stocks for herbs, muttering to himself about there uses. He didn't try to make excuses, knowing all too well that it had been his own fault that he hadn't been checked yet. He had never liked being in the medicine den, had always missed the strong winds and fresh air that blew through the main camp. And the cloying scent of herbs was worst of all, seeming to dull his senses and bother him, somehow, like an itch he couldn't scratch. He moved towards Tinyshadow, ready for the paste to be applied.

It certainly stung, and he winced when Tinyshadow slathered it thickly onto each and every scratch.  "I am not stubborn!" He flicked his tail playfully,  showing that he wasn't angry. "What's even in this stuff?" He sniffed the paste curiously, trying to discern the different scents. He could smell a hint of nettle, and his pelt pricked slightly. Tinyshadow must have his reasons, but the nettle hurt. He glanced around the den once more, wondering at the place. This was a new camp, but it seemed as if this had been a medicine den for generations...

Cornsnake enthusiast

Posted 2023-07-20 09:01:51
Tigermoth- Warrior- She/her

Tiger moth finished cheering for Moonpaw and Halftail, she was sure that the pair would be amazing together, before slowly making her way to the fresh kill pile. Hmm there was a few pieces left, she'd have to alert Owlstar that a hunting patrol would be needed as well as the border and training patrols.

She then overheard Riverwhispers announcement and smiled, guess she'd warm up first by catching some fish and frogs before asking Silentfligjt if he wanted to catch more warm blooded prey.

She crept out of the clans camp and made her way to the river.

Posted 2023-07-20 10:44:42

Bunnytail | Warrior | She/her

The she's ears perked up as she heard her name. Oh. She was going hunting! She ran/hopped over to see Halftail. She thought she heard an apprentices name too, but she could meet them when the hunt started. She was more intrested in the adult she would be hunting with. Or technecally, the adult that would be leading her. If she remembered the deputy's words right.

"hey there!" she grinned a toothy grin at the larger She. you're Halftail, right? I'm Bunnytail- I dont believe we've met yet? I'm sure I'd remember a beauty like you." she purred, keeping her grin, thinking she was being slick.

Posted 2023-07-20 12:05:25
-Halftail  - Warrior  -She/Her

The large she-cat was just about to go and find Moonpaw when another small she-cat suddenly bounded up to her. The darker she-cat's face scrunched in slight confusion, her ears flicking back in an almost nervous manner as she quietly listened to Bunnytail talk. She hadn't met the smaller feline before...and the large she-cat was very-much caught-off-guard by the quick compliments she slipped in with her words.

"I...uh...I am Halftail...can't say we've met before though. Ah...It's nice to meet ya' Bunnytail." She murmured out, her bobbed tail flicking and twitching behind her as she kept her deep green gaze on the smaller feline. She still needed to find Moonpaw...and she didn't want to get in trouble or waste too much time chatting, after all, they had jobs to carry out.

Posted 2023-07-20 13:04:36

Moonpaw • Apprentice • She/her

She padded out of the nursery as Riverwhisper mewed something to Halftail and then headed over and started ordering patrols. Moonpaw trotted over to Halftail as a smaller she-cat approached her mentor. "Hey Halftail! What was Riverwhisper talking to you about?" She asked.

She turned her gaze to the smaller she-cat and blinked at her. She didn't recognize her, and Moonpaw was shy around new cats. She shuffled her paws in the dirt and turned back to face Halftail.

Riverwhisper • Deputy • She/her

After she finished ordering patrols she padded across the clearing to check on Cinderwing. The deputy hadn't had a chance to check on the queen and her new kits. She poked her head into the nursery and saw the queen sleeping in her next. I'll come back later, she should get some rest, She thought, pulling her head out of the nursery entrance.


Posted 2023-07-20 14:16:36
Tinyshadow - Medicine Cat - He/Him

Seeing Owlstar's wince, Tinyshadow shot him a sympathetic look. "Sorry, I know it hurts, but I promise it's good for wounds such as these." Checking carefully over the larger tom to make sure he hadn't missed any other scratches, he finally sat back with a satisfied nod. "It's a poultice of chervil, goldenrod and stinging nettle. Thus, the actual stinging." Getting back to his paws with a grunt, Tinyshadow carefully grabbed the laurel leaf with what little poultice was left and drug it towards his stores. He's wrap it up to be used at a later time if needed. "The chervil will stop whatever infection you've already got." With this he shot Owlstar a playful glare. "The goldenrod will speed up the healing and aid the chervil, while the nettle, while unpleasant, will stem the swelling to help you move easier and with less pain."

Ear twitching in thought, the medicine cat turned back towards his leader with a frown. "Do you need something for the pain?"

Silentflight - Warrior - He/Him

Noting the pretty caliby slip from the camp, Silentflight stood up and stretched his lanky body. Likely Tigermoth would head towards the river, as is seemed her favored spot, and he figured she'd want to be alone since she didn't approach him before leaving. Silentflight didn't know Tigermoth well, so likely she would be more comfortable hunting alone than with him. With a shrug, he set off on towards the main hunting grounds. He wasn't a swimmer or a climber, but he was a runner. With his long legs and thin frame, rabbit hunting was what he preferred. Maybe he'd catch one along with a mouse or two, then find Tigermoth to make sure she was doing okay. Plan in mind, he slipped from the camp.


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