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Tales of Bushclan [onsite warrior cats rp] [open for new members]

Posted 2023-07-09 12:36:54
Owlstar rose from where he had sat by the deputy, pushing through the strands of wheat that littered the north edge of camp. The other two warriors had gathered for their patrol, and besides, he could smell mice on the light breeze, and he should make his contribution to the prey pile before long. He let himself get distracted by the simple rhythm of the hunt, stalking the mice, leaping down to finish them off. He buried some to return to later, quickly replacing the dry earth. It would be nice, to spend some more time alone, out here in the sun. Picking the mice back up, he returned to camp, placing his catches on the prey pile. It was looking mostly empty, so he decided to hunt again soon, after he had greeted some of the other warriors.

Cornsnake enthusiast

Posted 2023-07-09 13:46:53
Moonpaw dropped the rabbit and let Halftail pick it up. "I'll be careful where I step next time," She mewed, sniffing the air for anymore prey scent. She didn't scent anything where they were at. She must've scared the prey away when she was chasing the rabbit. She decided there was probably some prey somewhere else so she padded off in a different direction.


Posted 2023-07-09 14:21:57
Halftail simply nodded in response to Moonpaw. She tilted her head down, grasping the rabbit by its neck in her maw before she walked after the apprentice. Despite the large she-cat being busy carrying the prey, she was careful to scent the wind. She was still a bit jumpy after the mudslide, and she didn't want anything else bad to happen to anyone in the clan…

Her emerald gaze flickered along the small path the two cats were walking, her bobbed tail flicking and twitching in slight annoyance. She felt as if the two were being watched, but she couldn't scent anything. She then instead, decided to focus on Moonpaw's movements. She kept an observant gaze on the apprentice, noting how the smaller she-cat carried herself well and didn't seem at all nervous or uneasy.

Posted 2023-07-09 14:50:49 (edited)
Owlstar approached Rainbite with a polite dip of the head, scrutinizing the tom. Pebbelstar couldn't have turned away an outsider, not while the clan's numbers were so low, but Rainbite had something about him, that made Owlstar slightly uneasy. Rainbite was a good warrior, but he couldn't help but wonder... Silentflight, on the other paw, was a respectable warrior, clanborn, who, like so many of the others, had lost family to the deadly mudslide. Different backrounds, but similar temperaments. Then again, Owlstar almost preferred it that way. He didn't much care for overly enthusiastic cats.

He would go to the river, perhaps bringing another cat along with him. Only the deputy seemed to be idle, so he moved a bit closer, beginning the conversation. "Riverwhisper? How would you like to come fishing with me, down by the river nearest the birch grove. I understand, of course, if you're busy, but the prey pile is looking pretty low." He stood waiting for a response, whiskers stirring in the light breeze. If Riverwhisper was busy, he might fetch herbs for Tinyshadow. He didn't like leaving the relatively defenceless cat alone in camp, and Cinderwing would be much help if it came to a fight, having just had her kits.

Cornsnake enthusiast

Posted 2023-07-09 15:11:32
Having woken with the sun, as was his tendency, the medicine cat tutted disappointedly at the ever dwindling stock of herbs. In particular the tiny clump of borage, to aid with Cinderwing's milk, and chervil root. The chervil shouldn't be to bad to obtain, there was a healthy group not far from the berry patch at the other end of the field. The borage, however.. "I hope someone is up for a trip." He mused aloud, not surprised when it was only his voice echoing back to him in the medicine cats den. Blinking large yellow eyes around the gloomy den, Tinyshadow sighed and slumped onto his left hip; one of the few comfortable positions left to him for sitting. Everywhere else was too bony, the sharp edges digging painfully into the ground. I need to stock up on comfrey too. It was one of the only herbs that seemed to help the perpetual soreness and inflammation of his joints.

Shaking away the despairing thought, the silver tom instead focused once more on pulling out the few wilting juniper berries and sniffing through the stinging nettle carefully to make sure it was still fresh. The pungent smell caused him to sneeze, eyes watering. "Okay, enough of that." Carefully getting back to his paws, he paused at the dens entrance to sneeze one more time before exiting out into the sunshine. The clear air was a balm after the stuffy den and Tinyshadow carefully stretched, wincing at the soreness but otherwise ignoring it. Instead, he focused on Owlstar speaking with Riverwhisper. "Oh! Are you going to the river?" He meowed, raising his voice to be heard. Limping towards the leader and deputy, he nodded in greeting to them both. "If you are, could you pick up some borage leaves? You can find them easily along the riverbank. I need them for Cinderwing." Pausing, he tiled his head in thought. "It would save me a very long trip, since I need to go the opposite direction to dig up some chervil root."


Posted 2023-07-09 16:04:58
Rainbite - Warrior - He/him

The tattered ears that donned the warrior's head perked when the lanky tom approached. Fortunately for him, he didn't believe that Silentflight was the chatty sort, so hopefully their trek would be one of peace. Nonetheless, the air surrounding the spider-like tom seemed to be one of tension. Most would ask if something was wrong, but Rainbite...well, that wasn't his place. They were here to patrol, and it was his intention to do just that. He wasn't the clan's therapist. Hopefully Silentflight could find solace in their patrol, anyways.

The warrior spoke, and the mottled stone-colored warrior furrowed his brows in response. "Yes." His answer came out as a low rumble, short and to the point- true of Rainbite. Even as he spoke, his voice was devoid of emotion. Yes, he could pause what he was doing and resume it later. Yes, he was up to patrol. Yes, he was ready to go. There wasn't much else that needed to be said.

The leader, as he approached, carried a gleam of judgement in his eyes. It wasn't something unfamiliar to Rainbite...nonetheless... Hypocritical. Rumor had it that Owlstar wasn't clan-born, either. So who was he to pass judgement on one who didn't have the blood of clan cats? Despite the brief glance, there wasn't an inkling of emotion behind Rainbite's gaze. He was used to this. All he wanted to do was patrol.

The massive warrior turned, sparing another glance towards Silentflight before offering the mud-colored tom a small nod. It was time to leave, then.


Posted 2023-07-09 16:49:13
Owlstar turned towards Tinyshadow, returning the other cat's nod of greeting. "I'll gladly get the borage. No sense wasting time, after all." He looked back at Rainbite, who seemed to be readying to leave. He could cast his unease aside, at least for now. He trusted Pebbelstar's judgement, and the large tom had been a model warrior so far, if quiet. He looked again at Tinyshadow, feeling some pity for the scrawny grey tom. He would talk with him about getting an apprentice sometime soon, perhaps. It was nearly pure luck that the medicine cat had escaped the mudslide, after all. His tail twitched with slight annoyance, they would need to get to the river soon if they wished to make it back by dusk. He began to carefully groom the dust from one paw, keeping a watchful eye on the camp.

Cornsnake enthusiast

Posted 2023-07-09 17:36:01

Riverwhisper • Deputy • She/her

Riverwhisper nodded a greeting to Tinyshadow as the medicine cat approached her and Owlstar. She turned to face Owlstar. "One of us should stay here, with most the warriors out we wouldn't want to leave Cinderwing alone in a new camp," She mewed to the tom. She glanced up at the sky. Whoever went to the river to the borage leaves would have to go soon.

Moonpaw • Apprentice • She/her

Moonpaw padded through the tall grass. She paused to scent the air every once in a while. This time she caught the scent of a mouse and she pricked her ears to find out where it was. There! She thought, dropping to a crouch as she stalked up to the mouse.

She was only a tail length away. She leaped and caught it. She bit its neck and carried it back to Halftail. She felt a shiver run down her spine and she twitched her ears. It felt like someone was watching them. She tasted the air, but didn't smell anything off. Probably nothing, she thought.


Posted 2023-07-09 17:54:33
Cinder'Wing refused to go far from her kits hissing at almost anyone except the med cat, her daughter, the leader and deputy she licked wind'kit reed'kit thrush'kit acorn'kit each in turn she noticed that the loudest one was reed'kit she was also the biggest but thrush'kit was tinier and weaker than the rest she knew he was a runt but she refused to accept it she also noticed thrush'kit wasnt active like his siblings "oh starclan please let him make it." she whispered she curled her fluffy tail around her kits she saw a half eaten mouse she grabbed it with her claw and dragged it to her so she didnt jostle her kits and began to eat hungrily feeling the prey hit her stomach like stones

Posted 2023-07-09 19:13:22
Halftail was still carrying the dead rabbit in her muzzle, but her emerald gaze had turned to slits. She was on edge, though she was focusing on trying not to show it around the young apprentice. Halftail watched Moonpaw continue to hunt, though she quickly trotted up to the smaller she-cat. She placed the rabbit at their feet, tilting her head to glance up at the surrounding woodland.

"Come...let's return for now. We can come out again for more if there's nothing more to do..." the large she-cat rumbled out. She bent down to pick up the rabbit once more, nodding her head at Moonpaw back in the direction they came. Even if there was nothing really out there watching the two she-cats, the warrior would feel more at ease knowing they hadn't risked anything to hunt for more fresh prey... Halftail made a mental note that she'd have to mention this odd feeling to Riverwhisper or even Owlstar, or she'd at least request to go on patrol in the area... Just to settle her uneasy nerves. She was positive it was just her nerves being jumpy, especially with everything that had happened in the past days... The large she-cat glanced down at Moonpaw, her deep green gaze softening for a moment at the sight of the young she-cat... She was a good apprentice, and she had a loving mother... Halftail would make sure there was nothing dangerous in this small patch of forest, the she-cat's gaze turning steely as she stared ahead along the path back to the clan.

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