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Make enclave puppy quests less annoying.

Make enclave puppy quests less annoying.
Posted 2023-06-17 06:51:00 (edited)
Everytime I get a puppy enclave quest I die a little inside.

As it is, only the bears first option that can reliably be searched on the trading post. If she's asking for something ridiculous like bone eye pups, bad luck. You gotta pay her amusement to reroll.

Even if by some luck you manage to find a puppy for her on first try, best case scenario is coming out even currency wise. If you have to reroll(I had to reroll her quest 8 times yesterday) you're coming out in a big minus. But it feels like I have to do it anyway to stay on my 10 day Melvin Mission streak.
If you don't have a mountain of amusement to throw at her when she keeps asking for these impossible puppies? Bad luck for you.

Solution idea.
Make the other two options the same as the first one, just asking for a base or eye colour.

At least don't make it a part of Melvins quests, I can ignore my daily snake quest without feeling punished for doing it.

Dany 🔥

Posted 2023-06-19 04:12:59
Yeah I think I've only managed to complete an Enclave quest a grand total of 3 times since it started, and just generally give up the streak right then and there if it's mentioned in the missions at all. I'm sitting on an actual mountain of amusement and I truly don't see the value in ditching all that material when I could be selling amusement items on the TC for more than I'd get out of a single 10SC chore.


Posted 2024-02-14 11:17:42 (edited)
I completely agree with you, there's a lot of room for improvement with enclave quests. I kept doing them for a long while to get the massive streak achievement (do the enclave quests 100 rollovers in a row I think) and it was so painful.

Things I have noticed, that could be better balanced:

- when new base/eye/marking etc apps are added, they are immediately part of what can be requested, even when they can't reasonably be bred on puppies yet (for example, the very day they are released). This is really frustrating. Fix: give it at least 9 days after new stuff is released before adding it to Lillemor's pool of criteria, which is the time it would take for a litter to be born and reach the age where it is enclaveable.

- Lillemor seems to ask more for event eyes, noses and claws than the regular ones, in my experience. Especially now that there are so many lunar apps, the chance of finding the right combinations is super low. Fix: flip the odds to favour regular eyes/noses/claws over event ones. Even better, base the odds on how common a base/eye/nose/claw claw is in game. Finding a match should not be so punishing, if this is to work as a puppy sink.

- the third option, which is centred around markings, is really hard to search for. It doesn't match the way search criteria are set up in the TC. It can either request a specific marking in any slot (for example: A puppy with a henna cougar marking in any slot!), or a more general marking category or colour in a specific slot (for example: A puppy with any ducat colored marking in slot 5!). Currently in the TC, you cannot search for the latter. You can search for Ducat markings in general, but not specify where they are. So I end up having to manually open and check many trades and their content to see whether the right colour or marking category is in the right slot. Fix: loosen up the marking criteria to a specific colour (in any slot) or a specific marking type (in any slot).


Posted 2024-04-23 03:35:39
Major support!
I'm tired of losing my Melvin streaks and wasting amusement items because of this. I really don't understand why the bear doesn't ask for more common criteria, I imagine the more common certain traits are on pups the more they clog up the TC and game in general. I don't even bother with the third options due to the issue laid out in Iona's comment.
Enclave should not be requesting new traits at all, say the week or even month of a new base/marking/etc being released.
Would also appreciate removing the gender requirements.


Posted 6 days ago
No support. But I get what you're trying to do.

I think a lot of the issue with the enclave currently is that it's unfinished. Lilemor asks for rare stuff because at some point a special currency is meant to be her reward, that you can use to buy exclusive items from her, a la the gorilla enclave on Lioden. This makes turning in pups of any value worth it, and its meant to be a sink for valuable as well as fodder pups. Yes, right now these requests for valuable traits clutter the pool, but it would probably be more work for the devs to remove them and then add them back with the update, instead of just leaving them until the update.
Imo many enclave suggestion posts really should be asking for devs to prioritize the enclave update (it's been years! where is it, devs??), that would help a hell of a lot more than any minor QOL changes. And I think this suggestion falls into that category, of suggestions that are well-intentioned but whose proposed solutions don't actually address the real issue.

That being said, some things that need to be changed regardless of the pending enclave update:

I agree that there needs to be a wait period for new traits to be added to Lilemor's request pool. I think this has been discussed on other enclave suggestions in this forum, it seems to be a popular sentiment.

I've also noticed she asks for a lot of event eyes/marks/skins/claws. I disagree with OP that these quests need to be entirely removed, however. I agree with Iona that the odds for this need to be changed. Not only that, but having to find a puppy with a specific color nose AND specific color claws is a hell of a lot harder than finding a puppy with just a specific nose - sometimes puppies meeting the critieria simply don't exist in the game at all, and the chances for that are a lot higher than other quests, in my experience. Maybe instead of pairing a nose/claw/skin color together into one quest, only ask for a specific color of ONE of those traits.

Going off that, Lilemor should not be able to ask for a type of puppy that does not exist in the game. This has happened to me numerous times.

Also, YES: many of the marking quests are SO HARD to search for. It should not be taking me nearly 10 minutes to find a pup with an Aspen marking in slot 9, AND YET. I am continually baffled as to why the devs added quests that require a search filter that does not exist. It's fine if Lilemor is asking for an event app color, because those only have 4 markings, but god forbid she asks for a color that has 30+ markings, you're going to be running a lot of searches. Either the TC search filter needs to be updated, or these types of quests need to be removed. Because they are not at all reasonable.

Dr. Disco

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