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LF: A mate for my new lead

LF: A mate for my new lead
Posted 2023-06-04 15:24:21
So, my lead dies in 10 rollovers and my new one (here) is set to take the mantle and as per my tradition goes, I look for a mate for him!

Since I have more resources this time, I'm trying to be more choosy.

This is the dream mate.
Alas, I am not that rich therefore I am willing to compromise and try to make the rest up later.

- Azure or ice eyes
- Piebald
-Lusxnei claws and/or nose
-Not inbred
-Maximum G3
I have the amor base app already so that's not a problem.

I'm offering around 90 gc (at max) and 4000 in sc. I have blue sage, trophies and random marking applicator. Whomstever's wolf I choose also gets refunded breedings to my stud/lead and first picks on pups for sale.

Please let me know if there is a problem with this as this is one of the first times I'm asking for a customized wolf like this!
Thank you!


Posted 2023-06-04 18:25:03 (edited)
I have some Pie moms that will be having litters in a few days:
Dragonfly G2 Cynthia Torn 8m, birth on June 8
Bluebell G2 Nightchill Torn 6m, birth on June 9/10
Skyfyre G2 Nightchill Torn 5m, birth on June 11

I also have this wolf I just bought earlier today and was planning on pair bonding, but seeing as he fits everything you're looking for I'd be willing to sell!

Lmk if interested in any


Posted 2023-06-07 07:25:45
Thank you!
I am planning on look at the litters when they're born. How much do you typically sell for?


Posted 2023-06-07 10:49:32
unfortunately just realized I bred Dragonfly to her dad so those two pups will be inbred
Bluebell & Skyfyre's litters will be clean.

Pricing depends on the pup, but it will be max 10 GC, probably less depending on markings and tier. I'll let you know if pies are born from these girls or any others in the mean time!


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