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🌈[Kim] Frying PanπŸ³οΈβ€πŸŒˆ's Wishlist

This is 🌈[Kim] Frying PanπŸ³οΈβ€πŸŒˆ's Wishlist - a list of all the items they desire! If you are feeling generous, you may wish to gift one or more of these items to this member!

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Common Pheasant
Normally you'd eat one of these, but well... maybe this one makes a better friend.
Copper Iris
Maybe a ruby-throated hummingbird or some butterflies will stop by to admire this lovely little flower. It’s endangered, so be sure to treat it with care.
Courage Wolf
Chase your dreams, then conquer them!
Note: Simping For Black Friday stuff cause r a r e
Cross Fox
Fox in Cross coat!
Cross Fox Kits
Fox kits in Cross coat!
Custom Decor Creator
This item allows you to submit a custom decor for Wolvden's artists to review. Your decor must follow the guidelines and art style linked in the item's page, which displays upon use. This information is available in the sticky topic in the Art forums!
Dark Hooves
Maybe hooves will help you run faster?
Dark Mangrove Forest
This coastal saltwater marsh often has a border of twisted mangrove trees.
Dead Stream Swamp
The Dead Stream Flooding State Wildlife Management Area is a protected area in Michigan. The fishing is bountiful, turkey and deer hunting are great joys, and during droughts, you can find some cool treasures where the water used to be!
Dickinson's Lady's Slipper
Maybe if you look at it long enough, it will start to resemble a slipper. At least it’s vibrant!
A feral canine from the Australian continent.
Note: Simping For Black Friday stuff cause r a r e
Donkey Skull
It's smiling at you with its weird teeth.
Dragonfly Creek
The Dragonfly Creek of Denali freezes completely, creating a hanging glaze of ice.
Dry Lunar Shrub
This dry desert shrub is still glowing with life.
Dwarf Crested Iris
Delicate purple petals furl out from a pale center, drawing the eye. It's surprisingly quite hardy and can live upwards of 10 years!