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Jaystorm135 #67011

I'm a lesbian asexual non-binary, my pronouns are any (she/her, he/him, or they/them). I prefer they/them or he/him. if anyone is questioning if their in the LGBTQ+ community, or even if they're apart it, you are welcome to ask questions or talk about it with me. I've been in the LGBTQ+ since September of 2016.

If you've read the warrior cat series, you will kinda know how my Clan will run. But if you don't know then here is the explanation.

Warrior cats is a book series about a bunch of cats and clans, each clan has a leader, deputy, sometimes elder(s), warriors, apprentices, medicine cat (also medicine cat apprentice but not always) there's also kits(short for kittens). Each plays a big roll in the clan to survive together.

Kits, in this case pups will become apprentices at 6 months

Apprentices will become warriors at the age of 1(year old), but since they could go into scout or hunter, I will have to figure out some kind of system.

Warriors, kinda stated above. But they will be doing patrols of territories and hunting, and mentoring apprentices.

Elders, basically they just told stories to the younger ones about warriors and leaders from the past

Medicine Cat in this case herbalist, is the doctor of the clan, they can have an apprentice to help them take care of the clan. they also chose the second name for their apprentice when the time came. Wolvden doesn't have the option for a second herbalist, So I will have to figure that out too. Also in the book series, medicine cats couldn't have offspring, so that is something I want to stick to for my clan, unless it states otherwise in a wolf's bio.

Herbalist Apprentice which I know doesn't exist but I want to make it a thing for my clan, again don't know how.

Deputy is second in command, they take care of patrols and hunting patrols, but I was going to drop most of the deputy role. I'm still going to have it for when the leader dies but instead of the deputy having their own role, I'm just having them be a regular hunter or scout.

And last but not least, the leader. The leader leads the clan and makes decisions to help the clan survive the cold winters and hot summers. they are also in charge of naming ceremonies for pups, apprentices, and scouts/hunters, and a ceremony to name the next deputy. In the books, leaders did have 9 lives( they were cat so its made sense) but leaders don't have multiple lives, so I will be dropping this rule.

Rules I want to add or keep:
Herbalist cant have offspring, unless they had them before they became herbalist
Deputy will be one of the lead-hunters(stalking) in a hunting party, other hunting party leaders(stalking) will be determined by the deputy to still give some control to deputy. Most likely the other hunting party leaders will be senior/experienced hunters.

This is a draft, so this is not the final thing
Member Information
Name Jaystorm135
Pack Shades246
Leader Shadowstar
Joined 2022-04-21
Last Active 2023/12/13 13:58:26
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