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Emerald #5398

(Mun Info)
Female || 8/11/97 (24) || Single || Closeted Bisexual (Only out online, Heavy Male Pref.) || LD Territory ID: #15750 (Clematis's Garden)

All of my lore for my Lead wolf's way of raising his pack stays grounded to the WD-verse, I have a fascination with the the lunar event stuff lorewise in this game (Not so much the event itself), so things like walking the dream realm and the like will show up a lot with my pack leaders, and might even incorperate the Cnitharians into the mix of them, but outside that, it's pretty ordinary in comparison. And I like it that way. So you won't be seeing any gods or deities in my stuff!
My themes with both of these pet sites usually contain questionable themes. I personally have fun with them more than I would a usual pride/pack lore or anything super extravagant. I want my stuff to be mundane compared to the crazier lore I've seen, but still interesting to folks. On Lioden, I've created a polygynous/polygamous flower-name cult that strips your past life away to make into the King's own in his garden of wives, and also appeals to dirty breeders due to its potential splash of heavy incest and wife husbandry within its lore. I wanna do something with WD, but with a family pack built from Zantia's leadership, and -perhaps- less incest-y who knows. So far I've not thought of anything for the WD yet. I originally intended to copy my Clematis's lore over to him, but decided I wanted something to separate the two.
"Welcome to the Evergreen Pack, little one..."
The Evergreen is a nepotistic family pack who's leader holds the belief that blood-relations mean a place within. Almost every wolf within (lorewise) that's born through the alpha pair all have a place within the pack. The alpha pair are the only wolves that can have pups, though this rule has been broken before. They hold a great reverence to the lunar event.

Evergreen General Territory Bio:

Ancient Woodland

A large grassy sward that in the greener months is full of flowers. It is an area much enjoyed by the pack's younger members (and the older ones too when you can get them to admit it). It is a good place for races, play fights, and just lounging in the sun.

Rocky Waterfall

Overgrown Valley

Heirarchy (WIP; N/A spots are currently taken by temporary NBWs and will be replaced later):

Alpha (The Leader):
Beta (Second-In-Command and Alpha's mate):
Shaman (The Pack's Herbalist and Spiritual Leader, Third-in-Command):

Pupsitters (Tasked with watching the next generation):

Slate (Placeholder)


Member Information
Name Emerald
Pack Evergreen Pack
Alpha Zantia
Joined 2020-10-04
Last Active 2024/04/18 19:03:12
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