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Frozone (they/them) #38915

This player is playing [inbred mode], a playstyle where you intenionly buy inbred and big name wolves, and give them loving  homes. 

This player apparently likes torturing themselves, as they plan to move to the plains soon AND take a sort of [1 wolf hunting party] challenge. They also plan not to buy food or toys from the TC and struggle along by their own means even if they have to fish their way to victory

  Friend requests if you have not spoken to this player before will be rejected without a second thought becuase this player is a nuerodivergent introvert. Please message them first before sending your request. And for any who care this player's pronouns are They/Them

This player rolls over almost every day. please be patient about any requests sent to Mr. Freeze. 

This player is also looking to trade food and toys for tobacco, as their pack has fleas running rampent throughout it often, and they do not have that medicine researched yet

Tabacco trades they are interested are as followed: 1-2 (critter only at the moment their hunter isn't good enough yet) full use carcases or 1-2 full use bones, feathers(no 1 use feathers) or turtle shells per every 1 tabacco use/or  20-30sc for every 1 tabacco use

This member has been banned permanently.
Member Information
Name Frozone (they/them)
Pack Dumpster Cult
Joined 2021-02-18
Last Active 2021/06/28 13:17:04
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