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corpse #27261

anyways during my first year of college i lived in one of the two old buildings where all the first year freshmen lived. no a/c, no central heating, and in my particular hall we didn’t have a working stove. oh yeah, and we had communal bathrooms. all this was fine and dandy, all of this was workable at the very least. 

another thing that we had were exposed pipes for the sprinkler system. it was old enough to maybe not work but no one wanted to find out as that would be a huge mess. 

well, one day we did find out. 

while i was going to one of the Communal Bathrooms to take a shower i heard this noise behind me. that noise turned out to be a valve breaking off after it was hit by a football. the valve broke and out spewed a steady, powerful jet of water. strong enough to strip paint off the wall it was hitting and also, unfortunately, flood what was basically my entire hall. 

the water had been sitting there for god knows how long and was now just coming out. i had an inch or two of water in my room. 

and inch or two of water wouldn’t be so bad if it weren’t for the fact that it was the beginning of the second semester. if it weren’t for the fact that i had just bought all my books and had left them on the floor, thinking nothing of it. and also my backpack with my computer and general school supplies. 

and on top of that, on top of everything else, it was the middle of january in PA. it was in the single digits outside. 

so that was cool. suffice to say i transferred from that school not long after. 


oh yeah my name’s corpse, he / him, and i’m 23. 

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Name corpse
Pack Eld
King abel
Joined 2020-11-06
Last Active 2020/11/26 23:45:55
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