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Shiruku #126131

I'm Shiruku, a MASSIVE dungeons and dragons and lore fanatic who stops at nothing to make good stories! Well, maybe I go too far in making stories..
I make backstories and lore for people's packs and ocs! Just pm me if you want one done!
I CAN do art for some people, but it'll probably just be a sketch until I have the guts to open a thread!

Art of my wolves!
Credits to @FunkyRat!
Credits to uh, me! (lmao)

Credits to @PastureOfSheep!

Credits to me again!

My Favorite Pokemon!

Dai sanji no shakunetsu

Name: Dai sanji no shakunetsu

Adopt one yourself! @Pokémon Orphanage

My favorite pets in Chicken Smoothie!

Pet's name: Flaire
Adopt virtual pets at Chicken Smoothie!

Pet's name: Dimas
Adopt virtual pets at Chicken Smoothie!
Pet's name: Klari
Adopt virtual pets at Chicken Smoothie!

Pet's name: Crimson Fire
Adopt virtual pets at Chicken Smoothie!

My art of my character, Senthesis! (A female gold dragonborn sorcerer who stands around 6'5)


Uh oh

Others art of Senthesis!
Credits to Shuichi Worshipper!
Member Information
Name Shiruku
Pack Juniper Thicket Pack
Pack Leader Badger
Joined 2023-07-27
Last Active 2023/10/18 03:36:18