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coven of the æther

1 wolf in this pack may leave due to neglect!

restarting pack lmao


This is where the young pups, expecting mothers, and pupsitters reside. It is heavily guarded, and wolves that aren't related to the pups aren't allowed within to avoid contamination. Soft furs cover every inch of the floor, with large beds being tucked into cubbies in the walls.

Covenhead Quarters

This is where the Covenhead and the Covenmother, along with their children reside. It is forbidden for any wolf outside of the bloodline to enter this area. Balls of moss and glowing blue flowers hang from the ceiling, lighting up the room, and furs cover the walkway. Clay vases sit on ledges, filled to the brim with vibrant blossoms.


This is where wolves without the roles stay, along with Juveniles. It's well-kept and surprisingly colorful, each sleeping area decorated uniquely. They all appear to be quite comfortable. A faint scent of lavender hangs in the air.

Herb Hut

The Herbalist and their apprentice live here. It is strictly forbidden to enter if you are not the Herbalist or their apprentice. The apprentice is trained as soon as they are weaned. The walls are covered in herbs, bowls carved out of stone and wood, leather pouches, and even a small stream that flows in from the back all the way to the entrance. Several parchments of paper are tightly rolled up and rest in their respective cubbies, which are intricately carved into the walls. Two beds are concealed near the back, one made of a delicate moss and pine needle combination set on a ledge, and the other a swath of furs, feathers, and soft purple flowers.

Healing Quarters

Wolves who are sick stay here. If this place is occupied by a sick wolf, it is strictly forbidden to go in (unless you are the Herbalist), to prevent the spread of disease. If the Herbalist or their apprentice goes inside, they are to remain there until the afflicted mage is cured. The beds are separated by thick walls of ivy and a strange, slightly glowing blue flower, that also simultaneously lights the room up.

Raven's Point

This spire-like rock tower has several ledges carved into the steep sides, with a large hollow boulder at the top. Large window-like gaps open out to the sky in all directions, the biggest windows being at the North, South, East, and West points. These windows allow the Scouts to be able to see over the grasslands with ease. At the base of this tower, there is a large mound of clay and dirt, marking the entrance to the living quarters. The den leads down beneath the tower, with smaller rooms dugout along the hallway, covered by thick curtains of flowers and vines. At the end of the hallway are two larger rooms, covered in those same curtains. This is where the Head Hunter and Head Scout sleep. Ivy crawls up along the side of the tower, and flowers sitting in clay vases line the hallway walls.

Wanderer Dwellings

A makeshift hut made of hardened clay and a dash of magic. Dried grass creates the roof, and inside, several beds of different materials ranging from moss to stone slabs to pine needles line the walls. On the far end, there are even several ledges carved into the wall, made specifically for travelers that are more used to the mountainous ranges. This place temporarily gives shelter to the frequent travelers that pass through the camp, until they're ready to set out on their journey yet again.


Pups are the most valuable of the coven and are to be protected at all costs, as they are the future of the coven's legacy. Their magic has not yet shown itself.

Juveniles have proven themselves worthy of their magic, but have not gained full control. They are under guidance by the pupsitter and the High Priest/Priestess, along with their parents if they have the time. They can be apprenticed if they have shown healing magic.

Retired mages are, in a word, old. Their magic has gone haywire due to their old age and therefore causes them to go into retirement. They are looked after by the pupsitter and the Herbalist.

Pupsitters are very important to the coven, seeing as they take care of three types of mages. They're very maternal/paternal and are patient and empathetic. They are highly looked upon within the coven.

The Herbalist is yet another important mage within the coven. They are very wise and are well-versed in the art of potions, herbs, and medicines. They have healing magic and are very essential to life within the coven.

Herbalist's Apprentice is, you guessed it, the Herbalist's apprentice. They are learning the ways of healing (which is a very difficult magic type). They are Juveniles that are the most mature of their litter who have shown healing magic.

Scouts are observant and stealthy. They have hawk's eyes and are well-versed in the art of location magic. They have heightened scent, eyesight, and hearing, which allows them to find things that normal wolves may not.

Hunters, also called Sorcerers, are fierce fighters that are loyal to their coven. They bring in a large source of food and are, once again, essential to the survival of the coven. Along with hunting, they also guard the Nursery, Covenhead's den, Healing Quarters, and the Herb Hut.

Normal Wolves are in reality not that important to the coven, as they have no assigned roles, however, we still treat them like family. There are also juveniles that stay here, as they're too old to remain in the Nursery but too young to have a role. They help the mages with roles and run errands for them, along with cleaning out the dens.

Leader ardghal driscoll
Played By morrigan (#9747)
Territory Biome Prairie
Cave Slots 7 / 10
Pack Adults 2 / 38
Pack Pups 2 / 190
Immortal Wolves 0 / 0

Covenhead's Quarters
Name Stats Info Currents
Healing Quarters
Name Stats Info Currents
Herb Hut
Name Stats Info Currents
Name Stats Info Currents
319 stats L8 Female 5 years 9 months (Adult) 5y 9m HungryBreeding Cooldown (20 rollovers)PupsitterWill Leave!
308 stats L1 Male 0 years 0 months (Newborn) 0y 0m No Pupsitter
301 stats L1 Female 0 years 0 months (Newborn) 0y 0m No Pupsitter
Raven's Point
Name Stats Info Currents
545 stats L12 Male 5 years 4 months (Adult) 5y 4m HungryHunter
The Covenstead
Name Stats Info Currents
Wanderer Dwellings
Name Stats Info Currents