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Murky Lake



The Beaver Dam - Pupsitter + Scout + Herbalist

The Fisher's Slough - Hunters

The Beach - Adolescents and Weaned Pups

The Mosquito Mire - Quarantine


Breed a Lethal 00/00/0000

Buy Pup Stages 00/00/0000

Win a Raffle 00/00/0000

More soon!


Hey! Call me Cilantro, I go by any pronouns as I am Genderfluid! I am currently a foster for large dogs but I do own 2 dogs, 3 cats, 3 turtles, and one tortoise. I am currently 19 years old.

Lead Catfish
Played By 🌱 Cilantro 🌱 (#5547)
Territory Biome Grasslands
Cave Slots 5 / 10
Pack Adults 1 / 13
Pack Pups 2 / 65
Immortal Wolves 0 / 1

☣️ The Mosquito Mire ☣️
Name Stats Info Currents
🐟 The Fisher's Slough 🐟
Name Stats Info Currents
Arrogant || Chaser
239 stats L4 Female 2 years 6 months (Adult) 2y 6m HungryHunter
🐾 The Beaver Dam 🐾
Name Stats Info Currents
💰 The Sales Quag 💰
Name Stats Info Currents
359 stats L1 Female 0 years 4 months (Puppy) 0y 4m No Pupsitter
🗻 The Beach 🗻
Name Stats Info Currents
318 stats L1 Male 0 years 3½ months (Puppy) 0y 3½m No Pupsitter