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Immortals Pack

The Immortals Pack has been a FB RP wolf pack since July 17th, 2015, run by yours truly, PrimalGoddess.

~Coming of Age Tradition
When a child reaches sixteen years old they are no longer considered a pup. They are now considered a full fledged member of the pack. On the night of their sixteenth year birthday the alphas will call the lucky kid(s) forth. The alphas will send the kid(s) out into the wilderness on their own. The challenge is to show they can survive on their own, and no longer need their parents. There will always be a warrior or scout watching the kid(s) to make sure they do not get into any sticky situations, and so that the kid(s) cannot lie to the alphas when questioned later on. On the third night a warrior will be sent to bring the kid(s) back to the alphas. The alphas will then question the pups about their survival challenge. If the warrior that had been watching the kid(s) gives the alphas good reports then they will reward the kid(s) with a den of their own and a rank. If the warrior gives bad reports then the kid(s) will have to wait a month before being able to take the survival challenge again.

~Full Moon Ritual
The full moon ritual is a tradition for new couples. On the full moon the new couples will run and hunt together before feasting and possibly later on mating in their dens. This ritual exists to strengthen the mate bond that already exists. The mate bond is basically a connection between two mates. The mates can feel each other's emotions and some mates such as true mates can even speak to each other through the bond without ever having to say a word aloud. The mate bond grows stronger with time, but strengthens even more with the full moon ritual. Granted all pack members take place in this ritual it is most special for the new mates.

~Pups Birth Celebration
When a new child is born into the pack it is traditional for the entire pack to gather and celebrate. Some members will sing and dance while the others talk and feast, but all members give good blessings upon the new kid(s). This celebration is always done to symbolize the joy of new members being born into the pack, and therefore making the pack larger and stronger. The parents of the kid(s) are the guests of honor at these celebrations as the kid(s) are too young to meet the other pack members yet, and because it is the parents who made it possible for the kid(s) to have come into the world and the pack.

~Promotion Celebration
When a member is promoted to a higher rank by an alpha the alphas hold a celebration with the newly promoted member as the guest of honor. This celebration is basically a huge feast where everyone eats and congratulates the newly promoted pack member. Though promotions are rare and usually reserved for the ones that the alphas see true potential in, so this celebration is always a treasured one amongst the pack members.

~Nature Spirit Festival
Once a year the alphas and the rest of the pack council hold a festival in the Nature Spirit's honor. This festival is full of music, laughter, love, friendship, hunting, feasting, and drinking, as well as some love making under a Hadrix tree for those who wish to conceive and receive the Nature Spirit's blessing. Mating under a Hadrix tree during the Nature Spirit's festival is seen as a great sign of fertility and good luck. It is believed to viewed by the Nature Spirit as a form of worship when this deed is done. Some wolves may even place a sacrifice under a Hadrix tree for the Nature Spirit in hopes that she will allow them another year of good fortune and many good blessings.

~Battle Victory Celebration
This is done when the pack has won a battle against its enemies. This celebration would even include the kid(s). Most often it is at celebrations like this that new mate pairs are made though they wouldn't be announced until the next full moon ceremony. This ceremony is full of the pack members feasting and drinking. The females will often sing for their mates, or potential mates during this celebration. This celebration is meant to rejoice in the victory of a battle won against the pack's enemies.

~Funeral Pyre Ceremony
This ceremony is held when a pack mate passes on into the next world and leaves their body behind. The pack members will all pitch in to gather wood and build a funeral pyre. The healers would clean up the deceased's body and make it look presentable. The body is then placed upon the pyre and blessed by the pack council, and anyone else who wishes to give the deceased good wishes and well blessings, before it is lit ablaze and watched as the pyre and body burns. While the body burns the pack would be reciting the traditional funeral prayer that is intended to comfort and honor the deceased. This is to symbolize the passing on of a valued pack member, and to show that they will be missed and never far from everyone's hearts.

Funeral Prayer:
Lo, there do I see my father.
Lo, there do I see my mother, and my sisters, and my brothers.
Lo there I do see the line of my people back to the beginning.
Lo they do call to me, they bid me to take my place among them in the hallowed halls of the otherworld where the brave, fierce, loyal, strong, and selfless shall live forever.

~Seasonal Solstice/Equinox Ceremonies
At the solstice of each season the hunters of the pack gather a lot of kills and present them before the pack council. The pack council then blesses the food before allowing the rest of the pack to bow their heads and pray to the great earth mother with them. Once the blessings and prayers have been done everyone is then free to feast upon the fresh kills that the pack's hunters were kind enough to provide them with.
Alpha Blue LightMoon
Played By PrimalGoddess (#44858)
Territory Biome Deciduous Forest
Cave Slots 0 / 10
Pack Adults 3 / 5
Pack Pups 3 / 25
Immortal Wolves 0 / 0

Name Stats Info Currents
268 stats L3 Female 4 years 2 months (Adult) 4y 2m In Heat (1 rollover)Herbalist
225 stats L4 Male 1 year 5½ months (Adult) 1y 5½m Pupsitter
188 stats L1 Female 0 years 5½ months (Puppy) 0y 5½m
291 stats L1 Male 0 years 7½ months (Adolescent) 0y 7½m
223 stats L2 Male 2 years 4 months (Adult) 2y 4m Hunter
186 stats L1 Male 0 years 5½ months (Puppy) 0y 5½m