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Goose Pup Pack

Keeping Eachother Warm Through Winter
Intro Lore

High in the peaks of the mountain range the air was noticeably colder and thinner. The harsh ground bites into paw pads with every step. Though you can smell a variety of creatures, the peak seems barren of life. Inhospitable. A lone bird circles high overhead, a relief in the desolate landscape. For awhile, it's the only thing to be seen. Around a steep bend in a well worn path, a wolf sprawls up ahead. He appears to be sunbathing on some stones, high above your head.

He lifts his nose at your approach, no doubt taking in your scent. He makes no move to rise, at ease despite the appearance of a strange wolf. "Greetings Wanderer, you've come a long way. You must be hungry and exhausted." His hazel eyes leave you and trail over the valleys below. The view from his vantage point is wide, he's no doubt been watching you for awhile. He rises to his paws and gracefully leaps down to your level despite his burly stature. "The name's Wildfire On The Mountain, most just call me Wildfire." the vibrantly patterned male says, demeanor friendly. He sets off down the path, craning his head around to continue to chat. "I'm the keeper of these mountains. The pack has a den up ahead. Come take a load off, the pup's would love to hear of your travels." The excited bounce in his step might make you wonder if it's just the pups that are looking forward to your tales. 

Though the scent of wolf grows considerably as you walk, you probably would've passed right by the den opening if Wildfire hadn't have paused at the entrance. It was an unassuming hole in the mountain side, barely large enough for a wolf to crawl through on their belly. The large male gave you a wink before he dived inside, disappearing quickly from sight. Though the den entrance is tight at first, it opens up almost immediately. The main cavern is quite large, with several mighty stalagmites standing watch like sentries. There was a crack somewhere, and dim light allowed you to faintly see a small prey pile of whatever critters were small enough to drag through the opening. There were a couple of plain nests tucked away, but not enough for a pack. Four dark cave mouths could be seen further in. A scattering of wolves eyed you, many with friendly curiosity. Wildfire pointed his nose in the direction of the food pile. "Go grab yourself some food, I'll go fetch you some bedding. Wolves just passing through sleep out here, but if you decide you want to stay we can find some space in the main den." When you approach the food pile the sound of pups playing in one of the deeper caves come into focus. Though most of the wolves return to what they were doing, occasionally giving you an interested look - a large white wolf eyes you from the entrance to what you assume is the pup den, based on the sound. He bristles with open hostility. 

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Major Bloodlines

🌊 Descendent of Obsidian Tide Pool - Pack Noses & Shamans

Descendent Of Seashell By The Shore - Pack Teeth & Pack Paws

- - -

🔔 Descendent of Shadow/Chime and Echo

MS Descendent of Michael Scott/Skott

   Descendent of Dick (Faelor)

◌ Descendent Of Major Albino Bloodline

● Descendent Of Major Melanistic Bloodline


✺ Member of Goose Pup Pack Unrelated to Wildfire

☀ Member of Goose Pup Pack Related to Wildfire

ღ Retired members typically don't hunt, breed, or scout and are not required to meet stat requirements for the pack.

༄ Temporary Wolf sheltering with the Goose Pup Pack

☄ Member of Goose Pup Pack looking for a new pack

Pack Leader Wildfire on the Mountain
Played By Cloudeh (#30029)
Territory Biome Mountains
Cave Slots 5 / 10
Pack Adults 20 / 23
Pack Pups 7 / 115
Immortal Wolves 0 / 0

0. Cave Entrance - Temp nesting for temp wolves
Name Stats Info Currents
Caribou |i| Wanderer |Sarcastic| Echo
317 stats L1 Female 0 years 9½ months (Adolescent) 0y 9½m
Night |i| Wanderer |Obnoxious| Echo
317 stats L1 Female 0 years 9½ months (Adolescent) 0y 9½m
Bank |i| Wanderer |Bossy| Echo
318 stats L1 Female 0 years 9½ months (Adolescent) 0y 9½m
1. Apprentice Den - Adols & Wolves that need work
Name Stats Info Currents
Arnica |ii| Paws |Arrogant| G2
397 stats L5 Female 1 year 4 months (Adult) 1y 4m Hunter
Bog |i| Undecided |Dedicated| G3
423 stats L1 Male 0 years 8 months (Adolescent) 0y 8m
Flock |i| Undecided |Reliable| G3
417 stats L1 Female 0 years 8 months (Adolescent) 0y 8m
Pipit |i| Undecided |Dishonest| G3 - Tyka
413 stats L1 Female 0 years 8 months (Adolescent) 0y 8m
Owlet |i| Undecided |Anxious| G3 - Tyka
417 stats L1 Male 0 years 8 months (Adolescent) 0y 8m
2. Den Proper - Decorated, comfortable. permanent
Name Stats Info Currents
Tide |ii| Nose 359 |Dedicated| 2G
720 stats L15 Female 5 years 8 months (Adult) 5y 8m Breeding Cooldown (4 rollovers)Scout
Upplýst |ii| Paws 313 |Trusting| Sol/Luna
652 stats L11 Female 3 years 8 months (Adult) 3y 8m In Heat (3 rollovers)Hunter
Duality |i| Scout |Sociable| 4G
650 stats L18 Female 4 years 1 month (Adult) 4y 1m In Heat (2 rollovers)
Sparks |ii| Scout |Trusting| 🌊 3G
581 stats L15 Female 4 years 6 months (Adult) 4y 6m In Heat (2 rollovers)Scout
Paint |i| Undecided |Charming| 3G
552 stats L7 Male 1 year 10 months (Adult) 1y 10m Hunter
Alpine |ii| Undecided |Confident| 2G
538 stats L7 Male 1 year 11½ months (Adult) 1y 11½m Hunter
Gaze |i| Paws 126/110 |Fair| 2G
505 stats L7 Male 2 years 1½ month (Adult) 2y 1½m Hunter
Basalt |i| Undecided |Observant| G2 - Jackdaw
487 stats L5 Male 1 year 6 months (Adult) 1y 6m Hunter
Raven |ii| Nose 69/83 |Dishonest| 3G
472 stats L7 Female 2 years 0½ months (Adult) 2y 0½m In Heat (3 rollovers)Hunter
Twilight |i| Paws |Fair| G2
457 stats L6 Female 1 year 7½ months (Adult) 1y 7½m In Heat (1 rollover)Hunter
River |i| Paws 72/83 |Keen| 2G
449 stats L7 Male 2 years 1 month (Adult) 2y 1m Hunter
Moss |i| Teeth 95 |Independent| 2G
445 stats L7 Male 2 years 1 month (Adult) 2y 1m Hunter
3. Central Den - Vulnerable & Caretakers
Name Stats Info Currents
Valley |i| Den Guard |Trusting| 1G
316 stats L9 Female 6 years 1 month (Adult) 6y 1m Pupsitter
Spring |i| Den Guard |Sarcastic| 1G
340 stats L8 Female 6 years 1 month (Adult) 6y 1m Hunter
Lizard |i| Den Guard |Precise| 2G
314 stats L10 Male 5 years 11½ months (Adult) 5y 11½m Pupsitter
Dawn |i| Den Guard |Lazy| 3G
528 stats L13 Female 5 years 4½ months (Adult) 5y 4½m Pupsitter
Gypsy |ii| Den Guard |Observant| 🔔
640 stats L12 Female 4 years 7½ months (Adult) 4y 7½m Pupsitter
Shards |i| Den Guard |Sarcastic| 🔔
514 stats L11 Female 4 years 1 month (Adult) 4y 1m Breeding Cooldown (1 rollover)Hunter
Bones |ii| Shaman |Reliable| 🌊
475 stats L9 Female 3 years 0½ months (Adult) 3y 0½m In Heat (3 rollovers)Herbalist
Just for Organization
Name Stats Info Currents