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MoonValley Pack

Springtide Howl Fayre Rewards

The problem with Silver Cones
^^^^ Read this ^^^^^

As of today, June 7, 2021, I am no longer playing Wolvden. If there are any mods looking at this, please delete this account (or at least implement a way to delete an account).
The economy is so fucked. It's borderline impossible to sell rare wolves at a price that is reasonable because no one can afford them. The current SC/GC conversion rate (as of June 2021) is fucked and too expensive (100 SC = 1 GC). I hate how whales just have a stranglehold on the economy. They set the prices which favor them and not broke players like me. They're the reason why wolves are not being sold. They're the reason why there are too many unsold puppies because they already dumped hundreds of dollars on the game to get 500 territory slots filled with extremely rare and valuable wolves. They're not going to buy any wolves that aren't incredibly hard to find/breed. Whales rule this game and the game favors them! This game is bordering on Pay to Win. If you want to have a decent wolf or have territory slots, get ready to spend real cash!
TELL US what the conversion rate is! Don't let whales dictate how to play this godforsaken game!

SC is WAY too hard to obtain and selling wolves is not profitable or worth the effort anymore. What's the fucking point of playing a breeding game when you can't SELL the damn pups you breed!? I'm so tired of breeding good pups only to have them rot in the trades center for DAYS without a single person looking at them. I'm so tired of chasing valuable pups with great stats and CARRIER TRAITS because NO ONE will fucking buy because no one has MONEY! The game devs are too frugal with SC. This is stupid as fuck and ruins the game! Lioden's economy is stable (somewhat) because the conversion rate is set (1 GB= ~ 1200 SB). Everyone knows the rate and set prices accordingly. It is very easy for new players to get a good amount of SB to fund breeding projects UNLIKE HERE! Unless you're swimming in time and cash, you'll never be able to actually "get good" because you spend ludicrous amounts of money on stuff that should just be FREE TO GET! Why the fuck can we not just play with our wolves? Why do we have to grind for amusement items or spend way too much money on them in the TC? Drop rates are atrocious! Why tf do we have to spend over THOUSANDS of SC just to get to about 30 territory slots? Why can't we just earn them? Why is this game Pay to Win!?
Adding more SC into the game will stabilize the economy, not ruin it as some people believe.  If there was a way to earn a steady income every day and not blow it all on basic features that YOU NEED like territory slots, food/amusement items, and den expansions then the game would actually be fun! It would actually be fruitful to breed and sell wolves because people would buy!! They could AFFORD THEM! I'm so sick and tired of breeding wolves that are worth money just to chase them away because no one will buy them if they're over 50 SC. I'm so tired of spending 50 SC on finding carriers only to sell them for 30 because NO ONE WILL BUY THEM! I hate the SC cap limit in the Explore and Racoon Wares. It's not fair. It's broken as fuck. Why is there even a cap!? Why are the devs so afraid of giving us ways to actually earn a decent amount of IN-GAME CURRENCY!?
This game is not fun to play. It favors whales and cripples new and broke players.

Leader Interstellar
Played By Moony (#2426)
Territory Biome Deciduous Forest
Cave Slots 0 / 10
Pack Adults 1 / 21
Pack Pups 0 / 105
Immortal Wolves 0 / 0

Name Stats Info Currents
Trusting (Romantic)| Hunter
328 stats L8 Male 2 years 10 months (Adult) 2y 10m