Valdis Children Pack Lore & Art (Don't Reply)
Valdis Children Pack Lore & Art (Don't Reply)
Posted 2023-04-15 03:46:47 (edited)
What I plan to draw: Kelda & Norna together (Sisters) Dagmar Nora & Kelda (Mates) |
![]() Valdis #18079 |
Posted 2023-04-27 11:37:36 (edited)
Buran [Lead I] Deep in the mountains, there was a wolf. Living by one of the great lakes, with the promise of cool water a short walk away. For years he belonged there, alone, with a companion here or there for the tough winter. But somehow he realized, it had grown. It wasn't just him, a wolf struggling with her pups, a herbalist needing to take their own medicine. It was a pack, a small one at first, but growing, growing. Buran walked through the camp, ripping off a piece of a beaver carcass and throwing it to a weary pupsitter. She tore into it eagerly, thanking him with a twitch of her tail. He felt the bright warmth of the sun on his back as the sun began to set. He had been the leader of this pack for such a long time, he did not quite remember his life before. Every day was different, in small ways, but comfortable. The familiarity of his home, the warmth of his pack, the life he lived. But as his life continued, a dread lay on his fur. Seeping into his skin, digging claws into his bones, yanking at his heart. He felt trapped, his emotions faded, a deep sense of pain tugging at his fur. He felt desperate, deeply uncomfortable, alone, especially when he was surrounded by his loving pack. One day he stood, surveying his pack with worried eyes. He picked out one wolf, Conleth, who's fiery fur shone in the setting sun. There was something strong in the way Conleth stood. There was a brightness in his eyes as if there was a life he had not yet lived, but that was calling him into the unknown. He would take that path easily. He called for a pack gathering, his voice shaking as he called. "I am choosing an heir, for when I am gone." Buran began, hesitating as a ripple of shocked expressions began across the gathered wolves. "Conleth, step forward." He almost doubted his choice, as an odd expression passed over his chosen wolf's face. Conleth almost snarled, before noticing all the curious eyes on his face, and smoothed over his expression. He sauntered forward, tail waving in the air, and a sneer on his handsome face. A few she-wolves that had been surrounding him howled with excitement. Buran waved his tail to catch his pack's attention, and continued. "Conleth, I choose you to be the next pack leader, you will be the sole protector and champion of this pack." Conleth smirked, teeth glinting as his lips parted. "Thank you, Buran. I'm honored." Buran felt an odd twinge in his chest. But it was too late to turn back. He nodded quickly, turning away, and heading back to his den. The pack parted, swarming around the new heir, and ignoring their leader as he departed. He felt almost relieved, that part of his responsibility had been passed on. That night, he would leave forever. Written by Tasha 🫧🌑 (NC) |
![]() Valdis #18079 |
Posted 2023-04-27 11:43:05 (edited)
Conleth [Lead II] Conleth woke up, feeling oddly elated. A rush of emotions burst into his head, whisking away the memory of a dream. Apprehensive, which was odd for him, about being the next lead. Proud that he had been chosen for such a role. He really must be just that impressive. He was excited too, to have that power. He could banish a wolf with a word, he could eat all the food he wanted. He would be powerful. He woke up curled up next to a wolf, he couldn't quite remember her name. She would get angry at him for that later, as all those entitled she-wolves often did. He was a busy, important wolf, he couldn't bother to learn all their names. What was the point? He stepped out of his den, stretching out his paws and shaking out the sleep. But he was instantly snatched up by a wolf, whose eyes were wide with..something. Not fear, not excitement, shock maybe. "What." He snapped, brain still heavy from sleep. He didn't remember this wolf either, her fur was dappled brown and gray, and she seemed unfamiliar. He didn't truly care, unless she was someone important that he had forgotten. "Buran…he's gone." She mumbled, tail lowering dejectedly. "He..he left last night. He's just gone." And that was the turning point. He was lead now. He was king, alpha, he was the most powerful wolf in the pack. He could lie on the leader's rock, surrounded by she-wolves who gave him their full attention. He was Conleth, their leader, the highest authority. There was fear whispering inside his head, even while he stood taller, tail flicking up. He realized he still hadn't replied to the she-wolf, and he dipped his head, "Oh…well..he chose an heir at a good time. He couldn't hide his pleasure though, eyes bright with triumph. He had been nervous when he woke up this morning, nearly doubting his ability to lead. But honestly, he would do just fine. He was strong, wolves respected him, he would make the pack great. Written by Tasha 🫧🌑 (NC) ![]() Art by Cervid ![]() Art by me |
![]() Valdis #18079 |
Posted 2023-04-27 11:57:52 (edited)
Avalanche [Lead III] Avalanche stumbled over sharp rocks, pawpads stinging, climbing up the mountain slope. She felt a heavy emptiness in her stomach, and her vision was blurry. She tried to focus on a pine tree in the distance, but her eyes kept fading into a fuzzy gaze off to the side. Days…maybe longer, she had been wandering. From the cold evergreen trees, up and up. She had almost been slaughtered by a bear further down the mountain, and her shoulder was oozing blood and some pale yellow substance she avoided uneasily. The only coherent thought in her mind echoed as she climbed higher. Gotta walk. Walk, walk, walk. Just keep walking. Walk. Walk. But her paws stopped obeying, and she slumped to the ground. Dots of light were scattered across her vision, and she shook her head to clear them away. But they stayed, clinging to her like fleas. She wanted to howl for help, but her voice came out cracked and weak. Avalanche…what if there was an avalanche right now? What if she was covered in snow, with no air to breath, no room to scream. She'd be free from this struggle. But this struggle…maybe it could lead to something better. Something bright. Life seemed full of emptiness. But maybe, it could be filled with emotion. Not the numb feeling she was used to. So she tripped up onto her legs, almost falling back down, before continuing. Her blinks kept getting slower as every thin tuft of fur on her pelt was aching and ready to sleep. But she couldn't sleep. If she slept now, she might never wake up. She had to get somewhere. Get water, food, a nest that wasn't a cold rock. Then, she woke up. In a bright den padded with assorted creatures' fur. She wasn't sure where she was, and the sleepy awakening gave way to fear. A wolf entered the den, unfamiliar fur and scent, and her fur bristled. "Hi." The wolf mumbled softly, stepping forward to give Avalanche a piece of prey. "When you're finished, Conleth would like to see you." "Who?" Avalanche blurted, just before the wolf exited the den, she turned for a heartbeat, before turning back and leaving without a reply. Avalanche ate slowly, delaying whatever fate awaited her outside the den, and considered. But there was nothing else to do, unless she wanted to rot inside this den forever. So she stood up shakily, and stumbled out of the den. The sunlight outside the den was dazzling, and it took her several moments to fully take in the scene around her. The camp was standard, but the wolves and their appearances were not. Every wolf had fixed Avalanche with a similar unnerving stare. A wolf sitting on top of a rock, fur blazing like fire in the sun, watching her with blatant arrogance in his eyes. She walked toward him, annoyance gnawing at her insides, but it was clear, this was the leader, this was the wolf that would decide her future. She reached an area before the rock, where she paused, looking up at the wolf that must be Conleth, trying to appear reverent. These types of wolves needed soft handling to keep from offending them. "You're new, starving. You're taking up space and food." The leader began, with no introduction or questioning. "Why would I want you to stay here?" Avalanche huffed before replying, momentary annoyance taking over, she had to prove herself to this wolf? "I was an accomplished hunter in my previous pack before it….was unsuitable for me." "Then why do you look starved? If you're such an accomplished hunter, you should be able to feed yourself." Conleth scoffed, looking at a wolf on his left with an amused glance. Avalanche boiled inside her fur, silent fury burning, but she calmly replied. "I was weak, and winter made prey scarce. But I can hunt." Conleth narrowed his eyes, tail flicking lazily, "We need another pupsitter. that. Dens that way." Then he turned to another wolf. Audience over. Avalanche's fury was searing hot, but she turned and followed a wolf off to the pupsitters' den. There would be no place to go if she didn't obey Conleth. There was pride in her anger, a wish to prove herself too, but mostly, indignance. What kind of thought put her into the pupsitter role? Sitting and watching pups as they played, season after season, forever? It sounded boring. Dreadfully boring. Her paws already itched to run, hunt, pounce, tear into warm prey and feel the pride of taking down a large animal. Instead she was led to a den, introduced to the other pupsitters and the current pups, and left to rest for a little while longer before she began work. ~~ Avalanche watched as seasons passed, long days, longer nights, and months that never seemed to end. The pups were adorable, floppy, and cheerful. But there was a restless, aching boredom in her bones every day that she wasn't hunting. Conleth barely noticed her, or any of his pack for that matter. He was content, infuriatingly comfortable in his life, while Avalanche stewed in boredom. It was an endless cycle; eat, watch pups, glare at Conleth while he lived his perfect life. She was the first to notice as the leader grew weaker, his fur thinner, his bones beginning to show through his fur. It was the middle of winter, and prey was scarce. Avalanche barely ate enough, giving most to the pups she looked after. But her glaring eyes picked up more than the usual arrogance from Conleth, she realized why he seemed so thin. He didn't eat any more. Instead, he looked like something was eating him from the inside out. Doubt or worry or something worse. He grew weaker, weaker, and weaker still. Avalanche felt cold through her own fur, and felt an odd connection to the leader. He was starving himself, he gave up his food, letting his pack members eat it. She ate, but rarely, offering the rest of her food to her weaker charges. And finally, when the winter was nearly over, as the cold was just inching away, Conleth died. Faded away during the night, only skin, fur, and bones. The whole pack was shocked. Their self-indulgent lead had starved himself to death. Why? They'd never know. But it came to a vote, as to who the new leader would be. And somehow, Avalanche was chosen. Wolves stepped forward to offer their opinion, saying things like "She's kind, and would care for all of us in times of trouble." None of which Avalanche listened to. All she heard was a pounding rhythm inside her head, I'm lead, I'm lead, I'm lead. Avalanche was the leader. She could run through the woods again, see the stars without a haze of sleepiness, she could be listened to, have a voice again. She was the lead. And she would make sure this pack would thrive. Written by Tasha 🫧🌑 (NC) ![]() Art by me ![]() Art by Toro ![]() Art by ☁️ Moony Mothman 🌚 ![]() Art by me |
![]() Valdis #18079 |
Posted 2023-06-21 22:54:55 (edited)
Selkie, Echo and Nyx [Pack Members] ![]() Art by me ![]() Art by Toro
![]() Valdis #18079 |
Posted 2023-06-25 22:56:54 (edited)
Ylva [Lead IIII] and Knut [Pack Member/Mate] ![]() Art by me ![]() Art by ☁️ Moony Mothman 🌚 |
![]() Valdis #18079 |
Posted 2023-06-30 15:30:13 (edited)
Oreo [Pack Member] ![]() Art by 🪲 Ghost 🪲 |
![]() Valdis #18079 |
Posted 2023-07-15 00:30:52 (edited)
Ishaan [Pack Member/Stud] Art by XxHoneyxX Art by 🪲 Ghost 🪲 ![]() Art by ScarTheHunter |
![]() Valdis #18079 |
Posted 2023-07-21 06:47:13 (edited)
Desdemona [Pack Member] Art by me ![]() ![]() Art by Skye ![]() Art by 🪲 Ghost 🪲 |
![]() Valdis #18079 |
Posted 2023-07-27 07:10:29 (edited)
Kelda [Packmember] ![]() Art by harupawz |
![]() Valdis #18079 |