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Public/Open .:Wolvden:. RP!

Posted 2020-10-29 17:57:53
Evergreen walked up beside him and looked out at the trees. She looked at the wolf beside her then she started to walk to the wolf near the trees.

Posted 2020-10-29 18:00:10

Evergreen reacted the trees. She came up behind the wolf. She let out a small bark.


Posted 2020-10-29 18:04:35 (edited)

Lux watched the other male and felt his fur bristle at the hostility. A low growl rumbled in his throat and he raised himself to his paws. Had this male hurt the female? Lux's nose twitched lightly as he sniffed the air once more, picking up the scent of yet another male that seemed to have left. Lux raised his tail slightly, he didn't exactly want a right, but he would never show weakness to another wolf. Besides, Lux didn't want to risk bloodshed when all he was after was some really big leafs.

Lux jumped slightly and quickly turned around to face the female and let out a snarl in surprise. 


Posted 2020-10-29 18:07:05 (edited)

Evergreen let out a soft sneeze. Then licked his nose. Her tail wags


Posted 2020-10-29 18:11:31

Forestfire growled in frustration when Evergreen just approached the random wolf. ~No wonder why you're injured~ He thought to himself. Noticing where this new male was, he carefully approached him. Hearing him snarl at Evergreen brought him to the brink of attacking. He bares his teeth and glares for dominance in this wolf's eyes. Seeing Evergreen lick his nose confused him more than ever, it was as if this she wolf has no sense of danger or fear.

(I'm going by stats rn, Lux is definitely stronger than Forestfire XD)


Posted 2020-10-29 18:18:21 (edited)

(Lol I'm getting myself confused. Ima use your names but ima do this ~Bean~)

Evergreen turned around and wagged her tail at ~Forest fire~. She rolled on her back. They could tell I was still a pup.


Posted 2020-10-29 18:19:15

//Lux is stwong boi >:D//

Lux felt overwhelmed by both strangers walking up to him, one very much a threat and the other possibly having no concept of death. He backed away from both of them, keeping his head low and tail half raised as his eyes flickered back and forth between the two wolves, "Listen, I believe neither of you would be all too pleased with a ripped throat, one of you is already hurt." He glanced over at the male, "Did you attack her."


Posted 2020-10-29 18:24:20 (edited)

Evergreen looked at ~Lux~. She shook her head answering ~ Forest fire's ~ question. "No, a grey wolf with red eyes attacked me."

She sat up and glanced at both of the males.


Posted 2020-10-29 18:25:54

Sensing this other male was stronger than Forestfire, he decided attacking him would only lead to demise. But still, his cold nature would rather eat grass than be nice to him. "Clearly if I did Evergreen wouldn't be all happy go lucky near me." He relaxed his mouth showing no signs of attacking, but still keeping his guard. He looked at the green she-wolf on the ground revealing her belly. "And you need to learn how to be more cautious with strangers." 


Posted 2020-10-29 18:30:42

Evergreen got up and nipped at his nose playfully. She mimicked his words. Then smiled at him wagging her tail.


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