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Public/Open .:Wolvden:. RP!

Posted 2020-10-29 13:42:36

Nikodema's muzzle twitched with the news, he turned slightly, showing his flank to the opposing male as he ventured forward toward the strange female who's nose was sticking out of the underbrush. He lifted his head ever so slightly to catch a stronger whiff of her scent to be sure she wasn't sick or bleeding... "Are you hurt?" He questioned, his voice wasn't friendly but far from demanding answers. He kept an ear turned toward the brown wolf across the way just in case he was to make a move. 


Posted 2020-10-29 13:45:48 (edited)

Evergreen nodded at the wolf. Then shifted her body to show him the cut/scar on her neck. 


Posted 2020-10-29 13:51:06

"I'm no healer." Nikodema huffed, informing her that he couldn't help with any immediate attention. He had no way to tell how old the wound was, only just picking up on the sour tang of blood smell as she turned to show her wound. He took a pawstep backward, to give her some more room. "Is whatever hurt you still around?" He eyed the other wolf with suspicion. 


Posted 2020-10-29 13:54:45
Evergreen said in a soft voice that was hard to hear "Y-Yes...". She looked at the ground.

Posted 2020-10-29 13:55:03 (edited)
Evergreen said in a soft voice that was hard to hear "Y-Yes...". She looked at the ground. (I didn't mean to post two lol)

Posted 2020-10-29 14:10:18

"We are nearby my Pack's territory." He stated, squaring his shoulders and glancing around the area briefly. The other wolf seems to have moved on for now. "I could go and fetch some herbs to help with the pain, but I do not want to leave you by yourself if there is still danger."


Posted 2020-10-29 14:13:10

Evergreen stood up and her neck was all bloody now. She whines as she moves. Her eyes were on the wolf. 


Posted 2020-10-29 14:15:07

He flinched at the sight of the blood, taking another step backward. "Y-you can't come with me, they might think I-- Stay there!" He barked. "What did this to you?" 


Posted 2020-10-29 14:18:12
Evergreen said in a scared soft voice "G-Grey w-wolf, R-Red Eyes.". She laid down in pain.

Posted 2020-10-29 14:21:08

NIkodema relaxed slightly, that's not the description of the wolf they had just seen. So at least he had been telling the truth. He turned and scanned the area for any other creatures that could be around, at least this female had found herself a nice hiding spot... 

"My name is Nikodema, I live in the Wild Weald with the rest of my Pack members..." He muttered to her, attention still on the surrounding area for approaching danger. "If you like, I can scout the area for this grey wolf?"


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