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The Hitman’s new blood (Been moved to different site)

Posted 2023-03-21 19:51:42

Random student

The comment irritated the male and he was quick to get up.
"Bold words from a scrawny freak like you"
He growled whole making his way over to Pierre's desk then grabbed his notebook and threw it across the room, the popular ones would chuckle at the rudeness which only fueled such actions.


Posted 2023-03-21 19:56:59
Pierre looks up at the guy, before Rob took over, making their eyes unfocus for a moment. " ...bold...? It is historically proven... Romio and Juliette, twilight, pretty much any movie related to high school or other school premises base love off of looks... Not to mention the 'like' girl full on stated 'what if a pretty and perfect woman comes along?'... Not to mention guys like you get more girls because you're handsome or rich than for your actual personality, which is often terrible anyway... " He pointed out, so casually too. " ...feel free to punch me, which it seems you want to... But I am an actual gentleman... I do not fight... Have fun punching something that doesn't respond... " He chuckles lightly, staring up at the guy with a very calm look, almost creepy how calm it was.
Night Crow the Bird Brain

Posted 2023-03-21 20:02:54

Random student

The male didn't seem to care, he wanted to pinch to best "Pierre" and that was exactly what he did, he was quick to grab him by the shirt collar and with his other hand he turned it into a fist and started to beat him.

He didn't know of the "System" and thought he was beating Pierre, not Rob, but it didn't matter anyway, he sees this guy sticking out of the crowd and takes the first opportunity to beat him.


Posted 2023-03-21 20:05:32
Rob did not make a single sound, or give a single reaction. If anything he smirked. He smirked and looked up at the guy with he same look other than the smirk, which amde him appear amused more than anything. He took the beating, and gave literally no reaction. Not a flinch, not a yelp, not a squeak. He was used to this. After all, it happened often in the orphanage.
Night Crow the Bird Brain

Posted 2023-03-21 20:11:15

Random student

Since it appeared it was normal for students to beat eachother and the teacher just watched like some weirdo….the male would continue beating Rob and did so faster and harder.


Posted 2023-03-21 20:14:14
Rob would continue to not react. Continued making no reaction, and staring at the guy. The teacher sighs after a moment and approaches, grabbing the kid. " Go sit back down, ya brute. And all of you shut up and pay attention. " He would say.
Night Crow the Bird Brain

Posted 2023-03-22 08:42:25
Bambina read Nora's reply from her lips nodding. "I will do my very best not to cause you any trouble," she wrote showing her writing to Nora. She then began to write again this time a little longer paragraph than before. "And I'm sorry that you have to watch over me. I promise I won't disturb you when you are conserving and having fun with your friends. I'm both deaf and mute so your secrets will be safe," she smiled shyly showing her the notepad. Bambina fell silent after that just looking around the room.

"The room is really beautiful as is your house. You have very lovely house," Bambina smiled complimenting her. Deciding that one should try to befriend her, she then wrote, "What is your name? My name is Bambina."


Posted 2023-03-22 10:37:36


Nora did appreciate the compliments but she was never really thought of the house to lovely or grand. Since living in the suburbs the houses all seem to look the same with the same amount of rooms and so forth. But what got her the most is, is it safe to use her real name? She had to think it over for a moment, and tried to remember if she was allowed to, and the last time she used her name.

It was difficult for the last people she had to watch, mostly her father wanting to trap them before ether could flee the country but had to kill them st a certain time, never asked for her name.
"Nora, my name is Nora"
She smiled

Random student

The one beating Rob grunted under his breath with a couple slurs escaping his lips. He did eventually throw Rob over his desk then made his way to his own, upon arrival he was met by open hands which he high fives with a grin before sitting down.


Posted 2023-03-22 13:14:31
Rob would simply stand up and, with a bloody face, most likely a broken nose, cut lip, and both eyes being blackened, just sat back down at his desk. The teacher looks at him and examined his face. " Go to the nurse's office. " He would tell Rob, however Rob would just shake his head no. " Keep teaching... Heh, I am fine... " He spoke. The teacher couldn't really do anything to make him, so he sighs. " Fine. But if you ever feel you need to go then just go. " He says,.before walking to the front of the class and continues teaching. Rob would let Pierre have back control, and Pierre would continue to take notes, very good notes, despite the pain and small struggle to see.
Night Crow the Bird Brain

Posted 2023-03-23 12:59:37
"Nice to meet you, Nora, I hope we can become friends," Bambina wrote showing her writing to Nora. In her opinion Nora was really friendly and sweet girl, she hadn't given her any reason not to like her. "You mentioned that you are having online courses? What kind of things you are learning?" Bambina then asked curiously as she showed Nora the notepad again. She hoped that she wouldn't find her endless questions too annoying.

She really didn't know what to think about Nora having to keep an eye on her, but she tried her best to be positive about it. Maybe it actually wasn't that bad, at least she wouldn't get lonely. However, she didn't really know how thrilled the young girl would be about "babysitting" her, especially since she would be there when she wanted to meet friends and possibly even a boyfriend.


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