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The Hitman’s new blood; OOC (Moved to different site)

Posted 2023-03-13 19:30:54
I don't know.. sorry ^^' I was stupid again, huh? And I'm gonna have to change my character sheet, cuz I got a notification that i broke the rules. :P
Night Crow the Bird Brain

Posted 2023-03-13 19:37:31
Wut? How!?? Wait Ah got an idea but even then…ugh now ah'm paranoid bout mine


Posted 2023-03-13 19:39:20
I got the notif cuz my character was too young. I think they changed it for me, but I change it to all were 18, with some being childish. It works, at least. We can just say childish instead of a child :p but what issnyour idea?
Night Crow the Bird Brain

Posted 2023-03-13 20:01:07
Basically the same thing


Posted 2023-03-13 20:02:31
Oh, sorry ^^' didn't mean to steal your idea..
Night Crow the Bird Brain

Posted 2023-03-13 20:04:32
Nea, ya didn't, it just meant we had similar idea an ah had no reason to explain it is all 👍


Posted 2023-03-13 20:07:51
Okay, if you say so.
Night Crow the Bird Brain

Posted 2023-03-13 20:11:08
Wut tone did ye say those words in? Ah'm gettin sarcasm…


Posted 2023-03-14 08:07:47
Perhaps we can combine both of your ideas for the meeting? Like Jax could be bringing Bambina home with him and Nightingale's character could be just spending time around his house, so they could meet each other that way? And maybe while the three are gathered outside of his house, Nora would also be coming home from somewhere so they all would get introduced to each other?


Posted 2023-03-14 08:21:59

1: it wasn't supposed to be sarcastic, but I can't remember what it was supposed to be, definitely not meant to upset you, sorry Zyzy ^^'

And 2: my character can't go outside unless it's to clean or they ran away. They're in an orphanage of sorts, like the sort in Annie, have you watched that movie? :3
Night Crow the Bird Brain

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