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Posted 2020-10-28 22:16:04

I've spent the past 6 hours or so re-learning HTML and I finally got a good base for my forum posts. However, when I actually posted it, it looks NOTHING like it is supposed to. Font is different, box borders are different, etc. Whenever I put it in code view and then turn it off, it looks perfectly fine. Once changes are saved is when there are problems. Can anyone help me figure out what the issue is?


apheliion šŸ’«

Posted 2020-11-02 07:03:06

By ā€œdifferent,ā€ do you mean the code gets wiped altogether or the wrong formatting gets put in the wrong place? If the former, itā€™s likely because the forums donā€™t allow CSS with links or the style tag; fancy codes are made with HTML tables using inline CSS. If the latter, you might be missing a closing tag somewhere.

If you want, I can take a look at it :o


Posted 2020-11-02 13:56:50


I have incredibly basic knowledge of HTML and CSS, as in I spent 6 hours straight staring at code and trying to learn as a I went.

So, when I coded this table, I was testing it in my den page. I would plug it into "code view", click off, everything looked ok, and then whenever I hit "save changed" and it actually posted to my page, it changed everything. Font, colors, rounded corners, etc. The basic table was there but that was it. I have noooo idea what I did wrong or if I even coded anything correctly. I can send it to you but I'm warning you it's probably a hot mess lol

apheliion šŸ’«

Posted 2020-11-02 19:40:53

Honestly, staring at code and trying to learn as you go along is basically all coding in a nutshell :D

Hmm, from the sound of it Iā€™m guessing the CSS is getting auto-wiped by something on the siteā€™s end, especially if it looks fine when previewing before saving + the basic table remains. Although giving it a test run myself just now, it probably shouldnā€™t do that? šŸ¤”

But yeah, feel free to send the code and Iā€™ll take a look, and donā€™t worry about messiness; I use a code editor that makes everything easy to read ;>


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