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lost valley wolf Rp

Posted 2023-02-25 16:14:29
Lucy giggled and let her chew on her paw. Lucy was always patient wih the young pup. "That hurts little alpha, hey, how about we get some water at the river alright?"

Vixeni notices Golomath and smiled, "Golomath!! Morning!!"

Talon growled when Vixeni yelled.


Posted 2023-02-25 16:15:20
He smirked at how Golomath looked at Rex. "I am well. I would be better if I didn't have this weight dragging me down." He shot a look to Rex and chuckled. "Rex! You should know it is rude to not say good morning to a friend." He snarled at the smaller brother.

Winced and whined, his tail tucked between his hind legs and his ear pinned against his head. 'He doesn't have to be so mean...' He looked to Golomath then away. "G-good morning."


Posted 2023-02-25 16:15:22
rue "AW...OKAY" she said with a huff
spider in the garden

Posted 2023-02-25 16:18:31
Lucy smiled, "now little one, its good to have water in the morning, now bite my tail so we can get going to the river dear"

Vixeni smiled and then pounced Golomath, "Oh, Morning Ralphie, Mornin Rex!!" She got off of Golomath.

Talon sighed and was about to leave to go hunt.


Posted 2023-02-25 16:25:14 (edited)
Golomath shook his fur out. "Good morning, Vix." He said lightly before turning back to Rex and Ralphie. "G - Good morning." He mocked Rex in a high pitched tone. He exchanged an haughty glance with Ralphie before looking down at Rex, who was much shorter then Golomath or Ralphie. "What are you doing groveling on the ground like that?" Snarled Golomath. "Don't be weak." He said with a smirk.

Posted 2023-02-25 16:30:52
He let out a burst of laughter at this. "You think he can strong? Look at him. He is a nobody. Such a waste of space at this point." He grinned down at his younger brother and a deep growl could he heard coming from him.

He felt himself begin to tremble and looked over to Vixeni. He mouthed a good morning then turned and darted off. 'Waste of space? How could he say that? I'm his brother.' He growled but stopped himself. 'No...don't get angry...he cares...I know he does.'


Posted 2023-02-25 16:31:02 (edited)
"Morning Golomath, Ralphie, Rex...Think any of you would like to go hunt?" Talon asked as he walked over.

"Yea I'm starving!!" Vixeni whined as she sat by Rex.

(( I think I am gonna change Talon's sexuality, straight is just too basic XD


Posted 2023-02-25 16:39:06
Golomath laughed as Rex ran off. "What a wimp." He chuckled before turning to Talon. "Yeah, let's hunt." He said in his deep, cold voice. "I spotted a herd of elk in the plains the other day." He said still chuckling.

((What do you mean you're going to change Golomath's sexuality? He's my character. Also Golomath is bisexual.))

Posted 2023-02-25 16:39:54
Rue "IM HUNGRY HUNGRY " she chirped wagging her tail ((dose she sound like a pup))
spider in the garden

Posted 2023-02-25 16:41:51
(( it was a typo, i had a brain fart, thats why i edited it, also yes Rue does sound like a pup!

Lucy smiled as she drinks some water from the river, staying near Rue.

Talon nodded, "nice, I'm sure we could find a fawn elk in the herd we could hunt."


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