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Raven X Specter Dog

Posted 2023-02-23 19:33:51
Snow warble sleeply and then would warble with hunger. She would follow Kari and would nudge her with a sad look. Kari could hear Snows stomach growl loudly. She would sit on her hind legs and would beg. Night put on a blind fold to hide his tired looking eyes. He would wake Yuri up so they could go to the hidden area in the forest.
Raven Eclipse

Posted 2023-02-24 12:44:57
"Are you hungry?" Kari asked as she did her hair up nicely. "Stay here and I'll sneak you some food," Kari says petting Snows head before putting slippers on and quickly leaving the room and closing the door behind her.

Posted 2023-02-24 16:00:43
Snow gave a nod and would look around. She would hear someone near the door and she hid. She watched from under the bed as someone came into the room. It was a person with really fancy clothes. She watched as they looked around like he was looking for something. He would sneak around the room with a evil grin.
Raven Eclipse

Posted 2023-02-24 16:20:37
Kari went down stairs quietly sneaking into the kitchen where the cooks were making breakfast. She quietly and sneakily snuck some meat off the counter for Snow and some pastries for herself. She quietly snuck out of the kitchen eating her pastries with the meat tied in a bundle. She headed back upstairs towards her room humming softly.

Posted 2023-02-24 16:36:50
He looked under the bed and snow hissed. He grinned wider and reached to grab her. She bit his hand and he yelped in pain. He growled and grabbed her, then held her snout closed so she wouldnt give him away. She growled very loudly and smoke came out of her nostrils. She wiggled as much as she could.
Raven Eclipse

Posted 2023-02-24 16:47:23
Kari walked into her bedroom and froze dropping the food with a surprised whine. "L-let her go," she stammers seeing the man holding Snow. "If you don't let her go I'll call the guards," Kari says loudly as a warning that she would call the guards.

Posted 2023-02-24 16:51:32
He chuckled and said "Why should i when you stole your families dragon egg?" he would grin and snow slowly close her eyes with a whine. She relaxed looking dead while the man said "Wow she looks dead!" he laughed and had a looser grip on her. As soon as he did that snow shook his grip off and latched onto his arm. He yelled in pain and tried to rip her off but she only bit harder. He growled and took a knife out to stab her.
Raven Eclipse

Posted 2023-02-24 17:20:13
Kari winced as Snow bit down her eyes widening as he pulled a knife out and lunging at him grabbing the knife cutting herself in the process.

Posted 2023-02-24 17:31:27
He yelped in surprise and would land on his ass. He growled and snow would let go. Snow set him on fire and would nudge Kari  and warbled. She would growl and then let a small roar out. Night perked up from where he was in the forest.  He paled and would tell yuri to hide then he ran as fast as he could to the house Kari was in.  He jumped onto the baclony and charged in. He looked around and growled.  He grabbed the man and would throw him out the way he came. He checked on Kari first, wrapping her cut. Then left to check on the man.
Raven Eclipse

Posted 2023-02-24 17:45:47
Kari whined as she picked up Snow and hid with her in her closet nervously waiting for Night to come back her hand throbbing painfully.

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