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Raven X Specter Dog

Posted 2023-02-16 18:28:15
Snow nudged her with a nod of her head. She would give a sad warble and looked at the door. She missed Night but wanted to be out side. She would claw the door slightly and gave a slight whine. She looked around and saw the balcony then ran for it. She jumped onto the balcony ledge and would give a warble to Kari,
Raven Eclipse

Posted 2023-02-16 18:32:35
Kari watched Snow go to the door then run for the balcony and scrambled off her feet to run after Snow. "Wait! No one can see you," she says worriedly knowing guards patrolled the garden. She didn't want anyone taking Snow away.

Posted 2023-02-16 18:40:52
Snow opened her wings and jumped. She fell and her wings caught air. She flew high enough to only Kari could see her. She snorted and flew to the forest and waited for Kari to either follow or have Night find her. Night Had Yuri on his shoulders and was walking to the river .
Raven Eclipse

Posted 2023-02-16 18:44:01
Kari sighs and follows after Snow afraid to loose the hatchling and quickly disappeared into the woods. "Snow?" Kari calls quietly. She searched for the hatchling worriedly. "I hope I haven't lost her. Night would be upset with me…" Kari murmurs quietly as she continues looking.

Posted 2023-02-16 18:50:23
Snow let a loud warble to alert Kari. She run up to her and play bowed. She would go behind Kari and nudge her forward. After a bit of walking 2 voices could be heard near the river.  Night could be seen playing with a young kid with pure white hair and the bluest eyes.  Night rubbed the kid's head and saw Snow. His face light up even more when he saw Kari. Yuri hid behind Night and said something in his ear. Night chuckled and waved them over. Snow bounded over and wagged her tail.
Raven Eclipse

Posted 2023-02-16 18:55:35
Kari sighed with relief as Snow warbled at her and stumbled forward chuckling. "Ok ok I'm going," she says as she started walking. When she saw Night and the kid he was playing with she smiled. "Who's that?" She asks softly as she approaches curiously.

Posted 2023-02-16 18:59:12
"Kari this is Yuri. My little brother" Night smiled at her and Yuri said "S-She is a h-human!" Night chuckled and said "Yes but she isnt like the others. She is the one i was telling you about..." Yuri's eyes got excited and he asked "Wait she is your partner?!" Night covered Yuri's mouth with full on blush. "Hush Yuri!" he said looking at him. Snow warbled and nudged Kari's hand.
Raven Eclipse

Posted 2023-02-16 19:02:00
"Partner?" Kari asked tilting her head curiously. She was slightly confused at what Yuri meant and Night was blushing pretty badly which made her blush nervously. She petted Snow as she nuzzled her hand looking down at her.

Posted 2023-02-16 19:19:16
Yuri pushed Night's hand away and jumped away as he said, "Like as in dating partners?" Night tackled him and said, "Be quiet!" He shook his head very flushed. He made Yuri stop talking about it and snow would purr. He would look away and pulled his hood up to hide his blush.
Raven Eclipse

Posted 2023-02-17 07:01:41
"W-well i don't think that's w-what we are… we're just acquaintances right now," Kari said blushing as well. She fidgeting with her hands nervously trying to find something else to converse about that wasn't dating.

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