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1x1 rp w/ Plagg! (UNRESPONSIVE)

Posted 2022-12-31 15:44:30 (edited)
Welp- Imma just go with 1st? XD

Despite it being the middle of May, I was nearly shivering in my seat. Mrs. Henderson's classroom was never above fifty degrees because of the broken thermostat, but the woman hardly seemed to notice. I'd considered bringing a coat before, but it ended up not being worth the effort.
"See me after class, please." Mrs. Henderson spoke to me quietly as she handed back my test. 28%. "Well shit. That's the third test this month. It's official- Mom is going to kill me." I groaned internally, dreading the conversation that was to come. Wildwood High School was known for it's high GPA rates and excellent academic records. I, unfortunately, was the exception to that. It was nearing the end of the year, and I'd somehow managed to fail nearly all of my classes. The only one I was actually decent in was Art.
As the bell rang to dismiss us from our final class of the day, everyone eagerly stood up and gathered their things. I took my time getting my things together, ready to endure yet another lecture from Mrs. Henderson about the importance of a good work ethic.

It was around six o'clock now. I was avoiding going home to face my mother, but she had caught on pretty quick. 14 missed calls and 5 messages. I ignored all of them. "No point in trying to explain when she's already made up her mind." She'd already decided that I was at fault for this, and that I simply wasn't trying hard enough. It wasn't true, but she was a stubborn woman. There was no changing her mind by now.
I walked into the gas station on 4th street, giving a small wave to Mavis on the way in. She was a friend of mine, but since she graduated last year, I don't see her much anymore. I didn't really need to buy anything, but I wanted to kill some time. Might as well get some Doritos while I'm at it.

I like to start of pretty literate, but feel free to reply with whatever length you want! ^w^

*¨༺ Cassia ༻¨*

Posted 2022-12-31 15:59:15
Jax paced back and forth in the house trying to think of something, the lights we're rather dim and all the windows we're closed and covered by the blinds so no one could see him, maybe he was just overthinking everything a bit? There was some off vibes from almost everyone he knew other than the other Collins. Because why would they turn on him? They were the only other ones who truly knew what he was in this small town. Everything here was new to him almost, just moving here and all he has is faint memories from the visions he had. Some things were just very... very... off around here. It rained a lot here and it was quite cold all the time for the middle of May. There's strange things that would happen in the forests, and the kids here were so weird he wanted no part of it. Ever since becoming a vampire he's just never felt the same anymore. How could he? And going to a school full of normal kids was going to be worse... The only other people who were vampires that he had known of were the rest of the Collins... Of course he would have to play into the "Newly adopted" roles of the family he wasn't too sure how to do it, not talk to anyone? Maybe?


Posted 2022-12-31 16:12:05
Mavis and I had been talking for a while by the time I decided to head home. The store wasn't very busy at the time, so Mavis and I were doing each other's hair. I'd already done hers, and she was in the middle of braiding mine. We'd known each other since we were small children, and it was one of our favorite things to do when we were bored.
"Hey, I think Imma head out." I told her, as she tied off the braid with a hairtie. "Awh, come onnnn- It's so boring!" She whined, and I rolled my eyes in response. "I'll see you tomorrow, you big baby." I told her, standing up from my chair and heading for the door. "Ciao, babe!" She called, already picking up her phone to distract herself now that I was leaving. "Bye, Mavi!" I smiled, opening the pack of doritos I'd grabbed off the shelf. Mavis never seemed to care that I shoplifted from her family's store, so I didn't think it was a big deal. I made sure to pay her back. . . sometimes.

It was a solid forty minute walk back to my house. I never really minded how long it took, even in the cold. I'd grown up here, so I was pretty acclimated to the weird climate. I was almost halfway home now, but of course it just had to start raining. "Are you shitting me right now? Dammittttt-" I pulled up the hood of my jacket and zipped it up the rest of the way, already done with this weather. It wasn't the first time I'd walked home in the rain, but it was still annoying.

*¨༺ Cassia ༻¨*

Posted 2022-12-31 23:44:18
(( Got bored and drew her again =v=" ))

*¨༺ Cassia ༻¨*

Posted 2022-12-31 23:48:11
(AH! I thought a replied and ooo! Sorry this is short watching netflix right now xD)

Jax finally calmed down from pacing back and forth and went for a walk around the woods... Maybe he would find something.


Posted 2022-12-31 23:59:45
(( GAH- I hate it when that happens! And oooooh~ Nice! I maaaay or may not be watching The Owl House :] ))

The rain was falling steadily as I continued to walk, soaking through my hoodie in a matter of minutes. "Ugh. . Dammit." I muttered under my breath, making the executive decision to go through the woods to get home. At least there would be a little shelter from the rain.
I ran across the street and into the forest, noticing that it was eerily quiet for once. Usually, there were sounds of teens blaring music or partying coming from these woods, but not today. "Well that's a first." I mumbled, trying to figure out what direction would get me home the fastest without going near the bad parts of town. Straight through the forest avoided the sketchy neighborhoods, but it would take a little longer. "Ah well- Better safe than sorry." I shrugged, turning to go into the heart of the woods. The rain was making its way through the tree branches, but it was much less than before.

*¨༺ Cassia ༻¨*

Posted 2023-01-01 00:24:47
(( Gonna go shower rq- Brb! ))

*¨༺ Cassia ༻¨*

Posted 2023-01-01 18:14:54
Jax heard someone coming from somewhere nearby and didn't want to get caught too much, crawling into a tree and up into some branches that were somehow still dry he had watched all around him for whoever it was, maybe it was Alice? But wouldn't she be calling his name or cell phone? It couldn't be Alice. Maybe a random hiker who got lost... Maybe. But still, they weren't too sure about the idea of getting caught just yet, for all he knew this could be some super psychopathic cereal killer. Maybe it was safer up in the trees. But soon enough he had seen someone, they were far enough from the house though for the strange person to even find where he lived. But this person seemed off... Why would someone be going into the forest at such a time in the rain?


Posted 2023-01-01 18:53:56
Sup! ^^ ))

I walked through the woods quietly, listening to the sounds around me. It was peaceful out here, and I was finally able to hear myself think. Unfortunately, all I could think about was what my mother would say once I got home. I stopped walking for a moment and took off my hood, feeling how my hair was slightly wet from the rain that had soaked through the fabric.
I reached down and pulled my phone out of my pocket, turning it on and going into my contacts. 'Calling : Ma'
"Hello?" I sighed, knowing this wouldn't go well. "Estella Lynn! Where have you been?" My mother shouted on the other end of the call, and I flinched slightly. "I just- I had to go see Mavis." I tried to make it sound legit, even though it was a downright lie. "Mavis?! Are you serious?! She's a waste of time, Estella. She's nothing but a stoner with no social life- She nearly failed her senior year, and I thought I told you to stop talking to her! She's a bad influence who's distracting you from your priorities." She reprimanded me. After several moments of silence, she spoke again. "Come home. Now." She demanded, and I clutched my phone in my hand as she spoke. ". . I don't know what I expected. You never listen." I mumbled, but she had obviously heard me. "Excuse me?!" She screeched, and I could hear her boyfriend in the background telling her to just let it go. I wasn't sure what to say at this point, so I just hung up. She called me back immediately, but I wasn't answering. I just turned off my phone completely.
My mother was always so infuriating. She's narrow-minded, selfish, and never supported me when I tried to make decisions for myself. I was so angry with her that I could barely handle it anymore. I turned and slammed my fist into the nearest tree, just needing something to take my anger out on.

*¨༺ Cassia ༻¨*

Posted 2023-01-01 22:32:41
[Sorry this is late been dealing with off-site drama and Modbox report :[ But hello!]

Jax listened to the person talking down below him on the ground, watching as he was in the tree's, at least he didn't have to breath, or he'd almost get heard, but the rain was drowning out most sounds so what would it matter anyways. To some extent, he missed being human. Knowing he'd look like this the rest of his life is a bit... overwhelming at times. A normal human life would be better, easier to meet people and fit in rather than having the senses to hide and only eat animals for blood and not meat itself as a human would. God how he missed his human life. There was still a lot for him to learn about his new form though so that could be some sort of pro to his new vampire form. But how would he ever be able to feel normal again?


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