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Writing for sc + gc

Writing for sc + gc
Posted 2022-12-23 08:40:51

In exchange for SC or GC I can offer small written stories and lore pieces.

I value 1 gc at 100 sc.

1 gc or 100 sc per 100 words.

Must be sent via gift upon ordering, must have a wolvden wolf you want lore for, and other general things (wolf's personality in-game, idea of what you want, how many words you want, ect.)

Minimum 100 words per order.

Example (from a travelling wolf I wrote a small blurb for upon arrival to my pack):

As the she-wolf approached the Snowfall Wintermoon Pack's territory in an attempt to find a safe space for her pups to live, piercing blue eyes met her gaze. It was the leader of the pack herself, Winter! "You have come all this way," started the bright white she-wolf with blue eyes, "You may rest now. I will not let anyone harm you." The tawny she-wolf felt at ease by the luna's words, feeling the soft nuzzle of Winter's nose in her fur, "Now you carry Snowfall Wintermoon's smell. Temporarily. My packmates will not harm you for the duration of your stay." The tawny she-wolf nodded, before the white she-wolf started heading into the territory, prompting the tawny she-wolf to follow. What a friendly pack.Word total (Traveller blurb): 130

I also offer traveller blurbs like the example for regular writing in the spoiler! However, this is exclusive to my pack. You will have to have a traveller ready and sent to my pack. The traveller will receive the blurb as soon as payment is sent, and will usually stay around 100-200 words (1-2 gc or 100-200 sc)
No longer active.

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