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πŸŽ… Christmas Giving! πŸŽ…

πŸŽ… Christmas Giving! πŸŽ…
Posted 2022-12-05 21:38:17 (edited)

Hiya friends! I'm after that tasty 100 gifts achievement, so if you want me to send you something, please write under here something good that's happened to you recently!

- You can't choose what you'll get, it'll either be a handful of SC, an herb, a food item or an amusement item.
- Be kind and patient! I'm running on Australian time and I have a toddler to care for.
- Please consider gifting others too!


Posted 2022-12-05 22:13:29 (edited)
I'll list here who I've gifted!

1. WhiteTiger #2763
2. LudayLane #88266
3. Kedo #75057
4. Moonwolf #46648
5. LunarEclipse #31339
6. Eden #10298
7. TipzyCat #31003
8. Wolfie #36396
9. JheydaMoon #73879
10. Felinea #5810
11. Xiaon #59517
12. ☽Senpha☾ #67675
13. Ursa #50472
14. πŸŒͺ Adeptus Xiao πŸŒͺ #11873
15. Aim #10588
16. Lucidity-Falls #92212
17. Nala #105770
18. Malkhaya #50096
19. Charlie P #32155
20. Skyler Strider #53030
21. Valvojana #103284
22. Skyguy123 #76886
23. Kacey #7849
24. WolfLover922 #12478
25. Kkiarnaa #84424
26. Hemokaii #86113
27. CrimsonBlaze #93087
28. Anna Beambomb #102204
29. BlueZora #3451
30. Khjion #107923
31. AStrangerOnline #95322
32. babciakocia #85467
33. shrub #220
34. Michi #102466


Posted 2022-12-06 05:16:49
Awoo!!I just got online today after a short break and I saw I got an albino puppy threw a raffle! I love it!!! I'll send ya something nice back <3

Posted 2022-12-06 14:26:59
For me I've been mentally feeling better. I haven't felt as down lately. Thats something good I would say

Posted 2022-12-06 20:06:40
For me, I won a competition and got to go to a field trip to the zoo with my teammembers, and I got to skip a day of school :D That's considered good.. Right?

Posted 2022-12-06 20:07:55 (edited)
Gifting! :P

Posted 2022-12-06 22:06:28
Getting to see friends
Anna Beambomb

Posted 2022-12-07 06:26:39
Something good that happened to me: Was on a trip and had really good weather today, so we could see a mountain very clearly (usually its cloudy) and take beautiful scenery shots. ^^
Gifting people here~

Posted 2022-12-07 08:58:26
My foreign bf booked his ticket to come visit me on Friday!
And gonna be gifting everyone so far!


Posted 2022-12-07 13:34:32
Hope you all have a good day/night! Howly christmas everyone


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