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Light It Up

Posted 2022-11-15 13:12:14
Vulture smiled as he took a gulp from his drink then went back to eating, their were mutters off those around them as they were being watched, the charmer looked up and glared at those staring and they soon looked down


Posted 2022-11-15 13:15:12
Buck just ignores everyone as he leans back in his chair with a relaxed sigh. He puts his hands behind his head as he waits for someone to begin him something to drink. Although he looks relaxed and bored, his eyes search around for a threat, a fight - hell, even something to eat or drink. He'd be fine with any of the three, if he was completely honest with himself.


Posted 2022-11-15 13:28:28
It didn't take long for Vulture to be approached by a rather pissed looking young woman
"Where's my brother?!"
She snapped, Vulture took a deep breath and peered up at her
"Oh so now you care? Hm I honestly don't believe you, O think you're looking for an excuse to talk to me..again"
He squinted as he tightened his grip around his drink, the female was quick to look off to the side
"Get away from him, you know better!"
A slender dark haired male approached the female and grabbed her by the upper arm, then pulled her away, but before vanishing into the crowd the man spat in Vulture's direction
"Oh joy"
The charmer rolled his eyes


Posted 2022-11-15 13:37:24
"Who was that?" He asks in genuine curiosity. He cannot help but feel that way, and he grins wryly. "Sorry if I should not have asked, but I am curious. You see... She reminded me of Kathleen."


Posted 2022-11-15 13:47:15
"Eehhh just a formed of this bitch I dumped years ago"
Vulture shrugged and spoke in a bored manner
"Also….my work partner, the guy at the barn..was her brother…"
A crooked smirked formed across his face, he chuckled darkly and finished up his drink, then got up and walked out the Saloon, he had eaten his food, so really he had no reason to stay for much longer


Posted 2022-11-15 13:51:38
"Well damn. I've only been with two people - Kathleen and her sister, Emma Lee"Buck lets out a oft chuckle as he shrugs good-naturedly as he receives his drink. He doesn't move from his seat, though, as Vulture leaves the Saloon.


Posted 2022-11-15 14:03:58
Vulture ventures out of town and finds his usual spot, an area with ragged rock shooting out from the earth which formed the perfect hiding spot. He laid down on his side and closed his eyes, he could hear people yelling at the other and felt a cool breeze blow through, he didn't move a muscle and soon fell asleep


Posted 2022-11-15 14:07:11
Thinking about Kathleen sends shivers down Buck's spine. Her skin was so soft, and her smell was so sweet. But he knew it wouldn't - couldn't - last. Not with Lance and the Sheriff and her father all rooting against the two. But Emma Lee... She was a different story. Her father would have allowed Buck to marry her, had she still been alive.

He closes his eyes and lets out a breath at the thought of her. It pisses him off that Lance had done those vile things to such a young and innocent being. If only Buck had known what he was planning... Then he would have asked her father if he could marry her. Then she'd still be alive - and she's be by his side.


Posted 2022-11-15 14:16:45
Vulture was sound asleep when his boss loomed over him and with a grunt decided to hog tie him. After a moment Vulture's eyes shot open but soon he squinted, he knew who was doing this, so when he was being dragged around he looked pissed more then anything. The brute kept dragging Vultjre around town and even made some pit stops, would pick up the rope he tied Vulture with and continued dragging him


Posted 2022-11-15 14:30:33
Buck is still in the saloon, until it's closing time and by then, he's drunk as a skunk as he wobbles to his home where he then falls asleep.


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