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Light It Up

Posted 2023-01-31 11:53:29
Vulture could hear the howling in the distance and his face saddens
"Damn, we just woke up and this IS NOT our day…"
He groaned and struggled to shift his body as he could rub his face into Buck's chest
"It's ok, you've seen how I react, now is my turn"
It took a bit but Vulture managed to pull his arm out so he could wrap his arm around Buck as he moved his head a little to listen closely for any sound


Posted 2023-02-01 06:26:15
Buck can't move - he tries, but he is paralyzed. His breathing quickens when the howling stops, then begins again in the forested area to their left. He looks at Vulture, and in this moment of weakness, his eyes are filled with obvious fear. "I hate this damn feeling!" He thinks to himself, knowing that he is weak.


Posted 2023-02-01 12:52:02
Vulture would move his head in the direction of the howling, he knew he had to get Buck away from the area, sadly howls can be heard miles away, with that said it's difficult to determine how close the beast is, but it's better to try moving Buck away, even if the sound can still be heard.
"Ok here we go"
Vulture would grunt out as he wiggled out from Buck's hold then grabbed him by the legs and started to drag him from the area. Fuck my back! I feel old….very old…., Vulture would think to himself as he used every once of strength to keep dragging Buck along.
"I understand how it is, but at least we're pulling you away…"
The charmer would grunt under his breath then stoped near a bush, the howling was growing feint from here, and that's what matters. Vulture would lay by Buck's side and wrap his limbs around him into a proctor hold, trying to provide comfort before dragging him along once more


Posted 2023-02-06 06:29:40
Buck hears the howls slowly fade away, and his body slowly un-numbs, leaving him shaking on the ground. Wrapping his arms tightly around Vulture again, he hates himself for being so weak. Mentally beating himself to a pulp, Buck lays on the ground with his eyes closed. Slowly his body untenses and he is able to let go of Vulture and sit up. Realizing dully that he had dragged him over here - to relative safety - Buck looks at Vulture. "Thank you..." He says, before cringing slightly. "I know I'm weak - I was always told that I was. I'm sorry that you had to drag me over here because of my fear." He whispers, half hoping that Vulture doesn't hear him.


Posted 2023-02-06 11:25:51
Viotrw would raise a brow at the words then without hesitation he made himself known by sitting on Buck's lap and grabbing his chin to force him to lock eyes with him
"Buck, you are not weak and after everything you've done for me, putting up with my shit, I think it's the least I could've done"
He spoke in bit of a stern tone, forcing Buck to hear him, to hear his words because Vulture knew that even the man he sits upon rejects his words, claim they are false, that they will still leave their mark and it makes a world of a difference.
"Besides, you made it clear since day one that we're together on this, we have to have eachother's back"
The charmer slowly cups Buck's face and gives him a deep, passion filled kiss before wrapping his arms around him, holding Buck close to his being
"I will say it again, you're not weak, it takes a strong man to admit his fears, and I'm the not the easiest person to handle either…."


Posted 2023-02-08 06:38:16
Buck looks up at Vulture, confusion on his face. He then wraps his along, dark tan arms around him. The sunlight that bathes the two of them in its golden rays warms him slowly. Nuzzling Vulture gently, he murmurs something to himself before he pulls back and looks up at Vulture, on his lap.

"I... I think we should get going. The sun will fade again." He says softly.


Posted 2023-02-08 10:59:49
Vulture slowly gets off of Buck's lap and gets up, peering around a little and rubbed his face a little, had he over stepped? He couldn't help but wonder, yet he knew why he said what he did, he never had anyone comfort him, he had been alone his whole but he was also being completely honestly with Buck. He couldn't help but feel a bit wounded that was Buck said, but knew better then to linger upon it
"So which direction are we heading?"
He asked after a moment as he peers down at Buck


Posted 2023-02-10 06:35:41
Looking towards the footsteps that had started before the... canine and equine fiasco, Buck finds the way they were headed. Not too great with directions, he nods his head when he smiles softly at Vulture, although it is obvious that his mind is elsewhere."North-east." He responds softly, and he picks up his pack again. He waits for Vulture, but he does not hesitate to take long strides.


Posted 2023-02-10 13:31:21
Vulture may be shorter then most but he had no problem keeping up with Buck, he had to jog a little at first but soon he was spinning around a little and doing various tricks with his blade, he truly was masterful with it and hummed something under his breath, mostly to keep himself out of Buck's way for the trip


Posted 2023-02-13 06:29:35
Buck feels slightly amused but he shakes his head and smiles softly. He shakes his head as he turns slightly further north. His feet have trekked this area so often that he could say that he knows almost all grains of sand in the area. But that wouldn't be a lie, because it is true.


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