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✦follow you forever✦ sci-fi ✦ semi-lit/lit

Posted 2020-10-30 12:51:11


M: Lincoln, Karma

Peculiar how the citizens hadn't sent out a distress signal. Considering her genocide, that is quite a surprise. It seems the UMDS members hadn't noticed her existence yet, which was lovely.  Perhaps she could escape with her life. 

This new knowledge had made her cocky. Drunk with enthusiasm and superiority, she slowly crept toward the warehouse, blood still dripping from her fresh wounds, a trail showing her movements clearly. She wandered through the large building, assuming the form which made her look unassuming, normal, not dangerous. She was just a wounded human, looking for solace from the frightening monster which had rampaged the nearby civilization. She had to say, this planet was very technologically advanced, although they were lacking in the weapons department. Pirates must be an issue for them. Especially with such a large warehouse to hold supplies and shipments. 

If only there weren't so many specimens surrounding her. She couldn't help herself. She was still starving. Sappho poked her head into a few different rooms, trying to find someone who was at least somewhat isolated. Then, she found it. Looking over shipments to be picked up. Alone. 

A slight smile broke out on her face, Sappho quickly stepped into the room, calmly walking toward the individual, who she assumed didn't know what was about to be their fate. However, what she didn't expect was how good screams happened to echo through the warehouse.

Like the absolute genius she is, she wanted to prolong the being's suffering for as long as possible, meaning that they had a very long frame of time to cry out for help. She didn't expect anyone to be able to hear though, the warehouse was large and she expected the screams to die out not too far from where she was. 

Unfortunately she was very wrong


Posted 2020-11-01 10:01:50 (edited)

Karma Kamaxus | UMDS | Mentions: Lincoln, Sappho

Her four eyes peered at the metal door before them, giving a curious look as the warm sunlight leaked into the ship, encasing the two as well as the interior surrounding them in the brightness. Karma merely offered a glance to Lincoln, whom was seemingly waiting for her to go first. She did just that, stepping down the ramp that had been laid out, giving the area a once over with her eyes while the ramp retracted and door closed shut after the two. The Lepaxian couldn't bare the thought of having to live in such a barren, hot landscape, regardless of how nice it currently was to have the rays of a sun beaming down on her form. And the anticipation to stretch her legs had not gone to waste, getting in a decent walk on the way to the warehouse building.

Karma turned her head towards her crewmate, and from his statement she softly cocked her head in curiosity giving it a short thought, "Maybe.. the datapad has more information on the exact whereabouts." she then offered. From there she let Lincoln lead her inside, Karma- once again took in their surroundings, with the occasional light tapping coming from her spider jaws touching together. She didn't notice Lincoln's look at her as she seemed intrigued with some of the tech they were passing at the time, it was when he approached on the workers did she tear her eyes away. At first, part of her wasn't expecting this world to be so technology advanced, it was impressive and she wouldn't mind learning the inner workings of some of the tech. But, alas, she was not in the place to do so. While her crewmate was talking with the stranger the Insectoid made her own time, by checking through the datapad she had been holding in her hands this long, for a code indicating what was there's or something, just something she had missed.

In the corner of one of her eyes did she see movement gesturing her, in response she looked up and saw whom was gesturing her to follow, following in suit with a bounce in her step further into the building a second later. Karma's form perked up upon reading new info and her walk became a steady trot, "So, apparently," she spoke as they turned the hall, "We were also given a identification number to know which shipment is exactly ours," she continued. "C4178. Or rather 4178 on row C." A small lipped smile tugged at her lips as they were right on track currently by the timer. As they turned into row C, it seemed like this was going to be a easy side-mission, Easy-pay-say she thought, or at least that's how she thought the saying went. No one had ever told her otherwise.

Prepared to put her multiple arms to good use, Karma turned off the datapad to return it to one of the packs on her belt, afterwards she faced their section containing the shipment and started to do her fair share of lifting. Karma waited a moment for Lincoln to get the rest off of the shelves, then turned back to start stalking back out into the halls. But what was going smoothly, was soon to be disrupted. Breaking through the sounds of machinery was a sudden sharp cry echoing throughout the walls somewhere nearby, particularly the hall of which they hadn't entered, and that's actually where Karma's form had almost immediately whipped towards in a wide, alert stance. Her head cocked briefly looking down the hallway, she growled lowly looking at the things she has in her arms before sitting them aside in a stack. Was she going to see what was going on? Of course. She'd be lying if she said she wasn't curious as to what happened, besides, isn't this sort of thing in the job description to check out? She couldn't recall at the moment, but assumed as such given how much she was told "defend" and to "protect" when she got in the UMDS. It would take too long to get someone to help their fellow worker anyway. Her long legs were once again in her favor as she sprinted into action, not failing to spare a quick glance to Lincoln. Oh, how curious, I heard nothing fall- Karma's thought was interrupted as she had skid to a halt at the side of the door after hearing shuffling inside the room as she approached the door, it was then she looked back again to see if Lincoln had decided to follow suit, motioning with her lower set of arms she implied that she was going to head inside. By blatantly jabbing her thumbs towards herself, then the open doorway.

It was what inside that she was not expecting. A humanoid- specifically human out of all creatures, being the cause of the apparent workers distress. Karma's head went back a bit and so did her shoulders, her widened eyes soon softened as her head went forward some with a tilt. The surprise followed by intrigue, was brought short however by the thought crossing her mind that they had to take this person down, the human would not be allowed to terrorize anyone else by UMDS standards, or... someones moral standards. That too. But for Karma; at that moment it was more so, "All right. Time to do my job." than honest to goodness, "This is uncalled for! This person must be stopped. I can not -insert the rest of the heroic speech-". Though what of the timer? The thought rang in her head, looking mildly conflicted. Krat She mentally cursed, giving off a lipped frown. Regardless, taking action she obviously decided, "Hell yeah, let's beat the meat off of this person. I don't want us to get fired." and thus started her steady approach.


Posted 2020-11-01 15:13:45

This is so bad why’d I take so long making this aaaaaaa

Fun fact: the second half of this was typed while crying so I had to go back and fix things once done crying


UMDS mechanic | m: Trench [dir.], Rogacz [dir.], Mothership [dir,], others [ind.]

The familiar sounds of chatting, footsteps, and machinery surround the homokiwaedus gacuvier, the sound of machinery being loudest and most prominent as they're always in proximity. The low whirring engines sputter occasionally, a sign that there's an issue somewhere inside the tank. These types of issues are rather bothersome, and despite being a mechanic Anemoia would rather tend to other places of the ship than remain near the engines pampering them repair after repair. It's tedious work, correcting bolts, adjusting screws, and assuring any plates do not come loose. However when it comes to issues with the tank, it's a job he heavily dislikes. The smell of the gasoline fuel, strong and nauseating to their sensitive nose, was notable around the lower left engine, which meant that there's a leak in the tank. With a frown engraved on their face, the tall being steps closer towards the possible source of the strong stench. Upon first examination it’s difficult to discover the exact area of the leak. Underneath the lower side of the engine a small puddle of fuel could be seen with an occasional drop creating ripples every few seconds. This isn’t good news, and surely doesn’t simplify their problem either. 

At the moment, they were nearly so lost in thought they almost forgot they had landed on Planet E-420. The occasional snickers others gave when mentioning the name was just as ridiculous as the name they gave the Mothership-which they chose to shorten and refer to as BBS. Turning from the engine, the tall alien makes their way towards the main room of the ship before making a turn towards the doorway that leads outside onto the foreign mass populated by vegetation. The amount of vegetation visible is rather alarming as it might indicate there could be other life forms, however with such a thrive in plantlife there might not be many herbivorous life forms. Not far from them was the robotic form of Trench, focused and monotone as always. When spoken to by the familiar robotic voice, Anemoia folds their hands behind their back before beginning to reply. “Currently we have a leak in the lower engine, as well as issues with running them. Upon a quick investigation the leak is internal, and I am uncertain as to how serious it is. I can only approximate that it’ll take a day or two to fix it if it is a small issue. If the leak is far more serious, it will be far more difficult to determine an estimated time.” Anemoia spoke professionally, no tinge of emotion able to be hinted in their tone.

A small form leapt onto their back, causing Anemoia to hunch over a bit before moving their hands to reach for who they could only assume was Rogacz judging by the uncontrollable giggling. The squeals of the small alien were annoying, causing them to seethe as they grit their teeth. “I am aware we are here, Rogacz, now may you get your disgusting small hands off of my suit?” They scowl with a sour tone. The small botanist was far too energetic for his age, as well as fairly immature. What allowed the small thing to even find an interest in them was something Anemoia was still struggling to see. The mention of a non-hostile life form caught a bit of his attention, however the previous mention of it helping them was distasteful. “Non-hostile life form,, is it any bit native to E-420? If not, I’d rather not see it near me or my workspace.” They scoff as the small alien leaps off of their back. Straightening their back once more, hands refolded behind their back, Anemoia takes a step forward onto the ground of E-420, looking around at the vegetation while the hyper Rocagz runs around him. 

The different types of vegetation were interesting to see, being different types of hues, sizes, and shapes. The temptation to retrieve extra samples for examination and possible experimentation was high, however they must refrain from such an urge until they are certain the “coast is clear.” Perhaps Rogacz could come to use as he’s the botanist and is required to take samples for examination. However, it cannot be mentioned now as Trench is nearby. Turning to face Trench, Anemoia observes as he, as well as Rocagz, approach the unidentified ship. Frowning, they choose to remain behind. The ship isn’t their concern, nor is the life form present in them. Turning around, they begin to approach one of the plants. Pulling out their gloves, Anemoia puts them on and squats before closely examining the plant form. They avoid touching it as Rocagz will have to identify if it’s poisonous or not, however examination isn’t prohibited. With a huff after a few minutes, Anemois rises and begins to make their way back to the BBS. The engine will need some tampering with, and only they are qualified for the job.


Posted 2020-11-01 17:55:30

Sydney Sisson | Rogue | M: Rogacz

It probably wasn't the best look to be sitting motionless in her ship while the UMDS started to get out and do rounds. If she was curious about them, they were certainly curious about her. Most ships didn't stalk after the UMDS out of fear that they might get obliterated or arrested or something. She had heard rumors from your usual over dramatic space traveler that the UMDS were secretly bad people, and that HIVE was completely made up so they could have an excuse for doing "bad things." What these bad things the system apparently did was always left out, the closest thing that could be considered "bad" being wiping out invasive or harmful plant life. 

She never found a refueling station that didn't have at least one alien that was a little loose in the head and convinced there was something more to those space defenders. "Always watch 'em, those Universe Defenders or whatever. They're up to something suspicious."  Now, usually Sydney always assumed that every alien was suspicious, but out of all of them the UMDS seemed most organized and trustworthy. She wouldn't trust that group if her life depended on it, mind you, but if she had to trust someone out here, they would probably be the ones.

Sydney was already dressed in her spacesuit, having done so before she entered the atmosphere. This left the simple task of unburying her gun out from the storage compartment she usually had it stuffed in. 

The old thing was considered ahead of its time back on Earth. 'Could cut a man clean in half,' they'd boasted. If she tried hard enough it could do the same to trees and small rocks. It didn't shoot bullets - rather, it was your average science-fiction lasergun. Just. In a material form, and being at her disposal. She'd soon learned after a few years in space that her gun was nothing  compared to what those aliens had. Funny how on Earth she was in control of the most powerful and advanced technology, while out here she had what was considered primitive.

Sydney's fingers slid over a few buttons. The hatch above her flew open, allowing her to jump out. 

She clearly hadn't noticed the tiny creature trying to jump inside until she almost landed on him.


Posted 2020-11-02 09:29:35


Mentions: Karma(dir.)

Sappho lifted her head when she felt another presence within the room. She turned her head quickly, staring at Karma eerily. Her unblinking gaze was cold and curious about the new lifeform which stood in front of her. She had never seen someone of such an appearance, her head tilting slightly so she could get a better look at the humanoid which stood in front of her. She quickly rose to her feet, walking toward Karma and circling her, showing no intentions of harming the UMDS member. 

Her eye widened in fascination, seeing Karma’s extra limbs and such, her focus gathering on the mandibles which protruded from her face. She took a moment before imitating them herself, the sudden growths feeling unnatural to her as she wiggled them around a bit, a bit of gore still dripping from her face. She slowly began imitating the rest of Karma’s appearance, until she was basically a spitting image of her. Of course, her outfit remained the same and her horrid scars remained on her face. 


She had never seen a member of Karma’s species before, fascinated by her appearance. She could only assume what Karma could do, what her diet was, everything. She was now completely distracted from the partially consumed carcass, possibly the fifth one she had abandoned that day. Any fear of being captured was replaced by intrigue, forgetting completely that Karma most likely wanted to kill her. 

Sappho slowly had her form return to what she previously looked like, opening her mouth briefly although no sound escaped. She remained eerily silent, apart from her somewhat raspy breathing. Her footsteps were light and gentle, like she was basically floating across the floor. 


Posted 2020-11-05 01:05:50


M: Ming

The last thing Apepi desired, was aforementioned stranger bursting out the stall and swaying drunkenly over to the sink. They watched curiously, unsure of what to do. Apepi had been frozen in place, and as much as they wanted to leave, it was like they were watching a nature documentary of the wild drunken alien, and it had gotten to a part where they just couldn't tear their eyes away. The soldier glanced anxiously to their hand that was pressing on the door, then back to the intoxicated woman. Her hands were shaking so much, it seemed like that martini glass was holding on for dear life in her twirling fingers. Like clockwork, it dropped from her palms, and rolled towards the tip of Apepi's boot.

They rocked their weight onto the back of their heels, right about to turn out again, but this time, the stranger had caught their attention once more. Apepi grimaced when she shouted at them, causing them to look up slowly and watch her hands make grabbing motions towards the glass. Their mouth dropped open slightly, trying to gauge what she was saying, then looking down to the glass. A pit was swallowed in their throat. Succumbing to the drunk stranger's orders, they bent down slowly, and grasped the stem of the glass between two thin fingers. Every movement they made was slow, like they were expecting her to pop out of her drunkenness and attack at any moment.

Apepi begrudgingly held the glass out to the woman, leaning their torso away, but straining their arm forward to close the distance between the two. Their mouth dropped open again, this time trying to ask if she were okay, but the words, "Are you…?" were the only ones emitted in small, quiet bubbles. This isn't worth it…


Posted 2020-11-05 07:49:47 (edited)


Ming blinks, a nonsensical giggle slipping out into the silence. Well, as silent as it could be in a club bathroom. Gods above, it sure had been a long time since someone had asked her that. Or at least she assumed the figure in front of her was asking if she was okay. They couldn't quite get it out, but that was okay because Ming was very good at extrapolating. She was also very good at completely making shit up so there was every chance the stranger was not, in fact, asking her the dreaded question. Are you okay? Gods, she sure hoped not. Nobody who was okay did this to themself every night. It would be quite a letdown if there wasn't actually a reason she wanted to drown her spirit out with cocktails and cheap wine. Are you okay?  No, no she wasn't but this wasn't the kind of dirty laundry you just aired to strangers out on the streets. No matter how handsome this particular stranger seemed to be. Ming inhales a new round of laughter and doesn't quite manage to stop herself from snorting at this bizarrely compassionate stranger in the dirty, stinking bathroom of a random downtown club. A smile, somewhat rusty but distantly brilliant tips at the corners of her lips. She grasps the thin neck of the martini glass and attempts to get all of her wandering eyes focused on the stranger. She wants to remember this ,,, this,,, Ming loses her train of thought. The stranger is looking less strange by the second once four of her eyes finally focus on the figure and it only takes a slight headache forming for her to get the rest of her eyes there too. She's been told it's incredibly unnerving to have her full attention but at the moment all Ming can think about-

Her eyes roll back in her head and she passes out. Her last thought is that she hopes to whatever god is listening that she didn't just completely flash her undergarments at the weirdly caring stranger by the door.

Alpha Frost

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