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A few tooltips to avoid confusion for new players

A few tooltips to avoid confusion for new players
Posted 2022-11-11 06:50:53
Hello! I apologize if I use incorrect terminology in this thread, I'm new, but I wanted to make this thread before I forget why/that these were problems for me in the first place!

For the most part, the tutorials on this game give you a good idea of how to play! however, since some areas and quests are locked until a specific amount of rollovers have passed, and there is no official indication of that on-site, it leaves you in the dark and confused on those areas.

When you go to the enclave, there is a footnote at the bottom of the page that reads "To adopt a puppy, you must have pairbonds unlocked! This requires completion of the quest A Pair Of Lovers, which unlocks after 30 rollovers of gameplay." What I'm suggesting, is that players who haven't unlocked herbalism and pup training(as well as other areas before the quest is started/completed on the first day)  get redirected to a similar tooltip related to the area when they click on it, in the same way when you click on a link to the raffle stud, it says you cannot access the region until your lead is level 10.

On top of that, in the forums, you cannot comment for 3 rollovers, there is no indication of this anywhere at all, when you click on the chatroom, you get a message that reads "Sorry, you cannot access this page, your account is still new"(paraphrased) I would like the same tooltip at the bottom of forum posts in the same area as the message you get on a locked thread.

I hope I worded this cohesively! let me know if there is any confusion.


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